
美 [kʌt]英 [kʌt]
  • adj.像刀割似的;刺骨的;切得动的;讽刺的
  • n.伤口;划口;(锋利物留下的)开口;缩减
  • v.切;割;割破;划破
  • 网络切工;切割(cutting);剪切

第三人称单数:cuts 现在分词:cutting

cut hair,cut finger,cut price,cut rate,cut cake
drastically cut,severely cut


v. n.


1.[t][i]切;割;割破;划破to make an opening or a wound in sth, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors

用刀切下remove with knife

2.[t](用刀等从某物上)切下,割下to remove sth or a part of sth, using a knife, etc.

3.[t]~ sth (in sth)切成;割成;剪成;削成;凿成to make or form sth by removing material with a knife, etc.


4.[t](用刀等将某物)切成,割成to divide sth into two or more pieces with a knife, etc.

头发、指甲、草等hair/nails/grass, etc.

5.[t]剪短;修剪to make sth shorter by cutting


6.[t](割断绳子、某物等)让(某人)逃跑,释放to allow sb to escape from somewhere by cutting the rope, object, etc. that is holding them


7.[t][usupass]~ sth + adj.剪裁to design and make a piece of clothing in a particular way

可切割;可被切割able to cut/be cut

8.[i]可用于切割;能切割to be capable of cutting

9.[i]可被切割to be capable of being cut


10.[t]削减;缩减;裁减to reduce sth by removing a part of it


11.[t]~ sth (from sth)删剪;删节to remove sth from sth


12.[i][t]~ (sth)剪切to delete (= remove) part of a text on a computer screen in order to place it somewhere else


13.[t](informal)~ sth(让人停止做某事)used to tell sb to stop doing sth


14.[t]~ sth断绝(关系);终止(沟通)to completely end a relationship or all communication with sb

电影;电视in movie/TV

16.[i]停止拍片(或录音、录像)to stop filming or recording

17.[i]~ (from sth) to sth切换画面;转换to move quickly from one scene to another

旷课miss class

18.[t](informal)~ sth旷(课);缺(课);逃学to stay away from a class that you should go to


19.[t]~ sb(从感情上)伤害to hurt sb emotionally

纸牌游戏in card games

20.[i][t]~ (sth)(为决定谁先出牌等)切牌,抽牌to lift and turn up a pack/deck of playing cards in order to decide who is to play first, etc.


21.[t]~ sth(与另一条线)相交to cross another line

牙齿a tooth

22.[t]~ a tooth开始长(新牙)to have a new tooth beginning to appear through the gum

激光唱片等a disc, etc.

23.[t]~ a disc, etc.灌制(唱片);制作(激光唱片等)to make a recording of music on a record, CD, etc.


大多数含 cut 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 cut your losses 在词条 loss 下。Most idioms containingcut are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplecut your losses is atloss .

cut and run

急忙逃走;撒腿就跑to make a quick or sudden escape

(not) cut it

(不)如预想的一般好;(不)像所需要的那么好to (not) be as good as is expected or needed




切割Cut)为主题的成语索引 《英文成语典故》电子书 软件等级: 软件大小: 10.6M 软件语言: 简体中文 整理时间: 2011-06-…


xhEditor进阶使用 - xhEditor技术手册 ... Fullscreen: 切换全屏模式 Cut剪切 Copy: 复制 ...

字典中 掠 字的解释 ... (7) 拂过[ brush] (9) 伐;砍[ cut] (10) 梳理[ comb] ...


ubuntu 工作区切换快捷键设置 - lexus - 博客园 ... Select all 全选 Cut 剪下 Copy 复制 ...

