text message

  • n.文本信息;短信息
  • 网络简讯;发短信;文字讯息

复数:text messages

text messagetext message

text message


1.(手机)短信息;短信a written message that you send using a mobile/cell phone


上海学生英文报 ... stay connected 保持联系 text message 短信 rude behavior 不礼貌的行为 ...


简讯(text message),这年代青少年泡在电子媒体的时间远远超过他们该有的睡眠时间。另外一份由丕优研究中心(Pew Resea…


“气功”收入韦氏词典_词海拾贝 ... DVD: 数字视频光盘或数字影盘 名词 text message发短信 动词 air kiss: 飞吻 名词 ...


...', NORESEED) 来取回, 不过取回来的是文字讯息 (text message), 而不是很方便程式化, 若要满足前面的需求, 包含取回 identit…


哪位高手弄个6650的英汗对照表发上来啊??? -... ... setting 设置 text message 短信息 multimedia message 彩信 ...


诺基亚 N-Gage 论坛·精华区 - 友人网 ... Service commands 服务器命令 Text message 新建短信 Message details 短信详细资 …


RFC2865 Radius协议学习笔记 - silent... ... Authenticator 认证字 text message 文本消息 padded 填充 ...


空中英语教室字汇整理与分享 ... compose 创作 text message 文字简讯 transform 改变 ...

And SMS is no longer just for Twitter, as you can shoot off a quick text message to post directly to your blog. 而当你可以直接用文本信息在你的博客上发帖时,SMS彩信也就不再仅仅适用于Twitter了。
When it comes to structure, a simple SMAP text message to be passed to a phone has much in common with a SOAP message. 就结构而言,传递给电话的简单SMAP文本消息和SOAP消息非常类似。
Mr. Marchenko said he was surprised by his nomination, which he said he learned of in a text message from his prime minister. 马尔琴科说,他的提名出乎自己的意料,他说消息是总理通过短信告诉他的。
About ten minutes later the farmer will get a text message. The message will advise what kind of fertilizer to use and how much. 大约10分钟后,农民将收到一条短信,短信将对肥料类别和用量提出建议。
No, Kobe never should've selected the next Lakers coach, but he should've connected with him long before a text message on Wednesday night. 是的,科比从不应该是湖人新任主帅人选的决定者,但他早就该与主帅联系了,而不是到周三晚上才给他发短信。
Now this will only work if she agrees to show you her cell phone records, hey while you're at it check their text message counts as well. 现在最好的办法就是如果她同意向你展示她的手机记录,你就可以检查她们的短信数。
He said his wife, Regina Harten, told him later that when she received the text message, she thought he had been in an car accident. 他的妻子,雷吉纳.哈顿后来告诉他,当时收到短信息后她还以为自己的丈夫经历了一次车祸。“事实上,我确实感觉被一架巴士撞飞了。”
Liu sent a text message to her 17-year-old sibling warning her to take down a photo of a guy sitting on her sister's lap. 刘敏给她17岁的妹妹发送短信,提醒她删除某位男孩坐在她腿上的一张照片。
Looking at the text message entered in previous step, the keyword used in this scenario, the word "patient" , is contained in the message. 看一下前一步中输入的文本消息,消息中包含这个场景使用的关键词“patient”。
A redesigned pop-up menu makes it easy to share photos via email, text message, BlackBerry Messenger, or various social networks. 通过一个经过了重新编排的弹出式菜单,你可以很便捷地通过电邮、短信、黑莓信使以及各种社交网络来分享照片。
She was very nervous and upset, then she sat down, took her cell phone out of her pocket and sent a text message to her friends: "Oh no! " 她非常紧张和难过,然后她坐下来,从口袋里掏出手机给她的朋友发短信说:啊!
Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her. 天天早上给她发短信或是打电话,奉告她今天要好好的,还要告知她你有多想她。
Today, I sent a text message to my girlfriend telling her how much I wanted to make love to her tonight. 今天,我发短信告诉我的女友:今晚,我是多么地想和她XXOO。
Make time during the day to call or text message your husband or wife to let them know you are thinking about them. 白天工作时抽空打电话或者发信息,告诉他(她)你在想着他(她)。
If you can't bear to leave your sports news at home, sign up for "ESPN Alerts" by text message and download small-screen videos. 如果您想在离开家的时候也能收看体育新闻,那么您可以发送手机短信订阅“ESPN新闻通报”并下载电视录像。
"People will receive a text message of a legal notice only after they apply for the service, " he said. 他还说:“人们只有在主动申请了相关服务之后才会收到这类司法短信。”
The Red Cross appeared to be the charity of choice among celebs, who encouraged their fan bases to make donations via text message. 明星更倾向于为红十字会筹集善款,鼓励粉丝通过发短信捐款。
Boys do not know when that each time she received the text message is a feeling of well-being, even a word! 男孩儿不知道什么时候发觉,每次收到她的短信感觉都是一种幸福,那怕是一个字!
Hardly had I put away my mobile when a text message arrived, which said, 'My dear sister, I become a year old today! ' 我刚要把手机收起来,一个短信来了,内容是:“亲爱的姐姐,今天我又长了一岁!”
I decide to call fong, but receive a text message form her as i was dialing. It said that she miss me and ask me to come back to hers. 我决定给方打电话。在号码还没有拨完的时候,我收到了方发来的短信:玫玫,回来吧,我想你。
"If I got a text message I would feel a little bit better, " said Irving, who has four children. 埃尔文本人是四个孩子的父亲,他说:“如果我收到一条短信,就会稍感放心。”
The decision is due to be announced by text message and email to anyone who signs up to receive it. 这一决定将以文字和电子邮件向登记接收的人发布。
Sending a text message is often the most time-consuming and expensive way to transfer data. 通过发短信来传送信息往往是最费时并且昂贵的方法。
Dismissed one-time alarms do not disappear from the list and it is possible to review alarm text message later. 修正了一次性闹钟在响铃后不消失,并可能看到闹钟信息的错误。
Property returns a text message describing the error ; you can alter it to make a cryptic message easier to understand . 属性返回描述错误的文本消息;您可以更改该消息,使意思不明确的消息更易于理解。
In this simple example, the service received a text message in the body, and a text message, a jpeg file and a zip file as attachments. 在这个简单的示例中,服务会接收主体中的文本消息以及作为附件的文本消息、jpeg文件和zip文件。
I got a text message from one of my good friends last night, which said that she and he husband would divorce this morning. 昨天收到了一位好友发来的短信,说她和她先生今天上午要离婚了。
But now, before the victors win, there is a chance to scream out with a text message that will not vanish. 但如今,在胜利者取得胜利之前,就有可能出现受害者用短信发出的永不磨灭的痛苦尖叫。
A company has defended its decision to sack one of its staff by text message, claiming it was keeping in touch with youth culture. 一家公司为通过发短信解雇一名员工的做法进行了辩护,声称此举是为了与年轻人的文化保持亲密接触。
Sitting on the team bus waiting to leave the stadium, he receives a text message that says, "Fuck it. It's only England. " 坐在离开体育场的大巴上,他收到一条短信:“去他的吧,只不过是英格兰队遭淘汰而已。”