their rooms

their roomstheir rooms

their rooms

Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her. “我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。
Nona: The children? Well, they never clean their rooms. Sometimes they help in the kitchen but they usually have too much homework. 孩子们?恩他们从来都不会自己清理房间的。有时他们会在厨房里帮忙但他们作业也非常的多。
They talk about their dad fondly and matter-of-factly, and have big pictures of him in their rooms. 他们会满怀深情、实事求是地谈论自己的父亲,在他们的房间里挂着他的大幅肖像。
After the meal however, when guests returned to their rooms, Campbell now says she was sleeping when there was a knock at the door. 那天晚宴之后,大家都回到各自的房间,坎贝尔说自己正要睡觉的时候,听到了敲门声。
locking myself out of my room with just a pair of knickers on, and no neighbours in their rooms to help me. 穿着内裤把我自己锁在了门外面,邻居都窝在房间里不帮我!
They made dad-tables in their rooms and we talked about him constantly. How he had been ill, where he was now. 在他们的房间里做了很多跟爸爸有关的图表,我们也常常谈起他,他的病况,他现在的情况。
She took advantage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. 她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。
Some report they may see fewer than half their rooms occupied, in the coming weeks - the heart of the peak tourism season. 有些旅店反映说,今后几个星期,是旅游旺季的高潮,旅店可能只有不到一半的客房有人居住。
the wounded soldiers came creeping out of their rooms , and crowded round the waggons , with pale , delighted faces. 伤员们拖着腿从各自的房间里出来围住大车,苍白的脸上露出喜色。
Shows guests up to their rooms and explain the facilities the hotel provides. 引领客人到房间并向客人介绍酒店的设施。
While they were gone, I would send in a team of judges to form an impression of the recently departed purely from evidence in their rooms. 等他们离开后,我派一群法官进去,依据房间中的线索对刚刚离开的人形成一种直观印象。
The bell was a common feature in these halls where the residents spent most of the day in their rooms in prayer. 在这些居住者每天要花上大部分时间闭门祷告的大厅里,钟,是在寻常不过的摆设。
The terrorized residents had to entrench themselves in their rooms, and the scourge could be defeated only by the arts of witchcraft. 被吓坏的居民被迫在自家房子四周挖起壕沟,而灾祸只能靠巫术来平歇。
The quarantined guests are allowed into the hotel grounds, although the hotel has 'recommended' they stay in their rooms. 这些被隔离者获准前往饭店的庭院,不过饭店“建议”他们留在自己房间里。
the above sounds like bull. the Chinese tourist is famous for eating in their rooms or McDonald. it just a tradition with them. 这话就是胡说八道嘛。中国游客在自己的房间吃东西,还有热衷于麦当劳是很出名的。这就是他们的一个传统。
To tell the truth, very tactfully refused to Lang Ping, as guests into their rooms to tell the other side can not be the same as smoking. 说实话,郎平拒绝得很委婉,就像客人进自家房间前告诉对方不能吸烟一样。
Behind the same boulevard, painters still find studios and writers their rooms in the vicinity of the Montparnasse Cemetery. 在同样的大道身后,画家和作家总能在蒙巴纳斯公墓附近找到工作间。
The last guests checked out of their rooms in the morning. 最后一批客人早上结帐离开旅馆。
They are in their rooms, alone except for television, but they, like me, are used to it. 他们都在自己的房间里,孤独的守着电视机,不过他们也很习惯了,就跟我一样,很习惯了。
Watters said one pastor in the Congo thought he could contract AIDS by touching people with the disease or going into their rooms. 沃特斯说,一个牧师在刚果认为他可以通过接触感染艾滋病的人的疾病或准备进入他们的房间。
Responsible for welcoming of guests and escorting them to their Rooms where necessary, in a professional friendly and genuine manner. 负责礼貌友好地迎接和陪同客人到他们的房间。
The hotel insists that guests check out of their rooms before11 o'clock in the morning. 这家旅馆一定要客人在上午11点钟前结帐后离开房间。
Encourage children to unplug toys and lights in their rooms and turn off lights throughout the house when not in use. 鼓励孩子在不需要的时候,拔下房间内玩具和灯的插头,并关掉屋子里的灯。
They stopped at the biggest hotel in the town, and went in to their rooms. 他们在镇上最大的一座旅馆前停了下来,进了各自的房间。
My children are often happy to stay in their rooms and converse by keyboard. 而我的孩子,却乐于经常呆在房间里用键盘说话。
Guests fled to their rooms and knotted curtains and sheets, which they lowered out of windows, and clambered down to safety. 顾客们逃回自己的房间,把窗帘和床单打结做成逃生的绳子,从窗户上爬下来,逃到安全地带。
Be responsible for welcoming guests and escorting them to their rooms in a professional friendly and genuine manner. 如有需要,负责礼貌友好地迎接和陪同客人到他们的房间。
She warned the staff that her guests were never to be moved from their rooms again without contacting her. 她警告工作人员,以后不准没有同她商量就擅自把她的客人从他们的房间赶走。
Women pilfer souvenirs from their hotel rooms as men raid the bars in the refrigerators in their rooms, the hotel study found. 宾馆调查发现,女人会从宾馆房间拿走一些纪念品,男人则把房间里冰箱内的食物一扫而光。
An attendant escorts guests to their rooms, where slippers are removed before walking on the rice straw flooring, called tatami. 接着,服务员会把客人带到房间,客人脱掉拖鞋后才能走在“榻榻米”(一种稻草垫)上。