
美 [daɪ]英 [daɪ]
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  • 网络弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury);检测(Dynamic ARP Inspection)



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弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury)

弥漫性轴索损伤DAI)由Adams等 [1] 于1982年正式命名,是头部伤致死和致残的重要原因。现对其临床和影像学资料 …

检测(Dynamic ARP Inspection)

思科 Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)在交换机上提供IP地址和MAC地址的绑定, 并动态建立绑定关系.DAI 以 DHCP Snooping绑 …

They might have got through comparatively unscathed, as did the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ni, a similar plant farther along the coast. 他们可能会安全地通过,进入这个离海岸线比较远的工厂里,并顺利地关闭福岛的核反应堆。
In her talks with Dai, Clinton stressed the U. S. desire to see tensions between Japan and China ease. 官方消息称,在与戴的谈话中,克林顿强调美国希望日本和中国的矛盾能够缓和。
My family used to call me Dai Ba Pang (Big White Biscuit), a popular Chinese flat cake that looks a bit like a round, white focaccia. 我的家人过去常常叫我戴八胖(大白色饼干),中国非常受欢迎的平的蛋糕看上去又有点圆,白色富卡香。
Dai pointed out that against the backdrop of the deepening globalization, the fate of nations has never been so closely linked. 戴秉国指出,当今世界,全球化深入发展,各国的命运从未如此紧密相连。
Yanjian was a strong and brave young man who fight off the enemies of Dai and respected by his fellowman. 岩尖是个英勇刚强的青年,他曾率领傣族人民打败过敌人,赢得了傣族乡亲的爱戴。
Dai area is originally Dai-Rong ethic group region. It had been under Zhao state's rule during the Warring States Period. 代地原本是代戎活动的区域,战国时期一直处于赵国的治下。
Therefore, as Dai said, the subject, though not very new, but the study of the paper very "system clear" (this book "Preface" ). 因此正如戴仁所言,这一课题虽然不是很新鲜,但本文的研究非常“系统而清晰”(本书《卷首语》)。
We have to get out of here. Princess Dan Yang, you have to take him to the cold palace to meet concubine Dai. 我们得从这走了。公主殿下,你把他带到冷宫去看他母亲吧。
On Sunday Chinese diplomat State Councillor Dai Bingguo warned Tokyo to make a "wise political decision" over the matter. 星期天中国国务委员戴秉国警告东京在此次事件上要做出“明智的政治决定”
She was helping Professor Dai lay the table, and, when she looked over, the older woman paired the chopsticks without meeting her eyes. 思玉帮母亲摆放碗筷,她抬起头来的时候,老太太正在给筷子配对,避开了她的眼睛。
She had no right to feel let down, Siyu thought. Nevertheless, it disappointed her that Professor Dai had not told him much about her. 思玉想自己无权感到被鄙视,然而她对戴教授没有把自己的情况告诉他感到很失望。
Unlike Ruan, Hu was eventually able to overcome the slanders of the press and lead a normal life with her husband after Dai passed away. 与阮玲玉不同的是,胡蝶最终摆脱了流言蜚语的压力,在戴笠死后,与丈夫团聚,过着平静的生活。
"In fact, what I need is only a small, quiet space of my own, " said Dai. 他表示:“我实际上需要的仅仅是一个不大的,宁静的独立空间。”
So during this holiday, just a spare time, go back and do not delay learning, Shunpian Dai something. 因此在这长假期间,刚好有空余时间,回去也不耽误学习,顺便带一些东西。对于失约对不起。
Dai: This makes it easy to get caught up in the superficial level. 戴卓群:这样很容易迷恋在一些很表层的东西上。
But, as you can see, besides an impressive Buddhist pagoda and a beautiful Dai girl, there's not a sign of her here. 不过,你看,这里除了一座漂亮的佛塔和一位美丽的傣族姑娘之外,哪有她的影子。
Dai said that bilateral relations have been developing smoothly, despite great changes that have taken place in the international situation. 戴秉国说,几十年来尽管国际形势发生很大变化,但两国关系始终向前发展。
Why glasses Dai Jiu, does the eye seem to meet a bit sunken the feeling that go down? 为什么眼镜戴久了,眼睛好像会有点凹下去的感觉?
a group of Dai girls who came on his shoulders, small spinning wheel, carrying a small lantern, a trailing skirt in the wind. 一群傣族少女姗姗走来,肩上扛着小纺车,手里提着小灯笼,紧身拖曳的筒裙在随风摇摆。
Earlier in the week, Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo told the conference one of his country's top priorities is to develop the economy. 本周早些时候,中国国务委员戴秉国在会上说中国的第一要务是发展经济。
Dai: As you spoke of A Dream of Red Mansion, I thought of a novel Smoke and Cloud in Beijing written by Lin Yutang. 戴:你说到《红楼梦》,我就想到我最近在看林语堂的一本小说《京华烟云》。
The game is introduced: Xishuangbanna beautiful, graceful Dai girl, is coming up to you stepping on beautiful Dai dance step leisurely. 游戏介绍:美丽的西双版纳,婀娜多姿的傣家姑娘,踏着优美的傣族舞步款款向你走来。
Fitted with lights and a pump-powered washbasin, Dai's home relies on electricity from the solar panel on its roof, as well as a battery. 据了解,这件小屋里装有电灯、抽水式面盆,依靠屋顶的太阳能板和一块电池供电。
Under this kind of cultural influence, the temple landscape of Dai Buddhism is different from that of Han Buddhism. 在这种文化影响下,傣族佛寺园林与汉传佛教的佛寺园林迥然。
Dai said the UN played an irreplaceable role in upholding multilateralism and dealing with global challenges. 戴秉国说,联合国在践行多边主义,应对全球性挑战方面发挥着难以替代的作用。
It had taken two years for Professor Dai to cross the courtyard and ask Siyu about the thick volume that she had been reading every day. 等到戴教授有一天穿过院子来到思玉面前,问她每天在看的厚厚一本是什么书时,那已经是两年以后的事情了。
However, from a purely academic point of view, Dai is still no business of the office this article. 但是,从纯学术的角度出发,戴仁此文仍不无可商之处。
Dai said the relic management bureau issued a circular on Wednesday calling for the relocation of Zhu's plant. 代锋说,周三文物管理局下达通知,要求朱建平的厂移址。
Meanwhile, Mr. Dai said, the yuan and other currencies of emerging economies will eventually become international currencies. 戴相龙说,与此同时,新兴经济体货币国际化会明显加快,特别是人民币国际化将有序推进。
Since the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant is to be decommissioned, Japan will need new sources of electricity. 由于福岛第一(Dai-ichi)核电站将要退役,日本需要新的电力来源。