stock xchng

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stock xchng

Stock. xchng : Free stock photography for your blog, site or any other use that you might have for images. 为你的博客、网站或其他可能使用到图像时,免费存储图片。
For non-commercial sites, check out stock. xchng or Flickr -- just make sure that the license behind the photo allows its use. 对于非商业性的网站,可以到stock.xchng或者Flickr上去找图片,只要确定这些图片可以免费使用就行了。
For starters, check out Stock XCHNG, a free stock photography website with tons of content (good and bad). 对于入门者来说,可以看看StockXCHNG,这是一个免费的主题摄影网站内容成千上万,质量良莠不齐。
Image: Koala by Benjamin Turner, via Stock. xchng 图:考拉,BenjaminTurner摄,来自Stock.xchng