far cry

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far cryfar cry

far cry


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That does it! 还是算了吧!-英语点津 ... I chocolate you! 怎么翻译? Far cry 天壤之别 St. Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂 ...


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孤岛惊魂 - 搜搜百科 ... o - Gives 999 ammo 弹药999 片 名 Far Cry 导 演 乌维·鲍尔 Uwe Boll ...

Although a far cry from his age, However, this does not affect his place in my heart is the location of super-idol. 虽然和他的年龄相差甚远,但是这丝毫不影响他在我心中是位超级偶像的位置。
It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress. 与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。
Though Dick has tried hard, it is still a far cry from what his father expects of him. 虽然迪克已经尽了力,但是距离他父亲对他的期望还差得很远。
It's a far cry from the UK, where the riots quickly moved to the heart of the city and then across the entire country. 而英国影响去很大,暴乱快速地影响了市中心,然后影响了全国。
I find it difficult to adjust myself to Professor Chamberlain's way of teaching, which is a far cry from what I have been used to. 我觉得很难适应钱伯伦教授的教学方法,它和我所习惯的方法差别很大。
He is undoubtedly a first-rate referee in terms of working ability, but his morals are a far cry from his 'golden whistle' reputation. 以他的工作能力无疑是个一流的裁判,但他的道德观却与他‘金哨’的美名相去甚远。
It a beautiful painting , but a far cry from great art . 这幅画很美丽,但还称不上伟大的艺术品。
It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread. 这简直是天壤之别,一个月之前,甚至没有人肯多看程一眼,更不用说给他一片面包之类的了。
Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to. 农场生活与我已过习惯的日子迥然不同。
he seems capabal and confidence . it ' s a far cry from the days when he was just a clerk handle letters and he is shame and timid. 理信件的职员的时候相比,那简直是相差太远了。那时,他非常胆小,也很怕羞。
It was a far cry from the long woolen underpants of the earlier part of this century. 它与本世纪初期穿的较长的毛料短裤大不相同。
The meeting shows that China wants to get to know them better, but that's still a far cry from recognizing them diplomatically, " He said. " 此次会晤表明中国愿意更加深入的了解利比亚反对派,但离从外交上承认利比亚反对派还言之尚早。
The environment of a town is a far cry from that of the countryside. 城市和农村的环境大不相同。
It is all a far cry from piecing together clues in a country house, or the drudgery of real-life detective work. 这与在乡村小屋内拼凑给类线索截然不同,也与现实中侦探枯燥繁重的工作大相径庭。
It's a far cry from the days when I was just a clerk in a supermarket and nobody paid me any attention. 我以前只不过是一个超级市场的雇员。那时谁也不把我放在眼里。
These accommodations are a far cry from what she's been used to. 这些膳宿供应与她过去所习惯的相差甚远。
Thee accommodations are a far cry from what she's been used to. 这些住宿设备与她以前所用的相差太远。
In the first quarter of this year, SJM's share was 28 per cent, a far cry from the pre-2004 era when it had a monopoly. 今年第一季度,澳博的市场份额为28%,与2004年前居于垄断地位相比有不小的落差。
Brazil and Mexico both have deficits of less than 2% of GDP, a far cry from the fiscal laxness of a few years ago. 巴西和墨西哥的赤字不到GDP的2%,比起短短几年前极度恶化的财政状况,这已经是相当大的进步了。
Suddenly, Global Zero was able to recruit people who were a far cry from the old "ban the bomb" crowd. 忽然间,全球零核招募了与以往“禁止核弹”的成员格格不入的新人。
The state of affairs in the country is a far cry from what it used to be a few years ago. 该国的事态与几年前大不一样了。
It is a far cry from the stiff upper lip image of British public school tradition, but that might be an improvement (see below). 它与英国私立学校板着脸孔的传统形象相去甚远,但这或许是一种进步。
I wonder what has happened to him. His academic records this term are a far cry from what he used to achieve. 真不知道他是怎么搞的,他这学期的成绩和他以前的成绩相比,可是差了一大截。
His upbringing was a far cry from his billionaire lifestyle. 他的童年与现在亿万富翁的生活方式大相径庭。
It is a far cry from the days when Newt Gingrich turned Congress into a combination of political theatre and policy laboratory. 那段金里奇革命把我们的国会变成政客们的政治舞台和政策实验室的日子已经离开我们很久了。
Any way you look at it, typing on a tablet is a far cry from typing on a desktop, laptop, or netbook. 无论从哪个角度看,在平板电脑上打字不如在台式机或笔记本上打字。
His new role is a far cry from his previous career as a tax lawyer with Linklaters. 他的新角色与其之前职业可相距甚远——他曾在年利达(Linklaters)律所任税务律师。
She was a far cry from the elegant girl we used to know . 和以前谁人我们所认识的文质彬彬的女孩相比,她已是判若两人。
Sent him to a far cry for errand, watch his conducts and test his loyalty under no supervision. 派人到远方出差,在完全不受监督的情况下,观察其举止,以测其忠诚度。
Paul is very talkative and is a far cry from his brother. His brother is very quite. Still waters run deep. 保罗是一个很多话的人,他跟他的兄弟有很大的不同,他兄弟非常安静。静水常常是流到最深处。