Democrats and Republicans are still at odds over how much spending should be cut to fund the government for the next six months. 关于未来六个月应削减多少政府支出,民主党和共和党仍然存在分歧。
He gave warning that some unspecified government programmes might have to be cut. 他未提名地警告,某些政府计划不得不削减。
It seems John Key has called on the pixies at the bottom of his garden to pay for his tax cut package. 约翰基看来非得祈求神仙相助为他这份减税套餐买单不可了。
Instead, he took a huge cut in salary and rolled up his former international shirtsleeves for the fight. 但是,他大副降薪卷起他的前国家队袖子来跟球队并肩作战。
He knew how to cut a dress, a jacket and a pair of pants with the best of them, but that was not enough for him. 他知道如何完美地剪裁出一条裙子、一件夹克和一条裤子,但这对他来说是远远不够的。
But a daily tipple did not cut the odds of heart disease in women, according to the findings reported in the British Medical Journal. 但发表在英国医学期刊上的研究结果显示:女人每天喝点酒不会减少心脏病的发病风险。
I'm sure the managers of such establishments welcome any Law of Attraction practitioner trying to take a short cut to wealth. 我相信赌场老板肯定很欢迎这种类型的魅力法则实践者在赌场练手,等于给自己找了几条快速的生财之道。
Will: Cut it out. . . but that was really cool. . . and I really like this song. 威尔:少肉麻了……不过那真酷……我真的很喜欢这首歌。
It says there is "no question" of any rollback on its policy because ending fuel subsidies is essential to cut its budget deficit. 说,不撤销加价政策,取消燃油补贴是削减财政赤字的关键。
Just a minute, sir. I'll cut it for you. 稍等一分钟,先生,我会帮你切开的。
If you don't feel the losses , if they don't hurt you and humble you, that's when you know you're not cut out for this kind of work . 如果你无动于衷,如果你不再为病人的离去感到难过,那才是你不能做医生的时候。
She told me that she was not happy with the job, as she didn't think she was cut out to be a businesswoman. 她告诉我她对这件工作不喜欢,因为她不认为自己可以成为一个女商人。
If you're trying to cut $10, 000 out of a budget and you come up with an idea that saves $100, the impact is relatively low. 如果你是想节省预算一万元,而这个方案只能省100元,那它的影响就相对很低。
Send her a basket of violets, or a huge bunch of white and purple lilacs for her bedroom, in a Baccarat cut crystal vase. 送她的紫罗兰,或白,她的卧室一束紫丁香巨大的篮子,在百家乐切割水晶花瓶。
However, god as if blame you cut thick bang for your general under a curse, he in a flash intangible let you changed. 然而,上帝仿佛责怪你剪去厚刘海一般为你下了一道无形诅咒,他在一瞬间让你变了样。
Think how much it hurt the cows to have their tongues cut out! 想想牛被割掉舌头是多么痛苦吧!
The causes are the non-parametric parts of semi-parametric model make some adjustment and thus to cut down on the errors of the model. 究其原因,半参数模型的非参数分量起到了调整作用,降低了模型估计误差。
All countries that have defaulted since the mid-1970shad their grade cut to junk by ratings agencies at least a year beforehand. 自20世纪70年代以来,所有违约国家至少在违约之前的一年,信用评级就被评级机构调到了垃圾的级别。
So a strong deal was cut: if you change those rules you've got to compensate us for the investments we've already made. 于是就签订了一个非常严格的协议:如果你要改变规则,你就得赔偿我们已经付出的投资。
It seems that they might have used sharpened stone tools to cut up the animals and remove their skin. 他们似乎是用锋利的石具割开动物,取走它们的皮。
Then would come the question of strategy, for without a clear-cut strategic orientation many things are difficult to deal with. 再就是战略问题,没有明确的战略方针,好多事情都不好办。
Look at the sky and the clouds drifting away quietly, the wind across the soft, bird wings, cut off a cold rain salty. 看天空,云静静的飘过,风轻轻的划过,飞鸟的翅膀,剪落一阵冰凉的咸咸的雨。
'That in itself is no easy task since a lot of us aren't a clear- cut type, but often a mixture of two or more. ' 这本身就不容易,因为大多数人的身材并不是单一类型,而是两种或更多种身材的混合体。
That summer I got a gold locket for my birthday and cut out a heart-shaped portrait of my dad to wear inside. 那年夏天,我拿到了生日礼物,一只黄金的挂在项链下的小盒子。我剪下了爸爸的心形的画像放在里面佩戴着。
If we were to cut down the number of choices available to us, initially we may not find it all that appealing. 假如我们削减了现有选择的数量,一开始,我们可能并不觉得这样做很明智。
Once you know the size each square needs to be, use a setsquare to cut out a piece of card this size - this will be your template. 一旦你知道了每个方块需要的尺寸,用三角板在硬卡纸上裁剪出这样大小的纸片,这将是你的模型。
Michael got back on the boat and tried to cut the net off the whale with a small knife. 迈克尔回到船上,试图用一把小刀把捆住鲸鱼的网给割开。
Her hand was cold and there was a scar on her wrist, as if something had cut her skin a long time ago. 她的手腕上有一道疤,好像是很早以前被什么东西割破的。
Beckham denied that Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon is trying to cut his wages as part of a new contract . 贝克汉姆否认皇马的主席罗曼•科尔德隆试图在新合同中削减他的工资。
The same thing would happen if you were to treat in the same way a Triangle, or Square, or any other figure cut out of pasteboard. 如果你以同样的方法,用一个从硬纸板上剪下的三角形或正方形做实验,相同的事情会再次发生。