
美 [fraɪ]英 [fraɪ]
  • n.鱼苗;弗赖伊〔姓氏〕;油炸物;〔英国〕油炸杂碎
  • v.用油炸烤炒;〔美俚〕(使)被处电刑;瓦解
  • 网络油煎;油炒;用油煎

复数:fries 现在分词:frying 过去式:fried



v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)油炸;油煎;油炒to cook sth in hot fat or oil; to be cooked in hot fat or oil

2.[i](informal)(被阳光)灼伤,晒伤to be burnt by the sun


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... stir 摇动,搅和 fry 油煎,油炸 stir-fry 用旺火炒(或煎、煸) ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... stir 摇动,搅和 fry 油煎,油炸 stir-fry 用旺火炒(或煎、煸) ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... frighten vt. 使惊恐, 吓唬 fry vt. 油煎, 油炸, 油炒 fuel n. 燃料 ...


英语习语大典(侯宁海 ,中国科学技术大学出版社) ... Fish 鱼 191 Fry 鱼苗 192 Herring 鲱鱼 193 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fruit juice n. 果汁 fry vt. 用油煎;用油炸 fuel n. 燃料 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... fruit juice n. 果汁 fry vt. 用油煎;用油炸 fuel n. 燃料 ...

He can't spend too much time arguing with you about the matter. He had other fish to fry. 他不能用太的时间和你辩论这件事,他还有别的事要做。
The spring pancakes was still quite good to eat, as well as deep fried date. I did not know why is called fry date. 他家的春卷还是挺好吃的,还有炸枣,不知道为什么叫做炸枣,我并没吃到什么枣,但很像咱们的开口笑。
Suddenly the dog hit upon a good idea. He lit up a fire and began to fry fish. 狗狗忽然有了好办法,他点起火,开始煎鱼喽!
In this light, the video of Stephen Fry is not just a celebration, but a rallying call for the work that still needs to be done. 根据这一点,StephenFry的视频不仅是一次庆祝,而且是一个仍须努力的集结号。
He remembered he had once said the great Trust had overlooked his little enterprise, disdaining to plunder such small fry . 他记得自己有一回说过,这个大托拉斯有意放过他这门小本经纪,不屑吞这种小鱼。
Heat a wok until hot. Pour in bit of cooking oil, Add minced garlic, ginger, mushroom &Chinese sausage, stir-fry for a minute. 把锅子烧热,放入一点油,把蒜米,姜丝爆香,再把香菇,腊肠炒一炒。
Cooked rice, and potatoes together in the wok, the salt, oil, stir fry about one side and a bit of chicken powder. 米饭煮好后,和土豆一起放在炒锅里,在放盐,油,翻炒一下,一边再加一点鸡粉。
Or perhaps even a solar plasma cloud, which some say is another way that it is possible for the sun to fry the Earth in an instant. 或者,即使是太阳等离子体云,有人说这是另一种方式,它可以即时鱼苗在地球的太阳。
Fry remained mainly in the middle of Bristol and did not expand as quickly as the other two companies. It eventually became part of Cadbury. 夫瑞里大体上还是留在布里斯托尔城中,没有象其它两家公司那样快速扩张,最后,它成为吉百利的一部分。
Fry it up in a pan, serve it with eggs or on a sandwich or crumbled up in a cobb salad. 在平底锅里炸一炸旁边再加个鸡蛋或是做成三明治弄成沙拉
Sprinkle a bit of flour on the fish and fry it in olive oil. Add the rest of the seafood, add the white wine, let it reduce and reserve. 在鱼肉上撒些面粉,放入锅里用橄榄油煎,再加入其余的海鲜煎炒,加白葡萄酒,让其浓缩收汁。
During the writing of this article my own zebra plecos surprised me with fry, so I also can draw on my own experience. 在写作这篇文章我自己的斑马plecos诧异与南联盟所以,我还可以利用自己的经验。
I tried to interest him in our venture, but he seemed preoccupied with something else. No doubt he has other fish to fry. 我试图使他对我们的风险企业感兴趣,但他好像一心想着别的事情,显然另有有利可图的事。
In a casserole pan or roasting tray, fry the meat for a couple of minutes in half the butter and a little olive oil, until nice and golden. 在焙盘或烤盘里加入一半的黄油及一些橄榄油,把肉放进去,炸到金黄。
Most people are to fry when that fall is just a question of time, everyone more enthusiastic, fall day closer. 大多数人都去炒股的时候说明跌只是时间问题,大家越是热情高涨的时候,跌的日子越近。
In the spring of every year to the sea fry, the prohibition of over-fishing is prohibited to the ocean in any form of pollutant emissions. 在每年的春天都要向海里投放鱼苗,禁止过度捕捞,禁止向海洋中排放任何形式的污染物。
Tom asked me to go to a movie with him, but I told him I have bigger fish to fry. 汤姆找我去看电影,不过我告诉他我另有要事。
always fry potatoes in hot fat with a bit of onion. 我用热油炒土豆时总是加少些洋葱。
I always fry potatoes in hot fat with a bit of onion. 我总是在用滚油炸马铃薯时放点洋葱。
Though aimed at small fry, plenty of sophisticated investors would be in with a chance. 虽然很多老练的投资人都是面对着小公司,但是他们却充满着机会。
But in truth, for the next decade at least, the offshore sector will still be relatively small fry. 事实上,在至少未来十年,海上风电相对而言都不会占据重要位置。
All of this seems to have washed over Francisco Bosch who, after all, has other fish to fry. 这一切对《弗朗西斯科-博施》来说已成过去了;毕竟他还有另外有利可图的事要做。
Continue to fry Bacheng dry red pepper into small fire fry thirty-two minutes, and then the next bit of sesame oil and toss evenly. 继续炒至八成干时放入红辣椒小火拌炒三两分钟,然后下些许麻油拌炒均匀即可。
Put a Cantonese wanton wrapping between 2 spoons, deep-fry in hot oil to form a small golden bowl, take it out, strain, and set aside. 广东云吞皮用两只汤匙夹好,放入中火油中炸至金黄色成小盆状,取出沥油备用。
the pot to put a little oil, put yam, agaric stir evenly, add a few water until done. Stir fry. 锅中重新放少许油,放入山药、木耳翻炒均匀,加少许清水翻炒至熟。
Brawn GP chief executive Nick Fry has confirmed reports the British team has decided to shed nearly 40 per cent of its workforce. 布朗大奖赛首席执行官尼克弗莱证实的报告,英国队已决定跌近百分之四十的员工。
High flame: Throw the rice into a heavy two-kilogram wok over a high flame, add the other ingredients and seasonings and stir fry. 猛火:把米饭倒进一口两公斤的沉重铁锅,加入其他原料,然后就用猛火来煎炒。
Don't worry about him. He is just a small fry. 不要担心他。他只是一个小人物而已。
Pan fry sea bass filets (skin side down) in a little olive oil until golden brown. 加少许橄榄油煎海鲈鱼直至变成黄褐色。
The idea is to use a blast of energy to fry the enemy's computers and telecommunications gear. 其原理是用突爆的(电磁)能量摧毁敌方的计算机和通讯设施。