
美 [flɪŋ]英 [flɪŋ]
  • v.抛;猛动(身体或身体部位);粗暴地(向某人)说
  • n.一阵尽情欢乐;一时的放纵;短暂的风流韵事
  • 网络掷;丢;投

过去式:flung 第三人称单数:flings 现在分词:flinging

fling arm


v. n.

1.~ sb/sth + adv./prep.(尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢to throw sb/sth somewhere with force, especially because you are angry

2.~ yourself/sth + adv./prep.猛动(身体或身体部位)to move yourself or part of your body suddenly and with a lot of force

3.~ sth (at sb).+ speech粗暴地(向某人)说;气势汹汹地(对某人)说to say sth to sb in an aggressive way

普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... flight 航程 fling ;投 flirt 调情 ...

英文中的叠韵近义字_百度文库 ... trill 颤声 fling 投,,抛 sling 投,掷,抛 ...

NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... flesh 肉,肌肉 fling (用力地)扔,抛, float 飘浮;漂流物 ...

普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... flight 航程 fling 抛; flirt 调情 ...


雷希拉姆_百度百科 ... 气合弹 Focus Blast 投掷 Fling 鬼火 Will-o-wisp ...


大学英语六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... flaw n. 缺陷 fling vt. 猛投,抛;猛冲 flip vt. 掷,弹,轻击,空翻 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... flaw/ flR:/n. 缺点,瑕疵;裂隙 fling/ fliN/vi.&vt. (用力)扔,抛 flush/ flQF/vi. 奔流;(脸)发红 ...

Repeat: it is not too late for summer romance. If your first fling went badly, you're probably about ready to jump in the pool again. 再次重申:暑期恋爱还为时不晚。如果你的第一次尝试很糟糕,你也许要准备好再次受挫了。
Men who want a fling, she said, may be subconsciously looking to a woman's waistline to judge the woman's current fertility. 她说,一个想要一夜情的男人潜意识地会去看女人的腰围,来判断她的生育能力。
It all depends on Volkswagen: if the German make has one more crack at the Dakar, then the 49-year-old might be tempted by a final fling. 这完全取决于大众:如果这家德国厂商在达喀尔还留有席位的话,那么这位49岁的老将仍将再次飞翔。
I'm sure you need a good rest after such a long fling. I suppose I'll have to go now. See you again at the reception banquet tonight. 长途旅行之后您应该好好休息一下。我告辞了,我们在今晚的招待宴会上再见。
So if somebody is going to fly, put him in a pod, spring-load it, and fling him across the city. 如此如果某人飞行,投入他在荚,春天装载它,并且全市扔他。
The sword dance, similar to an Irish jip of a Highland fling, is usually performed at a Scottish wedding gathering. 在苏格兰的婚礼上,许多人时常演出剑舞——一品类似爱尔兰吉格舞的苏格兰。
This was more than a fling, he said. 而他表示这不是一时冲动。
Her husband Leigh, felt this was just a fling with acting - one that would soon get out of her system. 她的丈夫李认为这不过是一时心血来潮而已――表演很快就会淡出她的生活。
He felt ready to leap upon him and fling him to the ground if he dared to lift the gorgeous hanging that concealed the secret of his life . 要是这家伙敢掀起掩藏着他那生活秘密的华丽帷幔,他就准备扑上前去把他打倒在地。
She decided later it was base survival instinct that caused her to fling the seeds at the moist soil in the potato patch. 后来,她断定是人的基本生存本能令她将种子扔进马铃薯地的湿润土壤里的。
You know. I've never had a fling. I only ever have had serious relationships that lasted one, two, three years. 你知道,我从来没有随便玩过。我只谈过一两年的恋爱。
I'm getting married in a week and I'd just like to have one last fling. 有啊,我一个星期后就嫁人
Therefore, exercises should not be done is to fling trouble, but should sort out on a regular basis, as a review when the reference. 因此就是做过的习题也不应一扔了事,而应当定期进行分类整理,作为复习时的参考资料。
City silhouette flickering, people be in a hurry to depart, fling off how much sweat and grime, and heated air can make many brain hypoxia. 城市人影憧憧,人们行色匆匆,甩得掉多少汗气与污浊,而升温的空气能让多少脑瓜缺氧。
The sword dance, similar to an Irish jig of a Highland fling, is usually performed at a Scottish wedding gathering. 在苏格兰的婚礼上,人们还经常表演剑舞——一种类似爱尔兰吉格舞的苏格兰舞。
Today, I watched my boyfriend pick all the dead skin off of his feet. And then fling it at me. 今天我看着男朋友从脚上一块块撕死皮下来,然后扔在我身上。
Meanwhile, in South-East Asia, factories fling out suits by the thousands that sell for just a few pounds each. 同时,东南亚的工厂的廉价劳动力让原来上千上万英镑的衣服变成了几磅在卖。
Obama laughed and said, "I'm just trying to keep my head down while they fling arrows at each other. " 奥巴马笑着说,“当他们枪来剑往的时候我试着低头以免被伤。”
you know , it was just a little fling , but . . . 要知道,那可有点讽刺意味,但是。。
A fling with a single mom turns on the light bulb over his head: maybe a good place to meet women would be single-parent support groups. 在同一位单身母亲放荡了一阵子后,威尔想起了一个精点子:也许单亲家长互助小组是一个结识女人的好去处。
Does this experience represent one last fling, or does it mean this person was not truly ready to get married? 这种经历是代表最后的狂欢呢,还是意味着这个男人还没有真正准备好进入婚姻?
If you've been with someone for years and you're about to be married, what's the point of one final fling? 如果已经和一个人在一起很多年并已经准备结婚了,那么最后狂欢的意义何在呢?
She can't seem to fling off the disease, it's been troubling her for a month now. 看上去她这个病是好不了了,那病已折磨她一个月了。
One in three French people claim to have had a workplace romance, most often a short-lived fling, according to a survey published on Friday. 根据周五出版的一项调查显示,每三个法国人中就有一个表明曾经有过办公室恋情,且大多数时间较短。
She would take this handkerchief and fling it in his face and show him the door and never , never speak to him again. 她要将这条手帕摔到他脸上去,并指着门口叫他滚出去,而且从此永远永远也不再理他了。
That red-hot demand is now cooling just as a spurt of shiny new buildings fling open their doors. 正当华丽的新建筑开门迎客时,炽热的需求却正在冷却。
You. . . you were nothing to him, just a fling. 你…你对他来说什么都不是,就是个工具。
Frank stared at the crisp blue five-pound note, longing to tear it into shreds and fling them in Paddy's face. 弗兰克望着那一张折叠有声的5镑的钞票,心里真想把它撕得粉碎,投到帕迪脸上去。
I can fling caution to the winds, can give up everything, but I don't want you to give up everything for me. 真心可以不顾一切,可以放弃一切,但是我不希望你为我放弃一切。
Wasn't this supposed to be just a fling, huh? Shouldn't it be. (makes flinging motions with hands) flung by now? 那不是一时的激情吗?现在激情是不是该…。(做出激情退却的动作)退了?