
美 [drɑp]英 [drɒp]
  • n.滴;水珠;少量;微量
  • v.使落下;(故意)降下;累倒;累垮
  • 网络丢弃;掉下;删除

复数:drops 现在分词:dropping 过去式:dropped

sharp drop,big drop,sudden drop,dramatic drop,rapid drop
drop bomb,drop ball,drop gun,drop subject,price drop
suddenly drop,gradually drop,probably drop


v. n.


1.[i][t](意外地)落下,掉下,使落下to fall or allow sth to fall by accident

2.[i][t](故意)降下,使降落,使落下to fall or make sth fall deliberately

3.[i](informal)累倒;累垮to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired

变弱;减少become weaker/less

4.[i][t](使)变弱,降低,减少to become or make sth weaker, lower or less


5.[i][t]your eyes/gaze ~.~ your eyes/gaze垂下(眼睛);垂视to look down

向下倾斜slope downwards

6.[i]~ (away) (from sth)急剧倾斜而下to slope steeply downwards


7.[t]中途卸客;中途卸货to stop so that sb can get out of a car, etc.; to deliver sth on the way to somewhere else

8.[t]~ sb a line/note寄,送,写(信)to send a short letter to sb

略去leave out

9.[t]~ sb/sth (from sth)遗漏;省略;不予考虑to leave sb/sth out by accident or deliberately


10.[t]~ sb不再与(某人)往来;同(某人)断绝联系to stop seeing sb socially


11.[t]~ sth停止;终止;放弃to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth


drop the ball

犯错;处理失当to make a mistake and spoil sth that you are responsible for

drop a brick/clanger

失言伤人;出言不慎to say sth that offends or embarrasses sb, although you did not intend to

drop dead

暴死;突然死去;猝死to die suddenly and unexpectedly

drop sb in it

(尤指因泄露秘密)使尴尬,使狼狈不堪to put sb in an embarrassing situation, especially by telling a secret that you should not have told

drop names

提及自己认识或见过的名人以抬高身价to mention famous people you know or have met in order to impress others

drop your bundle

突然发蒙;失态to suddenly not be able to think clearly; to act in a stupid way because you have lost control over yourself

let sb/sth drop

不再提起;放弃to do or say nothing more about sb/sth

初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... driver n. 司机,驾驶员 drop n. drug n. 药,药物;毒品 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... possibly 可能地 drop 落下;掉下 symphony 交响乐 ...


丢弃drop):当一个包到达时,简单地丢弃,不做其它任何处理。 接受(accept):和丢弃相反,接受这个包,让这个包通 …


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... possibly 可能地 drop 掉下 symphony 交响乐 ...


· 删除Drop)命令:这些命令用来从服务器上去掉元数据对象。· 处理(Process)命令:这些命令用来初始化那些基于当前 …


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 离开 Leave 下降 Drop 此外 In addition ...


  3. 放下 (drop):命令女犬把衔著的东西放在她们面前地上或是放到饲主的手里。   4. 捡回 (get):抛出玩具后再下令女犬把它捡回来。


字典中 涿 字的解释 ... ◎ 涿 zhuō (1) 水滴[ drop] (3) 涿州[ Zhuo prefecture] ...

