
美 [der]英 [deə(r)]
  • auxv.
  • n.胆量;挑逗
  • v.冒险;敢于承担;挑逗[激](某人做某事)
  • 网络挑战;竟敢;过去式

过去式:dared 过去式:durst 第三人称单数:dares 现在分词:daring



高三英语语法复习之情态动词的用法_百度文库 ... (need) 需要; (dared; can,could,be able to *be able to 能用于各 …


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... dare 挑战;挑动 dared 敢于 deal 处理;给予;分配; 发牌 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... briefs n. 贴身的短内裤 dared n. 挑战 aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 ...


动词过去式(急需) - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... flew 飞 dared 竟敢 cut 切 ...


...re 意为“敢”,作情态动词用时,须跟动词原形,有过去式(dared), 无人称、数的变化,主要用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。


视听音响器材价格表 - Hi-AV音响影音网:::Hi... ... Lyngdorf 歌林数位 Dared 音谱利 Wizard 综合扩大机 ...


...uld), will (would), dare 情态动词 (dared) , need 等,另外,have to、had better 也当作情态动词使用。

He dared her to jump across a wide ravine which might have meant serious injury or death if she had slipped. 他激她跳过一个很宽的峡谷,如果她失足的话,可能会受重伤或送命。
Those of her colleagues who detected in her something odd and reprehensible would not have dared to call it "religious" . 那些同事虽然在她身上发现了某种奇特的、大可非议的东西,却不敢说这种东西“具有宗教性质”。
But the boat changed into a dragon all at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it. 但船儿猛然间变成了一条龙剧作家非常恐惧,以至于不敢看它。
When day appeared he retired, but I dared not to leave my fort until the sun arose. 当天亮了牠躲藏了,但是我不敢离我的堡垒,至太阳上升。
The sister dared not question the mayor; but she perceived plainly from his air that he had not come from there. 姆姆不敢问市长先生,但是她看神气,知道他不是从那里来的。
I was going to have my examination the next day. "When can I go to bed? " I asked myself. I did not answer. In fact I dared not. 明天就要考试了,我问自己:“什么时候才能上床睡觉呢?”我没有回答,事实上我不敢。
But none of the disciples dared to inquire of Him, Who are you? knowing that it was the Lord. 门徒中没有一个敢问他,你是谁?因为知道是主。
She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but "so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint" . 她还表示她将尽力通过法律渠道追回自己的财产,但是“到目前为止还没有那个法官敢于受理我们的复审请求。”
So he thought out a way to test how high his prestige among the ministers was and also to find out who dared to oppose him. 于是,他想了一个办法,准备试一试自己的威信,同时也可以摸清敢于反对他的人。
It Satan dared to use Scripture for the temptation of our Lord he will not scruple to use it for the delusion of men. 只有撒旦敢用圣经试探我们的主,因此牠也丝毫不会顾忌去使用圣经迷惑世人。
Though Elliott had done a lot of wild things, he would not have dared to bump a soldier off the plane on his way home . 虽然埃利奥特做了许多缺德事,但是也不会敢于把一个回国的军人半途赶下飞机去。
Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! 摄影不是一种运动。它没啥规则。摄影就是要事事勇于尝试。
It appeared as if he owned the bottom one only, and I reckoned this to be quite comical, although I dared not to chuckle in their presence. 我觉得这真是太滑稽了,但又不敢在他们面前笑。
"Maybe I never dared, " he said, gazing into her superb black eyes, and thinking that perhaps she might know that he was not married. “也许是我不敢吧,”他说时,凝视着她那漆黑的眼睛,心想她也许知道他并没有结过婚。
I'd also dared to dream beyond that, of settling into a new normal, free of my handicap. 我也敢去梦想更多:步入全新的平常生活,不受我的顽疾困扰。
As a matter of fact, during this second month she had been buying for herself as recklessly as she dared, regardless of the consequences. 实际上,在这第二个月里,她一直尽可能大胆地、不顾一切地为自己买东西,毫不考虑后果。
She said that if I were Chinese, she wouldn't have even dared to ask - for fear that I might have thought she was crazy or a "bad" girl. 她说如果你是一个中国人,她一定没胆量开这个口,对方一定会认为这个女孩疯了,或者是个坏女孩。
A few deep gulps of fresh air was all she dared allowherself, and now she retreats to the misery of her stuffy little house. 她只敢享受几大口新鲜空气,又退回到她那可怜而又闷热的小屋子里。
She had not even dared to close her eyes, for fear it would be morning when she opened them again. 她甚至不敢合上眼,担心一闭一睁就已是早晨了。
It must have been out of service since the war began, cause few man dared to travel in such a dangerous world. 一定时战争开始后驿站才停业的,因为没几个人敢在如此兵荒马乱的世上穿梭。
He had never dared to ask her to go anywhere with him. 他从来不敢要求她跟他去任何地方。
But i dared saying that could like you to you saying did not love me. 不过。我不敢说可以想你。你说。不爱我。
If I dared I'd touch you to see if you were real. 若我能抚摸你看看你是否是真的
But I dared not kiss him, for dad was not always kind to me, and he always kept a straight face. 但我不敢去亲爹的脸,因为爹每次见到我时并不总是高高兴兴的,爹经常是板着脸的。
If there were a man who dared to say all that he thought of this world there would not be left him a square foot of ground to stand on. 假如哪个人敢把他对这个世界的看法都谈出来,他就连一平方英尺的立足之地也得不到。
"How dared him! " Jin Bo opened wide his big and fuzzy eyes, and swayed his fist across the air. “他小子敢!”金波瞪起一双大花眼睛,拳头在空中晃了晃。
He felt ready to leap upon him and fling him to the ground if he dared to lift the gorgeous hanging that concealed the secret of his life . 要是这家伙敢掀起掩藏着他那生活秘密的华丽帷幔,他就准备扑上前去把他打倒在地。
I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure. 我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!没有一所监狱更加牢固。
No one would have dared to intrude upon the privacy of his home, or to molest him in his sacred retreat of sorrow. 没人胆敢干扰他家的清静,或骚扰他神圣的忧伤避难所。
So the little girl went on with her little naked feet. No one had bought anything from her, and she dared not go home. 可怜的小女孩只好赤着脚在雪地上走。今天还没有卖出一根火柴呢,她不敢回家。