come back

  • na.回来;想起来;〔口语〕复原;归
  • 网络恢复;回来吧;回想起来

第三人称单数:comes back 现在分词:coming back 过去式:came back

come backcome back

come back


初中英语短语大全 ... year 明年 42.come back 回来 43.listen to music 听音乐 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... come across (偶然)遇见(或发现) come back 回来,想起来 come down 落,下来 ...


高一英语必修一词... ... 154.beg for 乞求;要求 156.come back 回忆起来;恢复;回来 158.encourage do sth. 鼓 …


大热唱片2(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 03 只有爱 Only love 04 回来吧(原创) Come back 05 史卡布罗市集 Scarborough fair ...


PET2词汇表1 - elinor的日志 - 网易博客 ... come vi. 来,到来;出现;成为 come back 回来,复原 come down 落下来 ...


七年级下册英语单词 ... stand up 站起,站立;起立 come back 回来;回想起来 lie v. 说谎;躺;平放;位于; n.谎言 ...


考博英语词汇 ... come across (无意中)碰到,找到,想到 come back 回到原来的(地方,话题等);突然想起; come down 下降…


外研社人教版初二下册英语书课文_百度知道 ... go back 回到,返回 come back 回来,归来 be back 回到 ...

Until that 'no-chance situation' comes, it is up to us to move forward - or to come back in my case. 直到“没机会的情况”来临时,我会判断是前进还是退回。
He said that he would come back in a year. 他说他一年以后回来。他说他一年以后回来。
Last time, we said goodbye right here. Grandma asked me to come back for supper, but I said no. Nobody had known that would be it. 上一次,就是在这里道的别,外婆让我晚上再回去吃饭,我说不去了。当时,谁也不知道这便是用永诀。
His heart, which had seemed to be gone forever, had now come back into his chest and was pounding loudly. 他那颗似乎已经永远停滞的心现在又回到了他的胸腔,并且又开始怦怦地跳动起来。
We wanted him to go up and get a taste for what it is like at a top club like Liverpool then come back and get his head down again. 我们希望他能够去像利物浦这样的顶级联赛球队里亲身感受一下,回来的时候能够对自己保持清醒的认识。
The tailor measured him and said, "Come back in a week, and--if Allah wills--your shirt will be ready. " 裁缝为他量体之后说,“过一星期再来,如果安拉允许,你的衬衫到时就会做好了。”
We sat there impatiently waiting for her to come back to life. 我们坐那里焦急地等着她苏醒过来。
We felt lethargic . Hence, we decided to go back to the hotel and to come back here again the next day. 我们真的非常地累。所以,我们打算今天就到此为止,明天再来过。
"He said he would come back with big money, " said Jo Yon Rip, 64, about her twin brother, Jo Gun Min, who disappeared in 1968. 赵延立(音)的孪生兄弟赵勤民(音)1968年失踪了。过了日子,军方送来通知说,他已在某地“阵亡”。
Let me come back to the beginning to end this presentation. 让我会到演讲开始的时候来结束这次演讲。
I fought my fear by telling myself you'd come back someday and trying to think of the first thing I'd say to you when I saw you again. 我与我的恐惧战斗,我告诉看书某天你会回来。设法第一件事当我再看您。
We would love to see Yao Ming come back and play and stuff like that, but he's got to get his feet healthy. That's a tough thing. 我们都希望看到姚明重新回归队中,重振当年雄风,但他需要让自己的脚恢复健康。
We could wait for her to come back to see if she wants us to know. 我们可以等她回来看看她是否愿意告诉我们。
Today, my girlfriend and I got into a huge fight. She kicked me out of the apartment and told me to never come back. 今天,我和女友大吵了一架,她把我赶出门外,让我永远也别回来了。
One day, there was a pouring rain. Her mother did not come back after supper time. 有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还没有回来。
His wife back home for a week does not come back you do not want to, not Valentine's day, she'll call you: Where do I had? 妻子回了娘家一个星期不回来你也不想,情人三天不见你就给她打电话:上哪去了?
I fought my fear by telling myself you'd come back someday and trying to think of the first thing I'd say when I saw you again. 为了战胜恐惧我不停地对自己说你有一天会回来的,我不断地想着当我再见到你时要跟你说的第一句话。
But every once in a while, there was still a patient convinced that he was sick, and he'd come back. And my dad had a third jar of pills. 但是时不时地,还是会有一个病人第三次回来,觉得他还是有病,这次我爸爸就会拿出他的第三个药罐。
Mr. Thornton: I shall treasure it, as well as your father's memory. He was a good friend to me. So you are going. And never come back? 桑顿先生:我会好好珍惜它的。我也会怀念你父亲的。他是我的良师益友。那你确实要离开,不再回来了吗?。
Why we decided to put off the meeting was that our headmaster hadn't come back from Beijing. 我们之所以决定推迟会议,是因为我们的校长在北京尚未回来。
And then we, kind of, come back together again, and come back looking for that sort of solution, and developing that solution. 接着,我们又回来,回来寻找解答,并发展那个解答。
Lifetime in nothing but a chance while Ni measure this chance at have no any excuse come and go come back this section emotion too! 一生中只有一个机会当妳措施了这个机会在也没有任何藉口来往回这段感情了!
You don't know how much lucky I'm felling now that you've come back to me. 伱卟知道此时此刻,峩有多庆幸,你又再度回到峩的身边。
The children are hopeful that their parents will come back in time on New Year Eve and set out to earn money for the reunion dinner. 孩子们期待父母能在除夕前回家,于是努力工作赚钱,以准备一顿丰盛的团圆饭。
When your brother is no longer angry with you and forgets what you did to him, I'll send word for you to come back from there. 你哥哥向你消了怒气,忘了你向他所做的事,我便打发人去把你从那里带回来。
He said he would come back the next day. 他说他第二天回来
She has not scolded the child like this "do not talk tosh" , but said, " OK, do not forget to come back! " 她没有骂他“小孩子不要胡说”这样的话,而是说:“好,不要忘记回来喔!”
But if you think, as some of these companies do, that their business will come back pretty quickly, laying people off is just a nutty idea. 但是,就像有些公司那样,如果业务会很快恢复,裁员就是愚蠢的想法了。
I was still hoping that she would come back and give me another fifty francs' worth. But time dragged on and there was no sign of her. 我仍希望她会回来,给我另外五十法郎的货,可是时间一分一秒过去了,仍不见她的踪影。
I'm glad to hear that, but I would like you to come back in six months. 我很高兴听到这个消息,不过我希望你六个月之后再来一趟。