Analysts say the steep drop shows how much of this year's rise has been fuelled by bank loans channelled into speculative activity. 分析师表示,股市大幅下跌表明,今年股市的上涨在很大程度上是由流入投机活动的银行贷款拉动的。
Don't just drop in a solution or technology; instead, carefully plan and evaluate the consequences of every decision you make. 不要简单地采用一种解决方案或者技术,相反,要仔细地规划和评估每个决策带来的后果。
There's no guarantee that your current big client, who seems to be perfectly happy with your work, won't drop you next week. 也没有谁可以保证此刻对于你的工作很是满意的大客户不会鄙人个星期就不以及你做生意了。
Think, one is it spoil producer so next to the skin agent of service, have how much courage leave you drop others' arms into to enjoy. 想一想,一个享受惯厂家如此贴身服务的代理商,还有多少勇气离开你投入别人的怀抱呢。
If you run into a buddy on the street for five seconds, tell him that you're going to be a Dan's place later if he wants to drop by. 如果你在街上遇到一个好朋友,告诉他们你过后要去丹广场看他们是否也愿去拜访。
This week Apple announced that it would soon drop the anti-copying software that has long been a nuisance for music lovers. 苹果公司本周宣布,将很快降低防拷贝的限制,此限制长期以来令音乐爱好者感到非常不满。
He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth. 他在房子外面调好颜料后两手各提一桶颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,嘴叼刷子,蹒跚着朝房门走去。
Their abductor pulls over and gives chase, gun drawn, and corners them in a warehouse, but Michael gets the drop on him with a two by four. 绑架他们的人停下了车,拔枪追击他们,将他们逼进了一块货仓,但是迈克尔用一根木棍先发制人。
The glorious flag was flying with the wind. On the helmets of the soldiers was a heroic name , Air -drop Force. 光荣的战旗在迎风飘扬,战士的钢盔上,写着空降兵这个英雄的名字。
Willie's really weary. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew ? 露水是由多少露珠滴落汇成的,如果露珠可以汇成露水的话?。
The two assistants then drop the small sheet cloth and listen to the wall to see if David is all right. 接着,两名助手放下这幅小布块,凑近墙体听听,看看大卫是否安然无恙。
To drop a rule, first unbind it if the rule is currently bound to a column or to an alias data type. 如果规则当前绑定到列或别名数据类型,则需先解除绑定才能删除该规则。
One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and the head nurse began to call the family members to the hospital. 一天晚上,他所有的生理指标都开始急剧下降,护士长打电话叫比利的家人来到医院。
It was great here my family and I played on our Wii until midnight and then we watched the ball drop in New York City on our T. V. 在这里我和我的家人能想玩就玩一直玩到半夜,然后一起在电视机前看纽约市的球赛——这太棒了!
She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her. 她感到自己的感情被榨得一滴不剩了。
I'm looking for input on organization approaches, as well as thoughts on the matter in general, so feel free to drop me a line. 我在寻找物品卷轴新的合成的方法,以及总的规划,所以欢迎大家给我新的想法。
If it were not for his like carefully looking at her, how can just drop a root of that small eyelash? 要不是他喜欢仔细地偷看她,怎能发现刚跌落的一根细小睫毛?
Although a bait cast rod can be used for drop shotting purposes, a spinning rod gives a bit more versatility to this light-line technique. 虽然枪柄竿也可以用来倒钓,但是纺车竿对这种细线玩法更胜一筹。
The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on. 这个样貌奇特的鱼缸的设计灵感,来自于一滴即将从它正停留表面滑落的水珠。
My friends do always tell me that they see you drop the top, got a girl in every city flirting all around the clock. 我的朋友确实有经常告诫我,你总是在事业顶峰下滑时,在每一个城市,几乎无时不刻地与女孩子们打情骂俏。
A drop in the President's tone, a shift of his eyes to Hopkins, told Pug he was now overstaying his time. 总统的声调突然沉了下去,目光向霍普金斯一瞥,这使帕格知道他逗留的时间已经过长。
Each thought I had was like a drop of water disturbing a still pond, and I marveled at the peacefulness of each passing moment. 我脑中出现的每一念头就如同一滴水打扰一潭静水,我惊奇这逝去的每一瞬间是如此宁静平和。
Drop a dryer sheet into the bottom of a gym bag and leave it there until your nose lets you know it's time to renew it. 至于你的包包:把一片干燥片放到它的底部,然后把包放在一旁,直到你的鼻子告诉你你可以接着使用它为止。
For one thing, I've got to drop my the bank to get some money. 有一件事,我将去趟银行取些钱。
All day as her mother slept, Anna watched the drop of dew that quivered over the front door. 一整天,妈妈都睡着,安娜盯着门前那滴不停颤动着的露珠。
You can add a Show drop-down action to the right side of your action bar to allow users to show a preview on the bottom or on the side. 可以在工具栏的右边添加一个Show下拉动作,允许用户在底端或边栏显示预览。
And I think we're finally going to see a drop in production from some as storage space gets increasingly tight. 我还认为,我们最终会看到由于储备空间的紧张而导致的减产。
The drop in rates was led by a build up in capacity among the various vessel class sizes, especially for Capesize vessels. 运价下降是因为不同吨级船舶(特别是好望角型大型散货船)的运力出现增长。
Acura has only five models which, considering the model lineup of the other carmakers, is nothing but just a drop in the bucket. 阿库拉只有五年的模式,考虑到模型阵容的其他汽车制造商,是什么,而只是一个杯水车薪。
When attached to a second robotic device, he was able to pick up a boiled sweet and drop it into a technician's hand. 当与第二个机械设备连接时,他可以打开一个糖果罐头并倒在技术员的手里。