
美 [dɪsˈɡaɪz]英 [dɪs'ɡaɪz]
  • v.伪装;掩饰;假扮;装扮
  • n.伪装;假扮;装扮;伪装物
  • 网络假装;化装;隐瞒

复数:disguises 现在分词:disguising 过去式:disguised

disguise fact,disguise identity


v. n.

1.假扮;装扮;伪装to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you

2.~ sth掩蔽;掩饰to hide sth or change it, so that it cannot be recognized


千金百分百_百度百科 ... 9.Sing Of Wish - MAKIYO 茉树代 Disguise 伪装 lene marlin 琳恩玛莲 ...


职称英语A级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... disgrace n. 丢脸;丢脸的人(事) disguise n. 假装;化装服 dismay n. 惊愕;灰心 ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... disgrace 耻辱 disguise 假扮,伪装,掩饰 disgust 厌恶 ...


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... discount n. vt. (打)折扣 disguise n. vt. 假扮,化装 disperse v. (使)分散,驱散 ...


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... discount n. vt. (打)折扣 disguise n. vt. 假扮,化装 disperse v. (使)分散,驱散 ...


马提尼——鸡尾酒之王-英语点津 ... conical 圆锥形的 disguise 隐藏,隐瞒 reside in 存在 ...


装字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 装修〖 fitup(ahouse,etc.)〗 装扮disguise;masquerade〗 装备〖 equip;fitout〗 ...


Swedish---English_fang_新浪博客 ... reject:deny,refuse 拒绝 disguise 打扮 乔装 cold 感冒 ...

Also, as ever, it is eager to disguise the fact that even some of its most trusted citizens will do anything to get out of their country. 平壤方面竭力维护与中国的良好关系,同时他们也拼命想掩饰这样一个事实,那就是即使是那些最忠诚的公民也会做出背叛他们国家的事情。
Living in a foreign country or being among foreigners can be difficult and sometimes putting on a disguise makes it just a little easier. 旅居国外或是生活在外国人圈子里是有些不易相处的,带上这样的假身份会更容易些。
A tight noseband is a vain attempt to disguise the fact that your horse is not ready for the things you are asking him to do. 紧的鼻革是徒劳的掩饰,它只能说明你的马没有准备好去做你要求他做的事情。
I'm writing a political satire about him at the moment, actually. It's called Yang in Disguise. 事实上,我正在写有关他的政治讽刺小说,叫‘男儿身,女儿心’。
I try to see through the disguise, But the clouds were there, Blocking out the sun (the sun). 我试图通过变相,但有云,阻隔太阳(太阳)。
The Dutch researchers say the discovery does not just help voters tell if their politicians are trying to disguise their meaning. 开展该研究的荷兰研究人员称,这一发现不仅仅能帮助选民判断他们的领袖是否在试图掩饰自己的真实本意。
'Well, Jane, do you know me? ' asked the familiar voice. And, struggling with the old clothes, Mr Rochester stepped out of his disguise. “好了,简,你认识我吗?”熟悉的声音问。挣脱着破衣服,罗切斯特先生不再伪装了。
She then used the money from richer customers to temporarily disguise the loans during the bank's monthly audit of overdrafts. 随后,她用从富裕客户那里得到的资金临时掩盖贷款,在银行每月的信用额度审计中蒙混过关。
He had an accident and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise: a pretty nurse fell in love with him during his stay in the hospital. 他遭遇车祸反而因祸得福了:住院时和一个漂亮的护士相爱了。
Of course it's galling , but I'm looking at it as a massive blessing in disguise because it could have been much worse. 当然,伤病是令人烦恼的,但是我缺想说‘塞翁失马,焉知祸福’,因为伤病有可能更糟糕。
Doctor Ullrich has just left. He did not even try to disguise the truth. 乌尔莱奇医生刚刚才离开,但他并没有留下这里的秘密。
But that sense should not serve as a disguise for allowing extremists of any stripe to define what views can or cannot be aired. 但是,责任感不应当作为任何类型的极端份子规定什么观点能或者不能被公开的借口。
In a few instances, it has been suggested that this loss, while seemingly costly, represents a blessing in disguise. 在某些场合下,有人提出,这种损失虽然代价高昂,却是因祸得福。
I needed a bit of a disguise, for a period of time. 在以前一段时间里我需要一些乔装。
I looked up. Everyone was staring at me blandly . It must be one of them, some sentimental rebel in disguise. Which one? 我抬起头,每个人都在无动于衷地盯着我。一定是他们中间的一个,这是伪装之下的某种情感反抗。会是谁呢?。
The embargoes are a blessing in disguise, just look at India they have a attack helicopter, but how much of it is made in India ? 塞翁失马焉知非福,看看印度的攻击直升机吧,它们究竟有多少是在印度制造的呢?
Oh no! Tripitaka is not a girl in disguise this time round. That was one of the running jokes in the original version. 哦,天哪!三藏这次不再是女扮男装了。那可是原版中流传的笑话之一。
An aged woman, but tall and strong as if she were a man in disguise , sat by the fire, throwing upon it one piece of wood after another. 一个年老的女人,高大壮硕,看起来仿佛是男扮女装的模样,她坐在火堆旁,把木柴一根接一根丢进火堆。
I thought she looked stunning and I realised that I was never going to do anything to disguise my own grey. 我觉得她看起来好极了,并决定我绝不会做任何事情掩饰自己的白发。
He never thought to disguise from her a knowledge of the haunts which he frequented. 他从不想向她隐瞒什么,凡是他出入的地方,他都照实告诉她。
She sees them as spirals of light behind people; their human form, she says, is just a disguise to make them less frightening. 她认为他们就是人背后的螺旋形的光影;他们的人形,她说,不过是为了让他们比较不让人害怕的伪装而已。
police said nowak was found with an air rifle and a small knife , as well as a wig and trench coat to apparently disguise herself. 警方声称发现诺瓦克的时候,她带着气枪和小刀并用假发和军用防水短上衣伪装自己。
I probably should have used a different disguise but this was the only one that seemed to match the assignment. 我也许改用别的伪装,但只有这一身才适合这次任务。
Yang flower told the nail on the head, if she likes the boy come on her to disguise as a girlfriend, that she will be very angry! 杨朵一针见血地道破,假如她喜欢的男生拜托她去假扮女友,那她就会很生气!
Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people' s happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race. 对幸福的轻蔑通常是对其他人幸福的轻蔑,在精巧的伪装之下是对人类的仇恨。
False hairpieces or other cosmetic devices are acceptable if they do not disguise the natural appearance of the bearer. 可以佩戴假发或其它装品,只要它们不影响申请人的本来面貌。
He often fought in disguise, but he was always recognized because no other knight had as much courage and skill as he. 他常常化装出战,但总能让人识破,因为他的胆量和武艺无人能比。
When Winston Churchill was defeated in the 1945 general election, his wife, Clementine, told him it was "a blessing in disguise" . 当丘吉尔在1945年的大选中落败的时候,他的妻子克莱曼婷告诉他“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。
This idealization would, however, disguise the fact that the thin web beneath the point load is in danger of buckling. 然而,这个理想化的结构不能指出在集中荷载下面薄腹板处于屈曲危险的现象。
Not getting that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as the firm went out of business only a few months later. 没有得到那份工作反倒是件好事,因为那家公司几个月之后就倒闭了。