
美 [deɪ]英 [deɪ]
  • n.白天;一日;白昼;时代
  • 网络日子;日期;一天


whole day,same day,special day,long day,busy day
come day,spend day,celebrate day,start day,mark day



1.[c]一天;一日a period of 24 hours

2.[u]白昼;白天the time between when it becomes light in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening

3.[c][ususing]工作日;一天的活动时间the hours of the day when you are awake, working, etc.

4.[c][usupl]时期;时代a particular period of time or history

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... 450 wardrobe 衣柜 451 day ;天 452 from 从.....起 453 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... every adj. 每一;每个 day n. ;日间;白天;一日 like v. 喜欢 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... every adj. 每一;每个 day n. 天;日间;白天;一日 like v. 喜欢 ...


辰字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 辰时 chénshí 时光;日子〖 time;day;occasion〗 辰 chén ...


英文字根_百度百科 ... 214、joc = joke 消化 215、journ = day 日期 217、jug = yoke 牛轭 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 574 closed adj 关着的 575 day n 日,一天 578 supermarket n 超级市场 ...


字典中 明 字的解释 ... (13) 通“盟”。结盟[ become allies;form an valliance] (2) 白昼,白天[ day] (4) 人世,阳世[ man’s world] ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... every adj. 每一;每个 day n. 天;日间;白天;一日 like v. 喜欢 ...

MM as if deep in thought, led in a short while and suddenly and very strain of say: "Ah, if I one day to you also tired, how does that do? " MM若有所思,过了一会儿,忽然很紧张的说:“哎,要是我有一天对你也厌倦了,那怎么办啊?”
It's all free, easy to access, available within seconds, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 1天24小时,1周7天,无时无刻全可免费观看且容易获取。
I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me, Scarlett. . . the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks . 斯佳丽,从那天在十二橡园初次见到你时,我就知道你是我唯一想要的那个女人。
The peddler was held up on his way home, and all the day's money was gone. 小贩在回家的路上被抢劫了,一天赚来的钱都没了。
He was out in the rain all day and that brought on a bad cold. 他整天在外面淋雨,因此患了重感冒。
It was early morning on day four of a 22-day journey and I wanted to be somewhere else: anywhere but on the Cologne to Moscow sleeper train. 时间已是凌晨,今天是我22天游程的第四天,我实在想逃离这列科隆驶往莫斯科的卧铺列车。
Skipper Vidic has been sidelined with a calf injury since the opening day win at West Brom but is ready to face the Romanian outfit. 队长维迪奇曾经因为小腿受伤,自开业之日击败西布罗姆维奇但准备面对罗马尼亚语服装。
I really do take it a day at a time now. 我现在,每一天的每时每刻都能感受到这一点。
Most people just don't seem to care enough to put a bit of effort into their relationship every day. 大多数的人好像不愿意每天花足够的精力在他们的关系上。
The next day I had a meeting with the owner of a bed and breakfast situated in the forest near a little lake, not far from where I live. 第二天,我和一家位于森林中一个小湖附近的住宿加早餐旅馆主人有一个见面会谈,这个地方离我家并不远。
One day during their exercising, Laverne walked around the prison quietly and found a dilapidated wall, which can be climbed. 有一天放风,拉文不露声色地在监狱里走了一圈,发现一处围墙破旧,可以攀登。
There's a support forum, too, and I try to respond to any questions within a few hours, or at most, a day. 也有一个支持论坛,我会尽量在几个小时、最多一天以内回答任何问题。
Today every year, it is all day that I concern about you most . 每年的今天,都是我最牵挂你的日子。
Sometimes I'd hand out a bus fare when a ticket went missing --- always repaid the next day. 有时候谁找不到车票了,我就会拿出车钱来——第二天他们总会还给我的。
One day, one of the young men came to visit her and asked her to become his wife. 有一天,一个年轻人来拜访她,并请求她做他的妻子。
Try each of these once a week for four weeks. Do them after a run, or on a non running day with 15 minutes of jogging to warm up. 这些强化训练在跑步后或跑休日(经15分钟的慢跑热身后)进行,各组每周一次持续四周。
It was such a fine day that nobody wanted to stay at home. 天气这么好,没有人愿意呆在家里不出去。
A few weeks later, for Valentine's Day, she surprised me with an introductory flight at a local flight school. 几周后的情人节那天,妻子给了我一个惊喜:当地飞行学校的驾驶入门课。
The next day we met at the train station and boarded the train after running with an enormous crowd of anxious passengers. 第二天,我们在火车站会合。混在一大群急迫的乘客跑了一段路后,我们终于上了火车。
I grow more deeply in love with you every passing day. God has blessed me with such a treasure in you! 我对你的爱日日加深,上帝借着你给我的祝福如珍宝一般。
I shall provide you perhaps with a further update later this day if it becomes necessary to do so. 如若必要,今天我可能会给予你们进一步的更新。
Ares: You are still just a mortal, every bit as weak as the day you begged me to save your life. 阿瑞斯:你始终还是一个凡人,就像那天你企求我救命的时候那样渺小。
Qadri said he would speak to his supporters around mid-day outside parliament to press his demand for the government's abdication. 卡德里说,他星期二中午将在议会大厦外面向支持者发表讲话,并要求政府下台。
On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. 在她上班后的第二或是第三天,她接到了她九岁的儿子杰西打来的一个电话。
Trying to escape, to hide, to leave this with Valentines day. 努力的逃,拼命的躲,离开这个有着情人节的街头。
If you know someone else who takes roughly the same route as you each day (especially colleagues), do a car share, and share the costs. 如果你知道有人(特别是同事)每天上班的路线和你的差不多一样,你们可以同坐一辆车,然后共同承担费用。
If I give a kiss to my mother on her birthday party, then that day would be the happiest day of her. 如果我在妈妈的生日会上给她一个吻,那么那天将会是她最开心的一天。
In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day. 在那能看见的第一天晚间,我是不能入睡的,我脑海中充满了白天的回忆。
WOMAN: Yeah. Well, Mr. Kostelick wants you to stop by his office at the end of the day. 女人:是吗?好吧,考斯特利克先生要你下班的时候,顺便去一下他的办公室。
One day in 1970s, the man visited a farmer's home, when he saw that children did not have food and clothes, he gave them 30 Yuan. 在20世纪70年代,老先生参观了一户农民的家,当他看到孩子们没有食物和衣服,他给了他们30元。