so far

  • na.就是那么些;到现在为止;到目前(此地)为止;就此范围来说
  • 网络到目前为止;迄今为止;至今

so farso far

so far


人教版九年级下册英语单词表(含音标) ... • be off • 离开,走开 • so far到目前为止 • thousands of • 成千上万;几千 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in so far as (程度等)就…;至于 so far 迄今为止 be in fashion (人、物)合于时尚 ...


七年级下册英语复习_百度文库 ... be proud of 以…而骄傲 so far 到现在为止 a piece of music 一首乐曲 ...


英语—医学 ... slow down[ 减慢] · so far[ 至今] · so far as[ 就……来说] · ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to 如此…以至于 so far 迄今为止;到这种程度 so much as that 到这样程度以致… ...

No signs so far, therefore, of the sort of dramatic price drops that might lead to a slump in investment and put pressure on the banks. 因此,迄今尚未有迹象表明,会出现那种可能导致投资锐减、银行压力增大的房价暴跌。
More than any other underwater site so far, the find offers potential insights into the workings of Mycenaean society. 到目前为止与任何其他水下遗址相比,该发现能使人们对迈锡尼社会的运行方式有更多的理解。
So far over a thousand UK institutions have signed up to sponsor international students. 截至目前,已有超过千所英学府报名作为国际学生的担保机构。
Nearly 40 years on, researchers around the world are still straining to see gravitational waves, so far without success. 直至今日近40年的时间里,全世界的研究者都围绕着发现重力场波动而进行着工作,但时至今日仍然没有进展。
Mercury has been coy in revealing its secrets slowly so far, but in less than two years the innermost planet will become a close friend. 水星一直不愿意在公开的秘密慢慢迄今为止,但在不到两年的时间深处的行星将成为亲密的朋友。
A U. S. official said the possible use of such trade constraints wasn't part of U. S. -Chinese discussions so far. 一位美国官员说,使用此类贸易限额的可能性还从未在美中讨论里出现过。
I thought of how fortunate I was to have been able to visit with relatives and trace my heritage back so far. 我想我是多么幸运我能去拜访我的亲戚和能追溯我很早以前的传统。
The theory is supported by the fact that, so far, none of the stolen cars have been returned. 这一理论支持,到目前为止,在失车都没有归还的事实。
Fabiano's second goal, in the 50th minute, was one of the best so far in this month-long tournament. 第二粒入球在第50分钟产生,为本次世界盃的最佳进球之一。
Well, order is something that Constable Hillers is hoping to restore here. Maybe your sentiments are not so far from my own. . . 嗯,秩序是治安官赫勒所希望恢复的,也许你的情操还没高到我不能理解的地步……
Most of the victims from the San Miguel fire identified so far were in their twenties and had been sentenced on theft or burglary charges. 大多数圣米格尔监狱火灾遇难者都是二十多岁的年轻人,所犯的罪行大多为偷盗或入室行窃。
From what I have seen so far, I haven't used it long, it seems to be an excellent piece of software with a 45 day free trial. 就我所知,我使用这个东西的时间并不长,它是个很优秀的软件并且可以免费使用45天。
So far as he knew, he said, there was nothing worth reading. 他说,据他所知,到目前为止,还没有什么值得一读的东西。
It wants to evolve beyond cheap manufacturing and is trying to build up technology industries but has had little success so far. 中国想往廉价制造业以外发展,并尝试建立技术工业但迄今收效甚微。
It may have struck our students as a bit odd that so far no one has used a business card (also called a name card or calling card). 我们的读者也许会感到有点奇怪,到目前为止还没有人使用过名片。
THOUGH Pope Benedict's tenure has not had much effect on Catholicism in Brazil so far, it has entrenched an old conflict. 迄今为止教皇本笃十六世的任期还没给巴西的天主教带来多大影响,不过大家仍忘不了过去围绕它所产生的巨大分歧。
She adds: "So far the production figures are not as good as the beginning of year but still higher than last season. " 她补充称:“目前的产量数据没有年初那么好,但仍高于上一季。”
If you read the comments in the beginning of the functions it says how the skinning is done on this data that we have read so far. 如果你阅读了这个函数开头的注释,它已经提到蒙皮过程在这个函数中的如何实现的。
The alleged mass killing was one of several that rebels have so far uncovered as they consolidate control of the capital. 随着叛军加强对首都的黎波里的控制,目前已发现了数处屠杀地点。这只是其中的一处。
Therefore, although the matter of integration has been advancing , but so far no setting, when the disclosure would be a timely notice. 所以,整合之事虽然一直在推进之中,但迄今还没有眉目,一旦到了可以披露时就会及时公告。
But in so far as either process must have the priority, it should be that of appreciation by use. 但若必须分先后,从使用价值来讲,当是鉴赏为先。
One of its subsidiaries is the only company to so far accept blame for a role in the Wenzhou accident. 公司旗下一个附属机构是目前为止唯一一家承认在温州事故中负有责任的公司。
All the same it is an unfortunate piece of collateral damage, something the authorities have so far failed to address. 尽管如此,这是不幸的附带损伤,正是当局到目前为止不愿意说的事情。
I have not dealt with the money so far, but I am about to save it in a separate account for my child. 我没有怎样用这笔钱,但是我会为我的孩子开一个独立的账户,然后钱存到里面。
if Chinese, at the moment, you think, we'll not recognize what we've done so far. what more you want us to do? 如果中国在此时你认为我们不知道自己取得了多大的成果你还有什么希望我们做的?。
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who runs Europe's largest economy, has so far refused to give the green light to any aid package. 执掌欧洲最大经济体的德国首相安格拉默克尔目前为止拒绝为任何救助计划开l
He had not, so far as we knew, lost his head. 据我们了解,他还没有丧失理智。
So far I had seen no one and I sat down by some bushes along the bank of the ditch and took off my shoes and emptied them of water. 我张望一下,周围没人,就在水沟边一些树木边坐下,脱掉靴子,倒出水来。
So far, however, King Bhumibol seems to have made up his mind that Prince Vajiralongkorn will succeed him. 但到目前为止,普密蓬国王似已下定决心要传位于王储。
So far investigators are finding it challenging to develop medicines able to deplete or expand T-reg populations within a patient's body. 研究人员发现,目前药物开发的最大挑战,是要找出一种能减少或增加患者体内调节性T细胞数量的药物。