dear friend

  • 网络陌生老朋友;亲密的朋友;亲爱朋友

dear frienddear friend

dear friend


学不会 Lost N Found_百度百科 ... 9.白兰花 Streets of Old Shanghai 10.陌生老朋友 Dear Friend 11.不存在的情人 Nonexistent ...


第21页 -... ... 歌手: 群星 APE 专辑中文名: 亲密的朋友 Dear Friend 专辑中文名: 康康:我的歌声里 Kang Kang:My Song ...


女歌手Stacie Orrico的详细中文资料_百度知道 ... ) Replay( 间奏-重复) ) Dear Friend亲爱朋友) ) Christmas Wish( 圣诞 …


每日好歌推荐 ... re:16 楼 dear friend—— 顺子 shania twain 唱的.超赞的一首歌 ...


博文_J&E_LIFE_新浪博客 ... 吸血鬼男孩 VAMPIRE BOYS 好朋友 DEAR FRIEND 情迷校园 CAMPUS CRUSH ...


Dear是什么意思!!! 请告诉我谢谢!!_百度知道 ... n. 亲爱的人 dear friend 亲密朋友 dear john (美)女友给男方的绝交信 ...

'If I die, or if I disappear for more than three months, 'the will began, 'I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde. ' “如果我死了,或者三个月不见踪影,”遗嘱上写道,“我希望把所有一切留给我亲爱的朋友——爱德华·海德。”
Do not open any files attached to ane-mail unless you know what it is, even if it appears to come from a dear friend or someone you know. 即便发件人是你的好朋友或者熟人,但你不知道邮件中附件的作用,也不要打开。
When the baker had finished, Don Corleone smiled at him and said, "My dear friend, put all your worries aside. " 当面包师结束的时候,唐·科里昂对着他笑了笑说,“我亲爱的朋友,把你所有的烦恼都丢在一边吧。”
Dear friend, i miss you so much! i wanna beat the living shit out of you and feed it to your mother! 亲爱的朋友,我很想念你,我想把你的屎活活的打出来然后为给你娘吃!
In the wake of the announcement that Rove is leaving at the end of the month, the president chose to call him a dear friend. 当罗夫即将于月底离任的声明发布后不久,布什总统决定改称他为亲爱的朋友。
When clock is belling, my heart ripple along with it, to distant with you, transmit my missing, to be joyful! My dear friend! 零点钟声敲响,我的心随它荡漾,向远方的你,传达我的思念新春快乐!我的朋友!
If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar's, to him I say, that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his. 要是在今天在场的群众中间,有什么人是凯撒的好朋友,我要对他说,勃鲁托斯也是和他同样地爱着凯撒。
Dear friend: life is not a candle-light flickering in the wind but a torch igniting a new flame. 我的朋友,生活并不是微风中摇曳的烛光,而是点燃新火焰的火把。
This looks like a photo he took in his backyard of a dear friend. 这看上去就像是他在自家后院里为一位好朋友拍的照片。
Of course, dear friend, you will have to feel love for your own self first and accept what you see around you. 当然,亲爱的朋友,你必须先感受在你身上对自己的爱,然后接受周围所见的事物。
Dear Friend, don't you know that our heavenly Father longs to exalt (meaning to lift up) you and me, sinners like the tax collector? 亲爱的朋友,您不知道吗?天父巴不得要提升你我这等和税吏一样的罪人。
Dear friend, I feel the silence of your great thought of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves. 亲爱的朋友啊,当我静静的听着涛声时,我感受到了你伟大思想的沉默,就在暮色深沉的海滩上。
Bingley did not answer, but his sisters agreed enthusiastically, and continued mocking their dear friend's vul- gar relations for some time. 彬格莱没有回答,可是他的姐妹们兴高采烈地表示同意,并继续嘲笑了一会儿亲爱的朋友的下贱亲戚。
and Louisa, my dear friend, promise me to take a little something warm before you go to bed, and not to distress yourself! 还有,路易莎,我亲爱的朋友,请答应我,在睡觉前喝点儿温暖的东西,同时自己别太伤心了!
My dear friend, I said, what consummate skill will our rulers need if the same principle holds of the human species! 我说,我亲爱的朋友,假如对人类也采用这种原则,我们的统治者需要多么圆熟的技巧啊!
" If I fall , " said Mr. Winkle , " or if the Doctor falls, you, my dear friend, will be tried as an accessory before the fact . " “假如我死了,”文克尔先生说,“或者是那医生死了,那么你,我亲受的朋友,就要作为从犯而受到审判。”
I am concerned about my dear friend, "Laura. " She has always been a drinker, but recently her drinking has increased to an alarming level. 我现在很担心我的一位亲密的朋友,名叫“劳拉”,她一直是位饮酒者,但是近来她的饮酒过量已经到了一个令人担忧的水平了。
Be my only happiness on earth your friendly will to me. O, dear friend, give me but a sign that you are conscious of me. 成为我唯一的幸福吧,噢,我的朋友,请给我,哪怕就一个表示你仍然在意我的样子。
The next day a dear friend of mine brought me the envelop with the copy from the postbox and opened it for me. 次日,我的好友从邮箱取来了装著圣像的信封,并替我打开。
'Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. 我们何其有幸能与史蒂夫结识,并与他一同工作,今天,我们失去了一位亲密朋友和精神导师。
It was good to see my dear friend, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, explain consciousness, which is quite separate from the mind. 我的爱,能见到这样的情形真好,RupertSheldrake博士,解释了意识结构已经完全从思维中分裂了。
My dear friend is quite ill . It is the appointment of Heaven, alas ! That such a man should have such a sickness! 我的朋友已经病入膏肓。唉!也许这是天定的命运——他无论如何都会这样不幸!
Dr. J. : It is a real honour to be able to celebrate my dear friend, Hubble. 博士:能为我亲爱的朋友“哈勃”庆生的确是一份荣幸。
On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know. 在你生命的今天,亲爱的朋友,我相信神想让你知道。
That post of my dear friend did not know whether there is sufficient strength thread? Or do you have that classical feel very terrible? 不知道那个帖子的仁兄是否有足够的实力跟帖?还是你那些古文已经觉得非常了得?。
During the month of September , a dear friend of mine lost her husband suddenly in an accident . The tragedy was a shock to everyone . 九月,在一次突发的事故中,我的一个好朋友失去了她的丈夫。一悲剧让大家都感到很震惊。
The children recognised, with delight, the voice of their dear friend. 孩子们高兴地听出来,这是她们亲爱的朋友的声音。
Which I new pay as if not paid before, But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. 这些是我以前应该付出而没有付出,所以现在来偿还的。但在我想起你的时候,亲爱的朋友,所有的损失都将被填满而悲伤停止。
My dear friend, close your eyes and let the waters take you home. 我亲爱的朋友,闭上眼,让河水带你回家。
I lost a very dear friend, someone who I admired, someone who was the greatest talent I ever met or worked with. 我失去了一位令我仰慕的挚友。他是我遇到过或一同工作过的人中最有才华的一位。