dear friends

  • 网络亲爱的朋友们;挚友;各位朋友

dear friendsdear friends

dear friends


问几个英语的题急急急!_百度知道 ... 我的表兄弟 my cousins 亲爱的朋友们 dear friends 为 而感谢 thank sb for ...


海贼王主题曲-4399动漫网 ... Eternal Pose( 永久指针) Dear friends挚友) ADVENTURE WORLD( 冒险世界) ...


杨洁篪在美国对外关系委员会午餐会... ... 谢谢大家。 Thank you. 各位朋友Dear Friends, 女士们,先生们, Ladies and Gentl…


...(ArtsTicket) 国家交响乐团(NSO) 两厅院之友(Dear Friends) […

We long for days when we would be able to be openly with you, dear friends. 亲爱的朋友,我们都渴望公开与你们接触的那天到来。
Dear friends, thanks so much for your attention, cooperation and encouragement. I take a great honor in having all of you around. 亲爱的朋友们,感谢你们的关注,参与和鼓励。我为有你们这些好朋友而骄傲!
Dear friends we do look so much forward to be with you all and to guide you through the spiritual ahead regarding ascension. 亲爱的朋友,我们是如此引颈盼望与你们全在一起,并指引你们通往前方的灵性的扬升。
Since the above is rather representative of my life, it is fair to say that my credit card company and I are dear friends. 由于上面的叙述已经足够代表我的生活,我可以理直气壮地说我的信用卡公司和我是亲密朋友关系。
Dear friends, in conclusion, I would like to say that we in Russia are ready to expand relations with China on all fronts. 最后我想说的是,俄罗斯愿意深化同中国在各领域的关系。
Just tell all my dear friends how much I care for you! 告诉我所有亲爱的朋友:我是多么在乎你们!
My dear friends , As the matter of fact, life is so short, why not try to fool the life, why should care too much about? 其实人生何其短暂,为何不尝试愚人的生活,为何要斤斤计较?
Dear friends we are very sorry to hear that you are in trouble because of the earthquake. How are things with you now? 亲爱的朋友们,听说你们由于地震都处在困境之中,我们很难过,现在你们都怎么样了?
so long , my dear friends , " said maria with tears in her eyes" . “后会有期了,我亲爱的朋友们,”玛丽亚含著眼泪说。
My dear friends keep one sentence in your mind that it's easy to fall behind, but it's difficult to catch up with the others. 我亲爱的朋友们在你的脑子里留着一个句子,它是落后容易,赶上别人很难。
It seems unnecessary for us to tell you to be of good cheer, but we say it anyway. We surround you with love. Good day, dear friends. 看起来没有必要让我们告诉你不要垂头丧气,但我们还是说了。我们伴随着爱围绕在你身边。祝你美好的一天,亲爱的朋友们。
Friends are the biggest fortunate of our life. Here let me send my sincere bless to you : my dear friends. 朋友是人生最大的财富!我真诚的祝福你:朋友!
Dear friends, when you walk on your long and hard march, don't forget to stop and take a rest to think carefully and quietly. 亲爱的朋友当您艰难跋涉的时候,别忘了停下脚步稍事休息静静地思考。
We wish to remind you that we too look forward to being acknowledged by you all, and to renew contact with you all dear friends. 亲爱的朋友我们想提醒:我们太期待被你们所有人公开认识并重新开始与你们全部人连结。
Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. 亲爱的弟兄阿,我写给你们的,不是一条新命令,乃是你们从起初所受的旧命令。
As we approach Ascension at a fast pace, they begin to see how the energies are awakening you, dear friends. 亲爱的朋友,当我们快速接近扬升,他们开始看到那些能量如何的使你们觉醒。
Then, what do you see when you are to the front of the world? Tell me, dear friends, if you see our limpid eyes and our ravishing smiles. 告诉我,亲爱的朋友,你是否看见了眼神中的纯澈,你是否看见了我们醉人的笑靥?
She studied last year at UofL for her Masters and was the language partner of one of my dear friends. 她去年在路易斯维尔大学攻取硕士学位,当时她是我一个朋友的语言伙伴。
Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart. 无论近在咫尺还是远隔天涯,亲爱的朋友总是心房的邻居。
my dear friends, just go ahead and i believe that you will have your own bright future no matter how hard the road will be. 我亲爱的朋友们,前进吧!不管你所选择的路有多艰难,我相信你会有一个光明的未来!
Dear friends who visit my blog please share your great ideas and communicate with me if you are interested in what I wrote. 亲爱的博友们,假如你们对我写的东西感爱好的话,我希望我们能够互相交流和交换我们的独特见解。
So, you see, dear friends, there is nothing to fear on that subject and all is going as planned. 所以,你看,亲爱的朋友,没有什么事是需要恐惧的,所有都在计划之中。
My dear friends, I wish to share this article with you. May God bless you. 此文,和我的朋友们共勉,上帝保佑你们。
I am making dinner for Mom on Saturday one of her dear friends is coming and also my nephew, which should make a nice little dinner party. 周六晚上我的侄子和她的一个好朋友会过来,为了母亲我要亲自掌勺,希望可以办一个温馨的小宴会。
Dear Friends, this is a short note to say hi and to tell you that I've been extremely busy working on the new album. 亲爱的朋友们,想要藉由这个简短的留言跟你们问好,我最近为了新的专辑真的忙翻了。
Dear friends, if you can spare some time, don't hesitate to come and take a look at the spectacular and beautiful scenery. 观众朋友们,如果你们有时间的话,不妨也来亲眼看看这里的壮美风光。
It is also my dream to be good friends with you , my dear friends and my dear teacher. 希望我和我亲爱的同学们,亲爱的老师能成为好朋友,这个也是我的梦想。
A common book will often give you amusement, but it is only a noble book that will give you dear friends. 平凡的书至多使你获得娱乐,惟有高尚的书才能使你如获亲友一般。
Now I would like to tell you how to solve the problem, my dear friends. And I hope you will forward the solution to other friends of yours. 亲爱的朋友,现在,很高兴地告诉你怎样去解决这个问题,并且我希望你将解决方案面对你的其他朋友!
You'll be missing out on celebrating with dear friends and family and some may be miffed that you didn't include them. 你会错过和你的朋友、家人一起庆祝,一些人也许会迁怒于你没邀请他们。