dragon boat festival

  • 网络端午节;龙舟节;端午节英语作文

dragon boat festivaldragon boat festival

dragon boat festival


节假日_百度百科 ... 农历春节 calendar Spring Festival 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 中元节 Festival of the fifteenth day ...


牛津小学英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dragon 龙 Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节,端午节 dragonfly 蜻蜓 ...


端午节英语作文(dragon boat festival)端午节英语作文:中国的端午节端午节英语作文:端午节的故事端午节英语作文 高中英语 …


异域风情 ... 19 years in fairy tales 19 年的童话生涯 ·Dragon Boat Festival 端午节赛龙舟 ·Doing Business 做生意 ...


博文_Lily老师_新浪博客 ... ABC 英语寒假班报名开始啦! Dragon Boat Festival 端午节学英语 Mother's Day 母亲节 ...


求中国端午... ... Those flowers are very fragrant. 那些花很香。 Dragon Boat Festival端午节的由来 dragon boat 龙舟(名词) ...


6月:渥太华龙舟赛(Dragon Boat Festival)与加拿大人一起庆祝中国的端午节,在里多河畔欣赏龙舟赛,别有一番情趣。

moved to a hung your heart, a love of your blessing, a true feelings are waiting for your response. I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival! 一颗心迁挂着你,一份爱祝福着你,一份真感情在等待着你的回应。祝端午节快乐!
The Dragon Boat Festival in London, Ontario operates as a non-profit event, and the money generated is used to support local charities. 安大略省伦登市所举办的舟庆典,并非以营利为目的,活动收入皆用来赞助当地的慈善团体。
Later, it had scheduled for this day for the Dragon Boat Festival, to take the form of dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan. 以后,人们就把这一天定为端午节,以吃粽子的形式来纪念屈原。
This would be a week before Duanwu, the Dragon Boat Festival, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 这是以往在端午节前一周常常出现的场景。农历五月初五为端午节,又叫龙舟节。
Dragon Boat Festival, local officials will gather for a retreat to the South, the city invited literati feast, known as the "Tap Liu. " 赵县端午,地方官府会至城南举行聚会,邀请城中士大夫宴饮赋诗,称为“踏柳”。
I took part of the dragon boat festival in one of the villages yesterday, to see how cantonese people celebrate. 昨日,我到广州车陂村观看端午划龙船的庆祝活动。
The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. 龙舟竞赛是端午节的传统习俗,当时是为了营救爱国诗人屈原。
In memory of the poet, the Dragon Boat Festival is still held every year on the anniversary of his death. 为了纪念这位诗人,每年在他的祭日人们都要过龙舟节。二、要点分析
Chinese people enjoy moon cakes during this feast just as they eat rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. 中国人喜欢月饼一样,这个节日期间吃粽子,端午节。
Up to now, the Dragon Boat Festival is still the Chinese people in a very widely accepted solemn and impressive festival. 时至今日,端午节仍是中国人民中一个十分盛行的隆重节日。
In Jinhua, the Dragon Boat Festival is the mother of his daughter back home to see the day. 在金华,端午节是女儿回娘家看母亲的日子。
Fifth lunar month, known as Dragon Boat Festival, client is the beginning, early means. 农历五月初五,俗称“端午节”,端是“开端”、“初”的意思。
Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival. 即使他们当时并没有找到屈原,但是他们的行为,直到今天在端午节的时候,仍然被人们传颂纪念着。
I would like to have the Dragon Boat Festival every year, remembering the people Qu Yuan, as he did love our great motherland. 我要年年过端午节,牢牢记住屈原这个人,像他那样热爱我们伟大的祖国。
Chinese New Year and Ching Ming, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival known as Han Chinese of the four traditional festivals. 春节与清明节、端午节、中秋节并称为中国汉族地四大传统节日句号。
May I can put the best blessing to you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy! 愿我能把世上最好的祝福带给你,祝端午节快乐!
In 2008, China began to Ching Ming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival as a statutory holiday. 令人欣慰的是,2008年我国开始将清明节、端午节、中秋节定为法定假日。
The first Dragon- boat Festival was observed after the death of Qu Yuan, and people showed their respect to this great man in a unique way. 第一次龙舟大赛是在屈原离世之后,人民用一种独特的方式向他表达敬意。
Juliet: You have branches on your door, too! Why do people do that around the time of Dragon Boat Festival? 朱丽叶:你的门上也插有艾草的枝条!为什麽人们在端午节期间都会这麽做?
And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. 端午节是为屈原庆祝的,他是一位忠臣,据说就是在这一天,投湖自尽的。
During the Dragon Boat Festival the following year, he said again, "Kong Yiji still owes me 19 coppers! " 到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”
The first Dragon Boat Festival was observed after the death of Ququan , people express their respect to the great man in a unique way. 第一个端午节出现在屈原离世后,人民用一种独特的方式向这位伟人表达敬意。
And with Dragon Boat festival on Monday, volunteers in Thailand make vegetarian sticky rice dumplings - or zong zi - for charity. 周一就是端午节,泰国志工制作素粽,义卖行善。
It was the traditional Chinese festival yesterday: dragon boat festival. 昨天是中国传统的节日——端午节。
Fifth Lunar New Year Dragon Boat Festival in May, is one of the largest traditional festivals. 端午节来历英语作文农历五月初五端午节,是我国最大的传统节日之一。
Argy Wormwood The time of year of the Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of Chu Yuan. 农历的五月,也就是端午节的这个时节,对中国人而言,除了屈原的故事还有许多其它重要的意义。
The Dragon Boat Festival, legend has child peja pei wei hot away danger flooding of Italy, is actually used to flap head ornament adornment. 端午节小孩佩香囊,传说有避邪驱瘟之意,实际是用于襟头点缀装饰。
Due to the dramatic increase in temperature after Dragon Boat Festival, air conditioners are in hot sales among other domestic appliances. 由于端午过后气温会大幅升高,在家电销售区域,空调的销售也表现不俗。
Zongzi, a traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, is a glutinous rice ball with a filling wrapped in corn leaves. 作为端午节传统的食品,粽子是用谷物的叶子包裹糯米而制成的。
Having said that, I think of my family have been the scene of the Dragon Boat Festival. 说到这里,俺又想起了我家过端午节的情景。