美 [fæst]英 [fɑːst]
  • adv.快速;迅速;不久;立即;快;酣畅地;放荡;牢固地;速;(睡)熟;放荡;紧紧地
  • v.禁食;节制饮食;忌食某些食物;禁食;节制饮食;忌食某些食物;禁食
  • n.绝食;(宗教上的)禁食;绝食期;斋戒;绝食;禁食期;禁食期;斋戒期
  • adj.坚牢的;固定的;可靠的;耐久的;牢实的;固定的;可靠的;耐久的;快的;迅速的;敏捷的;迅速发生的
  • 网络最快;最快的;最快模式

比较级:faster 最高级:fastest 复数:fasts 现在分词:fasting 过去式:fasted

fast rise,come fast,learn fast,grow fast,fast flow
fast traffic,fast tempo



1.快的;迅速的;敏捷的moving or able to move quickly

2.迅速发生的;立即发生的happening in a short time or without delay

3.动作迅速的;头脑灵活的able to do sth quickly


4.可供快速运动的producing or allowing quick movement


5.[nbn]走得快showing a time later than the true time

牢牢固定firmly fixed

7.系牢的;稳固的firmly fixed and safe


fast and furious

情节节奏快且变化多端full of rapid action and sudden changes

a fast talker

快嘴快舌但不可信赖的人a person who can talk very quickly and easily, but who cannot always be trusted

a fast worker

善于迅速达到目的的人;(尤指恋爱方面)善于一下子获得青睐的人a person who knows how to get what they want quickly, especially when beginning a sexual relationship with sb


英语词汇的奥秘 ... earliest 最早 fastest 最快 hardest 最努力 ...


电脑常用英语单词 ... extendedmemory 扩展内存 fastest 最快的 fatfilesystem fat 文件系统 ...


最快模式Fastest):传递连接给那些响应最快的服务器。当其中某个服务器发生第二到第7 层的故障,BIG-IP 就把其从服 …


Open GL 基础 - Listening... ... GL_FILL 就是生成填充曲面 GL_FASTEST 给出最有效的选择 GL_NICEST 给出最高质量的选择 ...


显卡超频教程 | orblights ... “Fastest就是速度最快,选 looffer layout( 载入设置) ...


BBC Motion Gallery通识短片系列DVD ... 2. 第一 First 3. 最快速 Fastest 4. 最长 Longest ...

