
美 [fɪʃ]英 [fɪʃ]
  • n.【动】海鲢 (Elops saurus);鱼;鱼肉;鱼;〈集合词〉鱼类;鱼肉;东西
  • v.捕鱼;捉(鱼);摸出;【航】加夹箍夹牢;钓鱼;捕鱼;在…捕鱼(或钓鱼);摸找
  • 网络各种鱼;双鱼宫;不同种类的鱼

现在分词:fishing 过去式:fished 单数:fish

catch fish,fillet fish,grill fish
fresh fish,raw fish,white fish,oily fish,boat fish


n. v.

1.[c]鱼a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills , and uses fins and a tail for swimming

2.[u]鱼肉the flesh of fish eaten as food


a fish out of water

离水之鱼;在陌生环境不得其所的人a person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he or she is in surroundings that are not familiar

have bigger/other fish to fry

还有更重要的事情要做;另有他图to have more important or more interesting things to do

neither fish nor fowl

非驴非马;不伦不类neither one thing nor another

an odd/a queer fish

古怪的人;有些荒唐的人a person who is slightly strange or crazy

there are plenty more fish in the sea

海里的鱼有的是;还有很多一样好的(人或事物)there are many other people or things that are as good as the one sb has failed to get


鱼类fishes):终生水生,鳃呼吸,有鳍,多数有鳞鸟类(Aves,用birds也行):周身被覆羽毛,恒温,长骨中空,胸骨发 …


名词用法详解及典型例题_dreamkisser_天涯博客 ... fe 改为v,再加 fishes 各种鱼, fruits 各种水果, ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... italian n. 意大利人, 意大利语 fishes n. 双鱼宫 sighs sighs 叹息 ...


第二章名词_卖女孩的小火柴_新浪博客 ... -on 旁观者 fishes 不同种类的鱼 fruit 水果→ ...


GRAMMAR... ... pence (钱数的多少); fishes各种各样的鱼) s:There used to be two Germanys in the world. 过去曾有两 …


高考英语复习名词考点_百度知道 ... fishes 表不同种类的鱼) at my uncles 在我叔叔家 ...


英文歌曲下载专列 ... Seven Step Dance 七步舞 Fishes,Fishes,Where are you 鱼儿,鱼儿,在哪里 Hello Frieds 嘿,朋友 ...

