
美 [ˈdaɪət]英 ['daɪət]
  • v.节食;进行规定饮食
  • n.日常饮食;日常食物;规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的);规定饮食的时期
  • 网络食性;食谱;膳食

复数:diets 现在分词:dieting 过去式:dieted

healthy diet,special diet,strict diet,unhealthy diet,liquid diet
follow diet,change diet,improve diet,supplement diet,recommend diet


n. v.

1.[c][u]日常饮食;日常食物the food that you eat and drink regularly

2.[c]规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的);规定饮食的时期a limited variety or amount of food that you eat for medical reasons or because you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount

3.[sing]a ~ of sth大量单调的活动;大量单一的东西a large amount of a restricted range of activities


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... balanced adj. 平衡的 diet n. 饮食,节食 moment n. 瞬间,片刻 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... balanced adj. 平衡的 diet n. 饮食,节食 moment n. 瞬间,片刻 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fuel n 燃料;营养物 diet n 日常饮食 △ keep up with 跟上;赶上 ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... dictation n. 口授 diet n. 饮食, 食物 differ vi. 不同, 相异 ...


...至现代   分布(Found in)→ 全球   食性(Diet)→ 杂食性   典型体长(Length)→ 平均男性高1.8米 女性高1.65米   简介(Brief Introdu...


医 学 文 献 检 索 ... 6. 胃溃疡( gastric ulcer) 11.减肥diet) 12.药物成瘾( drug addiction) ...


2011年上海初三英语考纲词汇 - 豆丁网 ... die v. 死 390. diet n. 饮食;食谱;食物 391. difference n. 区别 392. ...


医学英语 ... Diatom 硅藻 Diet 膳食 Dietary fibre 食用纤维 ...

He showed personal interest in the vegetarian diet, and was very pleased to see such an event held in his city. 市长先生同时亦参与素食的讨论,表达了他个人对于素食的兴趣,并非常乐见这类的活动在他执政的城市举办。
It's believed that her crossed eyes could be the result of a poor diet when she was young - fat deposits may have developed behind her eyes. 据说她的对眼可能是她幼年时不健康的饮食造成的,脂肪沉积物可能在她眼睛后面发展。
I immediately took her to live with me and my family so that she could share a vegetarian diet with us. 我听了之后立刻接她过来同住,以便全家一起吃素。
It's been a great transformation of my diet, and one that I do not regret a bit. 饮食发生了巨大的变化,而我一点也不后悔。
First of all that food, light diet to lose weight is not superstitious, the body will be hungry virtual. 首先说饮食,光节食来减肥是不迷信的,身体会饿虚。
How much variety is there in your diet? 你的饮食是否多种多样?
But many people were also surprised to see how much food I was eating while I was on my 'diet' during the weeks before the show. 但是他们同时也惊讶于我在赛前“节食”期间所吃下的大量食物。
The British diet are not good at cooking, at noon or at night is often a sandwich or hamburger. 饮食不善于烹饪的英国人,中午或者晚上经常也就是三明治或汉堡。
Even though his parents came to live with him and his mother ensured a diet of entirely Andalucian food, he never beat his homesickness. 尽管有父母和他住在一起,尽管有母亲给他提供全套的安达卢西亚膳食,他的乡愁总是不能释怀。
Some experts have suspected that the adoption of a more Western diet may be at least partly to blame. 一些专家已经怀疑多吃西餐可能是患病的原因之一。
He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 他是一星期前开始节食的。首先,他开列了一张长长的单子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物。
But it would never replace diet, exercise, and a stating for lowering harmful cholesterol and protecting the heart and arteries. 但它永远不会代替日常饮食,运动,和降低有害胆固醇的他汀类药物。
The benefit is not a diet, the leaves of the tea used for some time, love of food will naturally change and become not eat greasy food. 其好处在于不必节食,荷叶茶饮用一段时间后,对食物的爱好就会自然发生变化,变得不爱吃油腻的食物了。
Exactly how much a Mediterranean diet can extend lifespan depends on a person's age. 地中海式饮食究竟能延寿多少端赖个人的年龄。
Britta Steffen of Germany also decided to stray from her diet before winning the women's 50-meter swimming event in Olympic record time . 赢得女子50米游泳金牌并创造奥运会纪录的德国选手布丽塔.斯特芬赛前也决定在饮食上放纵自己一下。
The child was diagnosed with autism, and Sears said he showed improvement after going on the GFCF diet, and adding vitamin B12 and zinc. 这个孩子被诊断为自闭症,希尔斯说,他在开始GFCF食疗并加进维他命B12和锌之后显得有所进步。
Hear carrot is all the time very nourishing thing, what comes than using carrot does satiety suit to be on a diet more reduce weight you? 一直听说胡萝卜是很有营养的东西,有什么比用胡萝卜来果腹更适合节食减肥的你呢?
Subjects who ate such a diet had a one-third lower risk of having major depression than did subjects who did not eat such a diet. 实验对象中,食用传统饮食的人和不食用传统饮食的人相比,患抑郁症的风险性要低三分之一。
The result was achieved though a special protein limited diet, which had a great effect on the chemistry of the brain. 该种结果是通过给老鼠喂食一种特殊的限定蛋白质含量的食物而达成的,这种食物对于脑化学有着巨大的影响。
At the moment, Adderall is the latest diet drug craze in Hollywood, and the number of celebrities addicted to it continues to rise. 目前,苯丙胺Adderall是好莱坞最新最热的饮食药物dietdrug,越来越多的明星开始沉迷于它。
Well, I feel like it's not a good thing, but I'm wondering if the diet and the meditation are enough to overcome this damage? 哦,我觉得它不是好东西,但我想知道饮食和冥想是否足以治愈损伤?
A year or so ago I spoke with a nutritionist and he advised me on a diet according to my blood type. This includes not eating pasta! 差不多一年多前吧,我和一个营养专家谈话,他建议我根据我的血型按照食谱吃饭。这里面就包括了不吃意大利料理!
The diet used with a cathartic consists of clear liquids or is designed to leave a minimal colonic fecal residue with laxatives. 饮食用于泻剂包括透明液体或旨在留下最小结肠粪渣泻药。肠道灌洗解决洗出结肠在一个安全的和有效的方式。
However, some of the causes of gout can be overcome through the means of a good, healthy diet. 不过,部分的原因痛风是可以克服的,通过手段的一个良好,健康的饮食习惯。
The main finding was that participants who adhered closely to the Mediterranean diet had a lower risk of diabetes. 调查主要发现,那些接近于地中海饮食的参与者患糖尿病的风险会降低。
That he took on this diet is also a powerful demonstration of how the plant-based diet is going mainstream. 他的这个转变也强有力地证明了植物性饮食正在成为主流选择。
It is more important to pave the way for children's desire to know than to put them on a diet of facts they are not ready to assimilate. 为孩子们的求知欲铺平道路比向他们灌输一堆他们不准备吸收的事实更为重要。
If you've tried this bad news diet I would love to hear how it worked out for you. 如果你也尝试过这个听取坏消息的习惯,我很想知道它对你产生了什么影响。
In our research studies, we help people who have never tried anything like a vegan diet to give it a whirl. 在我们的调查研究中,我们帮助那些从来没有试过素食的人试着吃素。
What we found was that it did not matter whether a reduction in calories was achieved through diet or burned everyday through exercise. 我们发现,卡路里的减少是通过每天的节食还是运动并不重要。