
美 [ˈfɪɡjər]英 [ˈfɪɡə(r)]
  • n.图形;人物;身材;体形
  • v.认为;是重要部分;是…的部分;计算(数量或成本)
  • 网络数字;外形;形状

复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured

slim Figure,slender Figure,popular Figure,controversial Figure,true Figure
Figure reach,maintain Figure,calculate Figure,top Figure


n. v.


1.[c][usupl](代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information

2.[c]数字符号;字码;位数a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9

3.[pl](informal)算术the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc. numbers


4.[c]人物;人士a person of the type mentioned

5.[c](远处人的)轮廓;(隐约可见的)人影the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly

体形shape of body

6.[c]身材;体形;(尤指)身段the shape of the human body, especially a woman's body that is attractive

绘画;故事in painting/story

7.[c](绘画或故事中的)人,动物a person or an animal in a drawing, painting, etc., or in a story


8.[c](人、动物的)雕像,塑像a statue of a person or an animal


9.[c](书中的)图,表a picture, diagram, etc. in a book, that is referred to by a number


10.[c]图形a particular shape formed by lines or surfaces


be/become a figure of fun

是嘲笑的对象;成为笑柄to be/become sb that other people laugh at

cut a… figure

显出…的样子;显得to have a particular appearance

put a figure on sth

定价;说出…的准确数字to say the exact price or number of sth


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... rate n. 比率 figure n. 数字 considerably adv. 相当大的,非常 ...


新商务网-关注商业崛起的力量 ... 图说 SIGHT 人物 FIGURE 文化 CULTURE ...


机务英语基础 - 豆丁网 ... 需要,要求 Need 图形 Figure 绝缘 Isolation ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... fierce a. 凶猛的, 狂热的 figure n. 数字, 外形, 人物 file n. 档案 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... prosperity n. 繁荣 figure n. 外形,轮廓;体形 pitiful a. 可怜的 ...


AE中英文对照表 - 丑石的日志 - 网易博客 ... 22.4 Fire( 火) 22.5 Figure形状) 22.6 Free( 自由雕刻) ...


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After looking across the internet for a few weeks, I've created an easy to read and thorough infographic to help you figure it all out. 经过互联网上几个星期的苦苦搜集,我已经制作了一个易于阅读和全面的信息图表帮助了解一切。
The governor's office is trying to figure out how someone got a hold of that information. 州长办公室正在努力查明某些人是怎样得到这些信息的。
And I've got to figure out a way to live on my wits because my back is getting tired. 我得想出一个办法住在我的斗智斗勇,因为越来越累了我的背上。
The next screen prompts you to choose the language for the installation process, as shown in Figure 2. 下一屏提示您为安装过程选择语言,如图2所示。
The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2. 实际节点本身只是一个带有标准文本和链接的框,这个框允许用户稍后再编辑文本,如图2所示。
The only money the Ball's ever made from the simple sketch was the two-figure dollar amount they made selling it to the client. 这张售给客户的简单草图虽然只为他赚了几十美元,但这是比尔的唯一一笔设计收入。
Helpless for what to do, she sat down at a cafe to try and figure out a plan while keeping her children calm. 她对于接下来要做什么感到彷徨无助,于是找了一间咖啡馆坐下来,在让孩子保持冷静的同时,试图想出一个办法。
Reduce comes first for a good reason: It's better not to create waste than to have to figure out what to do with it. 将“少用”放在第一位有充分的理由:与其绞尽脑汁地思考怎样处理废物,还不如干脆不要制造垃圾。
How much of the cash contributed at arrow 1 in Figure 1. 1 comes from shareholders and how much from borrowing? 图1.1的箭头1中有多少现金来自股东,多少来自贷款?
Eva. Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself. I'll be in touch. 但是我不能太靠近你的牢房,你得自己想办法出去了。我会联络你的。
He beheld the figure of a man, in grave and decent attire, seated at the foot of an old tree. 他发现在一棵古树下坐着一位衣着整齐庄重的人。
Many are "either trying to figure out what's going on or trying to time the very bottom of the market. " 许多人“或者极力想下一步将怎样或者试图计时市场的最低点。”
I'm afraid I can't wait that long. Can your office at least provide me with a ballpark figure? 恐怕我等不了那么久。至少你们部门能给我一个大概的数字吧?。
Next, click the Protocol Data tab and select Browser near the bottom of the workspace, as shown in Figure 20. 下一步,点击ProtocolData键并选择工作区底部附近的Browser,如图20所示。
I ha ha on smiling, jump up to jump the rear of going into a bush, figure in a flash, run toward the bush intensive direction. . . 我哈哈一笑,纵身跃入一道丛林的后方,身影一晃,朝着丛林密集的方向跑去…
She Presented quite a contrast to Caroline, there was style in every fold of her dress and every line of her figure. 她显得跟卡罗琳截然不同。她衣服的每条褶裥,身材的每一线条自有一种风格。
She was a little fuller of figure than five years before when she married; but she had lost nothing of her vivacity . 她比五年前结婚时丰满了些,可依然活力四射魅力不减。
Notice that this tab includes four fields: Available Values, Initial value, Expression, and save to, as shown in Figure 15. 注意该选项卡包含四个字段:AvailableValues、Initialvalue、Expression和saveto,如图15所示。
Switch back to the Preview view, using the tab at the bottom of the window, to see the report as shown in Figure 15. 使用窗口底部的选项卡切换回到Preview视图,查看如图15所示的报告。
Get Smart: Before you leave the house in the morning, figure out how much cash you'll need for the day, then take only that amount with you. 变聪明:在你早晨离开家之前,算一算今天需要多少现金,然后,就带上那么多。
General "Buck" Turgidson: We're still trying to figure out the meaning of that last phrase, sir. 巴克·特吉德森将军:我们仍在努力弄清最后一句话的意思,先生。
It suggested a consumption too great of a vitality which, to judge from her figure and stature, was already too little. 这说明体力消耗得过多了,从她的体形和身材来看,她的精力本来就是极有限的。
Paying the bills, trying to get job interviews, and most importantly, trying to figure out what the heck his life's purpose is now. 支付账单,寻求面试机会,而且更重要的是,努力弄清楚自己的生活目标到底是什么。
As far as I could judge, the figure was that of a tall, thin man. 根据我的判断,那是一个又高又瘦的男人。
In a woman's chart, it often signifies a strong male figure and his influence over her. 在女性星图中,它往往意味着一个强大的男性形象影响着她。
S. was designed so that you can easily figure out how to get to any city in the country as long as you know how top read a map. 美国的公路结构设计的只要你能读懂地图,就可以很容易地找到如何到达国家的任何一个城市的路。
Over the next several months I was in and out of hospitals taking test after test, trying to figure out what was wrong. 接下来的几个月我奔波于医院,做着一个接一个的检查,以确定到底是什么问题。
And from that stick figure, I somehow have to get to a folded shape that has a part for every bit of the subject. 然后从这个线条画,我得用某种方式得到折叠的式样,并且包括想要表现对象的所有部分。
Edith Wilson was by no means the benign figure of her pretensions; the president far less than the hero of his aspirations. 伊迪丝·威尔逊决不是她自称的善良角色;总统也远非他所期望的英雄。
The only difference is a special template that you select to identify the page as a Custom Faces Component, as shown in Figure 4. 唯一的不同是,您选择用来将页面定义为CustomFacesComponent的特殊模板,如图4所示。