God took him to an aquarium, and showed him the gorgeous colors and shapes of Hawaiian fishes, and the man said he was not interested. 具着无限的忍耐的上帝带他到一个水族馆去,指着那些檀香山鱼的华丽的颜色和形状给他看,可是那个人说他对此不生兴趣。
and he took the seven loaves and the fishes; and he gave thanks and brake, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes. 拿着这七个饼和几条鱼,祝谢了,擘开,递给门徒;门徒又递给众人。
Fishes, great and small, glide in and out among the branches, just as birds fly about among our trees. 所有大大小小的鱼在这些枝杈中间游来游去,好象天上的鸟在树林四周飞来飞去一样。
The child didn't raise his head up and still unhesitatingly keep on casting the fishes around him into the sea. 这个孩子头也不抬,仍坚定地把身边的鱼抛回海里。
It is often necessary to remove the fishes from the tank and sterilize everything. 它常常是必要的,以消除鱼从池和消毒,一切。
Wanted: Alive: Shark Week is only part of an increasing interest in and better understanding of these mysterious predatory fishes. 愿鲨存活:随着人们对这些神秘食肉鱼类的兴趣和了解不断增长,“鲨鱼周”也仅仅是其中的一种表现。
Some other fishes make sound by the rubbing of their bones, just like the sound we make by moving our nails along the teeth of the comb. 还有一些鱼依靠骨头的相互摩擦来发出声音,这种声音就好像用指甲拨过一把梳子的齿时发出的声音。
He fed Golden fishes and look down to the end of water, following closely pelagic Golden fishes with his eyes and finding its places. 他养金鱼,每天俯视水底,双眼紧跟着遨游的金鱼,寻踪觅影。
Many a night she stood by open window , and looked up through the dark water at the fishes splashing with their fins and tails . 不知有多少夜晚她站在开着的窗子旁边,透过深蓝色的水朝上面凝望,凝望着鱼儿摆动着它们的尾巴和翅。
Then his wife said, "Since you are wearing a worried look all day long, can you catch many fishes on earth? " 他的妻子就说,?一天到晩愁眉苦脸,能捞到很多鱼吗?
I will send down one of the fishes, but it soon forgot why it had been sent, and swam off in another direction. 我会派一条鱼去,可他不久就忘记了自己的使命,游向了另一个方向。
All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. 凡肉体各有不同。人是一样,兽又是一样,鸟又是一样,鱼又是一样。
There's also a garden in my community, and a small river in which some golden fishes lived is inside the garden. 在我们小区里还有一个花园,花园里有一条小河,小河里有一些金鱼游来游去。
It was found that there had been some marked changes in these fishes' life-history strategies after they were introduced to Lake Fuxian. 研究发现,这三种小型鱼类在入侵到抚仙湖后,其生活史对策出现了一系列的变化。
Suddenly, he thought of an idea. He went to the fishmonger and bought two fishes and went home happily. 突然,他想到一个方法,他去了鱼贩子那儿买了两条鱼,高高兴兴的回家了。
There used to be many fishes swimming freely in it. But now none exists. Dirty water from the paper factory pours into the moat directly. 以前曾经在水里自由自在地游来游去的鱼儿都不见了,脏水直接从造纸厂倒人护城河。
Recently a fossil of one of the earliest jawed fishes was found with a fetal skeleton and the remains of a cord. 最近化石最早发现颚鱼类与胎儿骨骼残骸和一个线。
Dynamic waves and moving fishes form rays of curves which go through each other, trying to reach generality from among disorder. 动感的海浪与鱼群的游动,形成发散性的线条互相穿透其中,在无序之中寻找各自的共性。
Put some tadpole and young golden fishes into a long rubber glove, then freeze it to a be a hand sculpture. 把那种长到肘部的橡胶手套里面装一些蝌蚪,小金鱼和水,冰冻起来做成一尊手的雕塑。
Cod and haddock are just two of the North Sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters. 鳕鱼和黑斑鳕只是两种为寻找凉爽的水域而往北迁移了许多里地的鱼类。
The summer of this year, seems to be more to the later, summer weather is even cooler at night there are fishes. 今年的这个夏,来的似乎比较晚些,节气已是夏至居然夜晚还有丝丝凉意。
And makes t men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them? 你为何使人如海中的鱼,又如没有管辖的爬物呢?
In most parts of the sea, there are many fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea, others live deep down. 大部分海域,有很多的鱼和植物,一些生存在接近海的表层,一些生存在深海。
One potential problem is that opening the mouth to breathe detracts from the streamlining of these fishes and tends to slow them down. 有一个隐含的问题就是,这些鱼类一旦长开嘴呼吸,就会破坏他们的流线型结构,从而使他们减速。
Now an analysis of 17 years of research data shows that the abundance of these deep-sea fishes is plummeting. 据一份长达17年的研究分析数据报告显示,这些深海鱼类的数量正在呈现大幅减少之势。
There used to be many fishes swimming freely in it. But now they are gone. Many factories in the city pour the waste into the rivers. 以前,那里曾经有许多鱼儿自由地游来游去,可现在一条鱼也没有了,成孕里许多工场的废物倾倒入河流里。
how cheerfully he seems to grin , how neatly spread his claws , and welcome little fishes in with gently smiling jaws. 它笑得多么快乐,伸开爪子的姿势多么文雅,它在欢迎那些小鱼。
Fishes breed during the warmer months of a year. 翻译鱼类在每年较暖和的几个月繁殖后代。
ctenoid Having the margin toothed like a comb; used to describe the free margins of the scales of some fishes, as in perciformes. 栉鳞边缘有梳状齿的鳞片;用来描述某些鱼类的鳞片特徵。
If all of our rivers were polluted. We would by unable to live. We'd have no clean drinking water; and they'll be no fishes left to catch. 如果全国的河水都被污染,我们就无法生活,没有干净的饮用水;再也钓不到鱼了。