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Far East Bottlers

百事方面是通过持有中国装瓶资产的全资附属公司FEBFar East Bottlers)来进行这项交易的,百事目前在华的饮料业务通过2…



The ferocious attack by a chimpanzee of a woman in Stamford, Conn. , on Feb. 16 wasn't a question of if but of when. 一个女人2月16日在康涅狄格州斯坦福德,,黑猩猩凶猛的攻击,是不是如果,而是问题。
All seem to be at their peak abundances during their spring (and presumably fall) migrations (Feb-Mar). 这几种银鸥似乎都是在春过境(二月到三月)时达到数量高峰(推测秋过境也是)。
HOUSTON, Feb. 24 (AP) -- Bobby Jackson was lauded for his ability to be a spark off the bench when he was traded to Houston last week. 休斯顿,2月24日(美联社)-鲍比杰克逊称赞他的能力,是一个引发板凳上的时候,他被交易到休斯顿上周。
It was the largest meat recall in history and included cattle that had been slaughtered up to two years prior, starting Feb. 自从2006年2月1号开始,并屠宰了两年的牛导致了这历史上最大的生肉的召回事件。
Bryant scored a Madison Square Garden record 61 points on Feb. 2 then walked off the court as the crowd showered him with an MVP chant. 科比在2月2号创下了61分的麦迪逊广场花园纪录,并且在全场高喊MVP的响声中载誉分开球场。
Today we called Ms. Fang to ask her to arrange container to factory on Feb. 今天我们打电话给方小姐,让她在14号安排集装箱到工厂。
As the calendar ticks closer to Feb. 14, the company expects sales volume to spike by nearly 10 times that of a typical day. 随着日历渐渐逼近2月14日,该公司预计销售量会比平日增长近10倍。
We thank you for your enquiry of Feb. 2 and are pleased to tell you we are in good conditions with the leading manufactures in the country. 感谢贵方2月2号的询盘,并告之你,我方与国内最大的厂家有密切的联系。
Some seem to hear the call. The European Space Agency has scheduled a conference on space-basedsolar power for next Feb. 一些国家似乎已经吹响了号角,欧洲空间局计划在明年2月29日召开一个关于空间太阳能电站的会议。
But a stronger case can be made that Feb. 27 will turn out to be more of a tremor than an earthquake. 但是一个较强的案子能被达成,2月27日将出现比地震更大的震动。
My plan reduces the national debt, and fast. So fast, in fact, that economists worry that we're going to run out of debt to retire. ? Feb. 我的计划降低了国家债务,非常快,非常快,事实上,以至于经济学家担心还不到退休我们把债务都要用完了。
Even tech spending seems to be on the rise, judging from Cisco Systems Inc. 's (CSCO) strong earnings report on Feb. 甚至科技花费似乎在上升,是由CiscoSystems公司在2月6日强健的收益报告来判断的。
In his view, Christmas seems like a "warm-up" for the truly important month-long Spring Festival, which begins on Feb 3 next year. 在他看来,圣诞节就像是在为即将于明年2月3号到来的春节做热身。春节才是重头戏,那时的热闹会持续一个月。
On Feb. 1, 2009, Wesley was one of many thousandsof people to mail a tea bag to the White House. 在2009年2月1号,韦斯利是向白宫寄去茶包的无数小人物中的一个。
officers arrested the suspect on feb . 10 and charged him with animal cruelty and a breach of the peace , the spokeswoman said. 员警在二月十日逮捕这名嫌犯,并对他提出虐待动物与妨害安宁的指控,这名女发言人说。
But the Japanese had announced sinking two battleships in an air-sea clash off Rennell Island (TIME, Feb. 8). 可是日本人声称在伦内尔岛上空的一场空海战役中,击沉了两艘战舰(时代杂志,2月8号)。
In response Apple said the Washington D. C. -based Fair Labor Association would monitor conditions at supplier plants beginning Feb 14. 作为回应苹果声明从2月14日开始,总部位于华盛顿的公平劳动协会(FLA)将监控供应商工厂的情况。
The company opened up the beta to the public on Jan. 9, then stopped offering or allowing downloads of the beta on Feb. 该公司于1月9日向公众开放了测试版,然后在2月10日终止了用户对测试版的下载。
Green Eyed Dixie Cup, a Chihuahua breed, gets out of its owners car before checking into the Hotel Pennsylvania on Feb. 绿眼睛的迪克西杯,奇瓦瓦品种,获取其业主汽车进入酒店之前2月11日宾夕法尼亚检查。
Toyota said it had received a request on Feb 19 to voluntarily submit certain documents from the Los Angeles office of the SEC. 丰田还表示,在2月19日,它们被要求一份来自证券交易委员会洛杉矶分部的自愿委托文件。
Andrea takes her first steps together with her mother, Lotti, in Berlin, Feb. 今年2月23日在柏林,安德莉亚在母亲罗蒂伴同下蹒跚学步。
Fortunately, we were told that there were enough tickets when my husband, my son and I gave a try on Feb 6, which pleasantly surprised us! 幸运的是,2月6日那天,我家先生、我儿子和我去试试看的时候,却被告知票多得很,这让我们惊喜万分!
A man wears a suit and a tie as he heads out towards Sunday services at a Baptist church in Port-au-Prince, Sunday, Feb. 一名男子穿着西装,领带,他负责对服务已在周日在港浸会教堂太子港,星期日,2010年2月21日。
The last time the ECB's deposit facility was so flush was more than five months ago, on Feb. 7, when banks stashed 137 billion euros there. 自2月7日达到1,370亿欧元以来,五个多月时间里,欧洲央行这个储蓄工具还从来没有充斥这么多资金。
A policeman is in flames after a petrol bomb was thrown at him during riots in front of the parliament in Athens on Feb. 2月23日,雅典议会大楼前,一名警察在骚乱中被汽油弹掷中,全身起火。
i am very honoured , if i can again the interview chance from your firm in feb . do hope you could think about my resume . thank you. 如能在贵公司二月份的校园招聘会上获得参加面试的机会,我将非常荣幸。希望你能费心考虑我的简历。谢谢。
A woman at the Feb. 18 funeral procession for a slain protester holds a sign that reads, "We sacrifice our soul and blood for martyrs. " 一名妇女在2月18日举行的遇害示威者的送葬仪式上,高举标语:“我们愿为遇害者献出灵魂和鲜血。”
On the evening of Feb. 25, several black Suburbans pulled up to the front of CIA's Langley headquarters. 2月25日晚上,几辆黑色雪佛兰Suburban轿车停在了中情局兰利总部的门前。
On Feb. 15, 1898, the U. S. battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, killing 260 crew members and escalating tensions with Spain. 1898年2月15日,美国战列舰缅因号在哈瓦那港爆炸,260名水手死亡,此次事件导致美国和西班牙之间的关系更加紧张。
On Feb. 14, 1929, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre took place in a Chicago garage as seven rivals of Al Capone's gang were gunned down. 1929年2月14日,芝加哥的一个车库里发生情人节大屠杀,阿尔·卡彭黑帮的七个对手被枪杀。