
美 [dɪr]英 [dɪə(r)]
  • adj.亲爱的;宝贵的;珍视的;(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的
  • n.仁慈的人;可爱的人;(称呼所爱的人)亲爱的;乖乖
  • adv.高价地;昂贵地
  • int.(惊奇、不安、烦恼、担忧等时说)啊
  • 网络昂贵的;高价的

比较级:dearer 最高级:dearest 复数:dears

dear friend,dear mother,dear brother,dear sister,dear boy


1.亲爱的;宝贵的;珍视的loved by or important to sb

2.(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的used at the beginning of a letter before the name or title of the person that you are writing to

3.[nubn]昂贵;价格高expensive; costing a lot of money


dear old/little…

(表示亲昵喜爱)亲爱的used to describe sb in a way that shows affection

hold sb/sth dear

非常关心;十分看重;极为珍视to care very much for sb/sth; to value sb/sth highly


大全,大全列表,全部-爱漫客 ... DAGASY 放课后超能力战争 Dear 亲爱的 Diabolo 恶魔 ...


高中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... death n. 死,死亡;灭亡,毁灭,死因 .. dear a. 昂贵的;亲爱的;珍贵的 int. 呵! 哎呀! .. ...


可爱_互动百科 ... 可爱的,讨人喜欢的 lovable 亲爱的;可爱的 dear 小巧玲珑的;可爱的 itsy-bitsy ...


英语一至六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... deal vi. 做买卖;对付 dear adj. 昂贵的,高价的 death n. 死,死亡;灭亡 ...

'My dear Frankenstein, ' he said, 'I am so delighted to see you, but whatever is the mater? Your clothes are all wet, and you look so ill. ' “我亲爱的弗兰肯斯坦,”他说,“看到你真高兴,但发生了什么事了?你的衣服全湿了,而你看起来病的很厉害。”
It was a favourite for conversation, and for that indolent lounging so dear to a gay and thoughtless people. 它是一个聊天的好地方,它也是这个无忧无虑的民族特别喜爱的消磨时间的地方。
My God, my dear disciple, you know, you always smelt like an enticing aroma of meat and bones kept in the same lure me. 天哪,亲爱的大弟子,你可知道,你就仿佛一根时时在散发着诱人香气的肉骨头一样不停地在引诱着我。
After a pep talk from dear old mom, he took the first step towards reclaiming his manhood and his position as a vicious leader. 在听了亲爱的老母亲一段鼓舞人心的话以后,他迈出了找回自己男子汉气概和作为狠毒的领导者地位的第一步。
Do you think, seriously dear ones, for one moment that this particular aspect may have slipped our attention? 你认为,严肃的说,亲爱的,有哪一刻这具体的方面逃过我们的注意力么?
Oh, dear. It won't get there for New Year's Day if I send it by surface mail. How much will it cost if I send it by air? 噢,天啊。如果我寄平邮,就不能再新年的时候到达那里了。如果寄航空邮件要多少钱?
'Poor dear! 'said the nurse, hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt. “可怜的东西!”老看护说着,急忙将一个绿色的小玻璃瓶揣回长裙子的兜里。
The man shook his head slowly. ' Oh dear, oh dear, 'he said. 'Stealing, and then telling stories about it. 那人慢慢地摇摇头。“天啊,天啊,”他说,“偷东西,然后又编故事。”
I wish you had been there, my dear, to have given him one of your set downs. I quite detest the man. 你真希望你能在那儿,亲爱的,你就可以好好教训他一番,我十分厌恶那个人。
My dear, would you leave me, a serious problem, I said I am not going to bother you. Power is yours. 亲爱的,你会不会离开我,严重的问题,我说过我不再去烦你。权力是你的。
To her bird companion she said, "Dear swallow, please deliver this news to my mother. " 王子对她的鸟同伴说道:“亲爱的小燕子,请将这个消息告诉我的母亲。”
Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile because spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest in autumn. 农民们站在春雨中微笑,因为春雨贵如油,他们仿佛看到了秋天的丰收。
The dear object to a marry man shall be his wife but it is not infrequently heR clothes. 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西本应是他的娇妻,但往往那些是她的衣裳。
I met with a little adventure, which had like to have cost me dear. 我遇到一个小生意,几乎使我吃了大亏。
Oh, dear rose, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you limpid spring water and my sincere pure heart. 蔷薇呦,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心。
Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his extreme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me. 亲爱的玛丽,我向您坦白承认,虽说他十分年轻,但是他这次从军却使我感到极大的痛苦。
You look marvelous in your festival robes, my dear. So you noticed. At least I don't sing like a rooster with a sore throat! 晤,你穿着那样的节日盛装真是太美了。看来你注意到我了,至少我的歌声可不象被掐住脖子的公鸡在嘶鸣!
In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers will also be revealed to you all dear ones. 然而亲爱的,我们也将即时向你们所有人揭露你们与星际兄弟的真实联系。
Dear, let me sing a song for you , and I must tell you , I 'd been loving you . 亲爱的,我要为你献上这首歌。我一直都很爱你用英语怎么说?。
Of course, dear friend, you will have to feel love for your own self first and accept what you see around you. 当然,亲爱的朋友,你必须先感受在你身上对自己的爱,然后接受周围所见的事物。
It is as if one of the fairies, whom we left in our dear old England, had decked her out to meet us. 仿佛有一个被我们留在我们亲爱的老英格兰的仙子,把自己打扮好,跑来迎接我们了。
Dear, I would like to be your magician as you get out of the sun and moon and stars. 亲爱的,我愿成为你的魔术师,为你变出日月星辰。
I want you to think on this for a moment and get yourself into the frame of mind of attending a funeral of a dear one. 我希望你们能好好地思考这番话,然后想像自己去参加一个至亲好友的葬礼。
In North Korea, it may be a crime to speak ill of the Dear Leader, but visitors are also advised not to bad mouth the beloved national dish. 在北韩,说「亲爱的领导人」的坏话,就可能构成犯罪,但观光客也同时被告诫,不要说(北韩人)所喜爱的传统美食的坏话。
"Dear Mother, I must want this dream into a reality! " This oath is not correct beauty represents the beauty of her heart of hearts ? “亲爱的妈妈,我一定要这个梦变成现实!”这美丽的誓言不正代表了她那颗美丽的心灵吗美丽康乃馨老婆婆。
Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under. 即使再融资对这些公司是可行的,其代价也非常昂贵,破产只是时间问题。
The dear girls asked you to listen to me saying that did not see your me to lose well at heart, dear asked you not to hesitate again. 亲爱的姑娘请你听我说,不见你我的心里好失落,亲爱的求你不要再犹豫。
Dear teacher, busy a year, the student wants to say to you: Ignore when and where, you are my teacher forever! 亲爱的老师,忙碌了一年,学生想对您说:不管何时何地,您永远是我的老师!
Dear friends we do look so much forward to be with you all and to guide you through the spiritual ahead regarding ascension. 亲爱的朋友,我们是如此引颈盼望与你们全在一起,并指引你们通往前方的灵性的扬升。
Dear Ones, we have watched over for thousands of years, and in bygone times have had very close contact with you. 亲爱的,我们已经照看你们几千年,在过去的时光我们与你们发生了非常亲密的接触。