falling out

  • na.冲突;“fall out”的现在分词
  • 网络争吵;吵架;两人闹翻了

falling outfalling out

falling out


lie to me 第一季 第十集_看lie to me学英语... ... witness: 目击证人 falling out: 冲突(争吵) look for: 寻找 ...


英语短文翻译!!_百度知道 ... meet up 偶然碰到 falling out 争吵 count on 依赖 ...


Love and Other... ... 2. sully: 弄脏,玷污 6. falling out: 不合,吵架 10.door-to-door-salesman: 挨门串户的推销员 ...


动感英语1-27_哇赛_新浪博客 ... Ø Care less 完全不在意\不关心 Ø falling out 两人闹翻了 Ø watch your back 留神,小心,提防 ...


Love and Other... ... 2. sully: 弄脏,玷污 6. falling out: 不合,吵架 10.door-to-door-salesman: 挨门串户的推销员 ...


英美电影电视剧常见表... ... 141 in the market for sth.: 想买...... 142 falling out: 不和,吵架 144 cool one's heels: 久等 ...


游艇专业英语词汇(F1) ... 舷缘内倾 falling in 舷缘外倾 falling out [水槽]活动底 false bottom ...

Pincer and Shock Trooper ships were falling out of the sky like ducks on a bad day at the marsh. 螯击机和突击骑兵机像倒霉日中沼泽地的野鸭子一样纷纷从天上掉下来。
Meanwhile, the Kremlin and Gazprom had a very public falling out with several of the business 'oligarchs' who backed Yanukovych. 与此同时,克里姆林宫和俄罗斯天然气公司甚至为几个“寡头”谁来支持亚努科维奇而在公共场合闹翻。
But if Islamabad is worried about falling out with Washington and hopes to get more out of Beijing, it may be in for disappointment. 但是如果伊斯兰堡担心与华盛顿关系破裂,又想从北京得到什么的话,那它就会失望了。
Unfortunately. . . she and I had a little bit of a falling out. 不幸的是,她和我以前有点冲突。
After a falling out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail. 在与许多走私者同党发生一次争执之后,汉被困在塔图因,屁股后面拖着一大笔债和一大帮追杀他的赏金猎人。
I had a falling out with my boss and he left the company. 我跟我老板吵翻了,他离开了公司
That's one of the reasons we sort of had a falling out for a few years. 所以这也是有几年,我们之间有点了闹翻的原因。
The Dutch striker is looking to leave Old Trafford after falling out of favour with Sir Alex Ferguson towards the end of last season. 荷兰射手期待离开老特拉福德,自从上赛季末失去阿莱克斯·弗格森爵士的信任之后。
Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonic booms and metal falling out of the sky. 数以千计的人们把911的电话都打爆了,争相报告声爆以及天上坠落的金属。
If you're not doing it at least once every month or two, there's a good chance you're falling out of touch. 如果每一两个月你没有像这样至少做过一次,很有可能你已经和读者失去了联系。
deadly broil falling out in the midst of Verona at noonday, the news of it quickly brought a crowd of citizens to the spot. 这件可怕的乱子是中午时候出在维洛那城的中心的。消息一传出去,一群市民很快就奔到出事地点。
We'd been puzzled by the high-rise syndrome for a long time, the name that we give for cats falling out of windows. 我们有很长一段时间困惑于高层综合症,这是我们给猫从窗户掉下去的一种统称。
You are such a collection of different personalities; it is no wonder that at times your confrontations end with a falling out. 你受到各种各样的人身攻击,这也就不奇怪有时候你的对质会以争吵而结束。
One day, I heard my boss falling out of chair and hitting on the ground. I rushed to his office, but was halted by his secretary. 一天,我听到我的老板从椅子上摔了下来,我在冲进他的办公室的时候,被他的秘书拦住。
I kept saying to myself that when at last they find out about him, it will be like the sun falling out of the sky. 我继续说对我自己,当他们最后发现关于他,它将是象落在天空外面的太阳。
Don't mention George's name to Roger. They had a falling out two years ago. Let sleeping dogs lie, if you know what I mean. 对罗杰别提乔治,他们两年前大吵了一架。依我看,最好不要惹是生非。
They had a bitter falling out of feelings lose, he want'cuz, the love of my life with you tomorrow will appear! ! ! 不要因为经历了很多的感情波折而灰心,有他在你身边,陪你一生的爱情也许明天就会出现呢!!!
I don't want to have a falling out with you over this, can we try to just calm down and talk it out? 我可不想为这事跟你翻脸,我们能不能尽量都冷静些,然后再谈呢?
Identify the contents, easy to install security use, coating convenience, Tu difficult after falling out of production and high efficiency. 识别内容多,便于安全安装使用,涂敷方便,涂后不易脱落,生产效率高。
If you put all that information in one place, you cut down on the potential for information falling out of sync. 如果将所有信息放在同一位置,就会减少信息失去同步的可能性。
After falling out with the American missionary, who he claimed was corrupt, he had an extremely unusual career change. 他说美国传教士很腐败,离开传教团后,他的职业来了一个一百八十度的转弯。
A man took a pair of scissors and snipped off his own member after a falling out with his girlfriend. 一个男人在和女友吵架后用剪刀把自己的搭档给剪下来了。
This gives the seat a bit of lateral support and prevents the rider from falling out during high G's. 这使座椅支撑位外侧,防止了在车手掉下高G的。
Early in my freelance career one of my clients had a falling out with his company's in-house designer. 在我自由职业生涯的早期,我的一个客户和他公司的室内设计师起了冲突。
Sometimes it's just enough to think you're falling out of love. 有时,你没有充分的意识到你正从爱中失足跌落
The chief executive of WestLB quit his job abruptly after falling out with the German bank's biggest shareholder over restructuring plans. WestLB首席执行官在与德国银行的最大股东就改组计划发生争吵后突然离职。
It also led to his falling-out with Sartre, who at the time was still defending the Soviet Union and refusing to condemn the gulags. 此举引发了他和萨特的争执,当时萨特依然一直捍卫苏联,拒绝谴责古拉格集中营。
And should I still write her down even though we've had a bit of a falling out? 即便我们已经有点儿闹翻了,还是写她吗?
"The money started falling out, so I sat down and cried, " he says. “这些钱开始掉落,所以我坐下哭泣。”他说。
Her bid came after a falling out with Han Jingyuan, Oriental's chairman, who controls 45 per cent of the company. 此前,她与持有东方集团45%股权的主席韩敬远闹翻。东方集团控制着湖北省一座中等规模的钢铁厂。