Is often the fastest way to add new content when you have to set many attributes or styles on your new elements. 方法。当必须在新元素上设置许多属性或样式时,使用。
It felt good to get the fastest lap too. That gives the joy for the moment you've done it. For me, it was the first one this year. 做出最快圈速感觉也很好。在做出圈速的时候,它给了你快乐。对我来说,还是今年第一次呢。
It has been one of the fastest developing and the most widely used methods in analytical chemistry due to its powerful separation capacity. 其超强的分离能力使之已成为分析化学中发展最快、应用最广的研究领域之一。
India, one of the world's fastest-growing mobile-phone markets, is an obvious place to try all this out. 印度是全球手机市场快速增长的市场之一,非常适合这一成果的应用。
OK, so if I go in that direction, which gives me the fastest increase, then the corresponding slope will be the length of the gradient. 也就是说,如果朝该方向运动,函数值变动得最剧烈,那么相应的斜率就是梯度向量的模长。
Times are clocked on both sides of the Atlantic and there is keen competition to see whether the British or American housewives run fastest. 大西洋的两岸,时间都被定好,因而人们渴望看看究竟是英国的家庭主妇跑得快还是美国的家庭主妇跑得快。
The next challenge was of men's category. And still, Ms Liao was the fastest one to get the job done. 接下来是挑战男子组的冠军。廖女士仍然是最快完成任务的。
Even within the fastest-growing states, hiring has been tightly packed in just a few cities, leaving most residents feeling glum. 即使在经济增长速度最快的州,雇佣机会也只是紧紧地聚集在少数几个城市,这让大多数居民深感忧虑。
Now up to you to help it, not to use the fastest speed clearance? 现在由你来帮助它了,能不能用最快的速度过关呢?
Life wherever you go in the Universe, is all about gaining experience, but the fastest way is to be at levels that really challenge you. 无论你走到宇宙的任何一个角落,生活的目的都是为了赢得体验带来的经验,而这最快速的道路就是直面你所面对的挑战。
Devil Rays: score 60, from the name with a "devil" word you can imagine such a weird fish, devil fish swimming in the sea is the fastest! 魔鬼鱼:分值60,从名字带着“魔鬼”二字你就能想象出这种鱼的诡异了,魔鬼鱼在海里的游泳速度是最快的!
A year on, manufacturers reported that in October, output around the world was rising at the fastest rate for five years. 一年之后,制造商提供的数据显示,今年10月全球产出实现了5年来的最快增长。
Life in the U. K. could get a whole lot cozier. The population's projected to rise at its fastest rate in at least a century. 英国的生活本应更温馨。英国人口预计以一个世纪以来最快的速度增长。
If it succeeds, that would make its reserves the fastest-growing of any of the world's biggest oil and gas companies. 如果这一目标得以实现,则该公司将成为全球储量增长最快的大型油气公司。
The driver who can turn corners the fastest without losing control is often the winner. And the winner can earn big money in these races. 那些能以最高速度驶过弯道而不失控的选手通常是赢家,而赢家能在这些比赛中获取丰厚奖金。
Less than a week after clocking the fastest sprint in human history, Tyson Gay, 25, tumbled to the track at the U. 在泰森·盖成为人类历史上最快的短跑选手后仅一周,他便在俄勒冈州尤金市举行的美国奥运选拔赛的赛道上跌倒。
Huawei Technologies is one of the world's fastest growing telecom-hardware makers, and yet much of the company is shrouded in secrecy. 华为科技是世界上增长最快的通信硬件制造商,但是公司大部分都处于保密。
All this has brought people flooding in and made Texas America's fastest-growing state. 所有这些都使得人们大量涌入,使德克萨斯州成为美国人口增长最快的州。
The driver who can turn corners the fastest without losing control is often the winner. 赛车手在比赛中能保持速度顺利拐弯而不失控,往往就是胜利者。
That outcome was not inevitable. It was the result of the biggest, broadest and fastest government response in history. 那样的结果不是必然发生的:这要归因于史上最大最广泛同时也是最迅速的政府部门应对措施。
He was a very big Mako shark built to swim as fast as the fastest fish in the sea and everything about him was beautiful except his jaws. 这是一条巨大的鲭鲨,生来就跟海里游速最快的鱼游得一样快。它周身的一切都很美,除了上下颚。
Experts are now going back through their records to see if the rate of population increase is indeed the fastest since records began. 专家们现在正查阅历史资料以了解现在的人口增速是否真的是有史以来最快的。
One of Malaysia's fastest-growing banks is RHB's Easy, which is open seven days a week and has no forms for customers to fill in. 拉昔胡申银行(RHB)的Easy银行是马来西亚发展最快的银行之一,该行每周开放七天,客户无需填写任何表格。
It plans to pepper some of America's fastest-growing states with Fresh & Easy local groceries at a rate of three a week. 它还准备以每周3个的频率在美国增长最快的某些州大量建设新易杂货店。
Scientists stressed good diet was vital in a child's early life as the brain grows at its fastest rate during the first three years of life. 科学家强调说在儿童的早期生活中良好的饮食结构极其重要,因为在生命的头三年中,孩子的大脑发育得最快。
He could not find the answer to what seemed like a simple question: What was Europe's fastest game bird? 他无法找到问题的答案似乎是一个什么简单的问题:什么是欧洲最快的猎鸟?
So rare to meet the financial crisis, the fall is often the fastest growth and expansion of the fastest-growing businesses. 所以遇见百年不遇的金融危机,倒下最快的往往是发展扩张最快的企业。
"Power plants are not as fast as batteries, " he says. "Even the fastest power plant could take up to a minute to respond. " 他说,“发电厂的反应没有电池组快,即便是最迅捷的发电厂的反应时间也得到1分钟。”
Regions of China dominated by private business, rather than SOEs (Zhejiang) have grown fastest, just as you'd expect. 如人们所料,在中国,私营企业占主导地位的地区(浙江)发展得最快。
'The fastest way to sell out a product is put up a sign that says, 'Limit two, or until quantities last. 卖东西最快的方法就是,竖一块牌子,上面写上,“每人限买两个,售完为止”。