
美 [ˈfæm(ə)li]英 ['fæm(ə)li]
  • n.家族;亲属;子女;家庭(包括父母子女)
  • adj.家庭的;一家所有的;适合全家人的
  • 网络科;家庭成员;全家福


support family,start family,come family,raise family,feed family
large family,happy family,poor family,family name,family business


1.[cspv]家,家庭(包括父母子女)a group consisting of one or two parents and their children

2.[cspv][u](大)家庭(包括父母子女及近亲);亲属a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations

3.[cspv]家族all the people who are related to each other, including those who are now dead

4.[cspv][u]子女;(尤指)年幼子女a couple's or a person's children, especially young children

5.[c](动植物)科;(尤指语言)语族a group of related animals and plants; a group of related things, especially languages


(be/get) in the family way

怀孕;有喜(to be/become) pregnant

run in the family

为一家人所共有;世代相传to be a common feature in a particular family


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... ID card 身份证 family n. 家;家庭 family name 姓氏 ...

...已知的任何亚马逊鱼类均大不相同,且不属於既有鱼类的family)、属(genus),科学家预定年底前完成「神秘鱼」的 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fair a . 公平的,合理的 family n. 家庭;家族;子女 famous a. 著名的 ...


家庭成员Family):爸爸,妈妈 ,奶奶,妹妹,弟弟嗜好(Hobby):篮球,台球,听音乐,喝茶,自拍 性格:调皮,活泼…


厦门安吉丽娜摄影 ... 妈妈的爱/ Mother's love 全家福/ Family 商业摄影/ Commercial ...

He was an orphan, he had no family, and he was on his first long voyage at sea. 他是孤儿,没有家人,这是他首次出海远航。
Remember the heart-warming story of British family that found a valuable Chinese vase in the attic? 记得有个英国家庭在阁楼上发现了一个价值连城的中国花瓶的感人故事吗?
If your family enjoys camping in the summer why not take out the tent and set it up in the living room complete with sleeping bags and all? 如果你的家人向往夏令营,何不就在起居室搭起帐篷,睡袋和一应物品?
the perfect meal to eat, the birds When not to use her mother's feathers gently stroked the bird's body, much like a warm small family it! 吃完美餐,鸟妈妈就不时地用她的羽毛轻轻地抚摸着小鸟的身体,多像一个温馨的小家庭呀!
Comets are just as much members of the sun's family as(are) the other planets. 彗星和其它的行星同样是日头亲族的成员。
Family members from all across the country would call to say that they had seen us on TV or in the newspaper. How fun to be famous! 住在全国各地的亲戚会打电话来说他们看见我们上电视或报纸了,出名真好玩啊!
The Kennedy clan is often considered the only Royal family the United States has ever had. 肯尼迪家族通常被认为是美国所拥有的唯一的王室家族。
Since my family is all in London, I was invited to celebrate Chinese New Year's Eve at my friend's house. 由于我的家人全在伦敦,所以我受邀在朋友家过中国新年的除夕。
The family income of native Americans is only sixty percent of that of white Americans. 美国当地土著的收入只是白人的百分之六十。
Her mother left her job with a local newspaper to stay home with her family. 她的母亲在做家庭主妇之前曾在当地的一家报社工作。
Opdyke admittedly is still searching for the right balance in his own family, especially about spending decisions. 没错,奥迪克仍在寻求给自己孩子一种适当的权力,特别是在决定家庭开支方面。
My family and I were very close, and living so far out in the country kept us all at home most nights. 我的家人和我非常亲密,住在如此偏远的乡村使我们大多数晚上都得待在家里。
During my party, I had the best time ever! I enjoyed the company of my friends and family, and I was truly happy. 在整个生日聚会过程中,我过得前所未有的开心,和朋友及家人在一起让我感到非常快乐与幸福。
And while women are now able to be the family breadwinner, a third of mothers feel guilty about going out to work and leaving the children. 不过虽然现在女性可以成为养家糊口的顶梁柱,还是有三分之一的母亲感到很愧疚,因为要出去工作只能离开孩子。
It is just that in the past many men, wanting to be responsible, waited until they felt financially ready to support a family. 只是以前很多男人要承担养家的责任,所以他们一直等到有经济实力了才会要孩子。
Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people. 上层人则饱受社会优宠:多尔弗斯·雷蒙出身世家,是个富有的白人,更喜欢与黑人为伍。
To have a family once a year in the miss to do not know how to return to her. 再到有了家庭每年一次的无比想念到不知道要怎么报答的完她。
But family planning officials insisted on an abortion. The principal at her school also pressured her to end the pregnancy. 但管计划生育的工作人员坚持让她堕胎。她所在学校的校长也让他终止妊娠。
Susan starts to withdraw from her friends and family, and Gaby works to reach out to Carlos while his guilt weighs heavily upon him. 苏珊开始远离她的朋友和家人,变得孤立。加比帮助卡洛斯摆脱积压在心头的罪孽。
Educated by his elegant mother from the royal family, Dharles behaves like an old-time prince. 在他出身皇族的优雅母亲的教导下,查尔斯的行为举止就像一位旧时的王子。
Yesterday, I chartered a sailboat so my family and I could spend a couple of hours out on the waters off Nantucket. 昨天,我租了一条帆船,这样,我和我的家人就可以离开楠塔基特岛,出海玩几个小时了。
That tends to cancel out the appeal this upstanding family man and former bishop would otherwise have to the party's social conservatives. 这将会削弱这名出身不俗的前主教对他所在党派的社会保守主义者的吸引力。
I'm sorry for your loss of Mimi, she was lucky to have spent many years with a family that loved her, My thoughts all with you. 对你失去的咪咪我很遗憾,她很幸运,与一个爱她的家庭一起生活了许多年。祝你平安
To this point, being a dragon woman might be proficient in career but spare no time for family, and might need care from her husband. 因此,做个女强人可能事业很优秀但没时间顾家,还可能需要她丈夫的关心。
If you don't prosper, it's easy to feel like a flop, that you've wasted your life and failed your family. 假若你一事无成,往往就会觉得自己是失败者,浪费著生命,令家人失望。
Merely attending junior college was an enormous achievement for me, as none of my family had ever graduated from high school. 对于没有一个成员能从高中毕业的家庭来说,能够进入高等学校学习是我的一个巨大成就。
I forgot how much fun those humiliating family sing-alongs can be. 我都忘了那献丑的家庭合唱
Andersen was born into a poor family, but ended up as one of the greatest writers of his time. 安行徒生出身贫寒,但最终却成为他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。
ONE Whether we remember it or not, most of us had a very happy one-year-old birthday, at least our parents and family did. 周岁不管我们记不记得,我们大都过了一个非常高兴的周岁生日,至少对我们的父母和家人是这样。
It was from the incompleteness of his own family that he'd built this not-so-secret life as the defender of broken humanity. 正是他自己家庭的不完整才使得他来从事这不算秘密的秘密生活,来保护那些破损的人性。