
美 [ˈdebɪt]英 ['debɪt]
  • n.借记;借方;收方;借项
  • v.借记;记入(账户)的借方
  • 网络记入借方的款项;把…记入借方

复数:debits 现在分词:debiting 过去式:debited

debit account


n. v.

1.借记;借方;收方a written note in a bank account or other financial record of a sum of money owed or spent


红狼博客 ... Double Entry: 复式记账法 Debit借方 Credit: 贷方 ...


中日会计用语 ... 贷记 credit 借记 debit 预提费用 accrued expenses ...


托业考试词汇 - phemax的日志 - 网易博客 ... 7. credible 可信的;可靠的 8. debit 借方;借项 9. earnings 薪水;工资;收益 ...


外贸函电9_小马过河_百度空间 ... reimburse v. 付还, 偿还 debit n. 借方, 记入借方的款项 2. accompany v. 伴随 ...


新概念英语第四册单词_百度文库 ... current 通用的,流行的 debit 把……记入借方 debtor 借方 ...


口译考点中的金融词汇 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... bearer debenture 不记名债券 debit n. 借方,借项;记入借方的款项 debt n. 债务,欠 …

Whenever you hand your credit or debit card to a salesperson or waiter, watch to see where your card is taken and what is done with it. 无论在你把你的信用卡或借记卡递给售货员还是服务员,留心看看他们把你的卡拿到哪里,并用它做什么。
account created by the debit part of the entry is closed into the Income Summary account in the same manner as any other expense account. 上述分录中借记的坏账损失像其他费用一样结转到收益汇总账户。
The bank didn't rule out that fraudulent activity might have taken place following the attack but said Citi's debit cards weren't affected. 花旗并未排除攻击后发生欺诈活动的可能性,但说花旗的借记卡未受到影响。
But she did say I could pick up my debit card in person at the third branch and could use it when my account was eventually unfrozen. 不过,她的确告诉我,我可以亲自到第三家分行去领回自己的卡,当账户最终解冻时,我就能继续使用那张卡了。
To record a transaction in a journal in terms of debit and credit is referred to as making a journal entry or journalizing. 用借项和贷项在日记帐中记录一笔业务叫做日记帐分录或记日记帐。
Annual tuition fees are to be paid in full at the beginning of each academic year, or by direct debit instalments from a UK bank account. 学费须在每年学年开始的时候全额交纳,或者由一家英国银行以借记贷款交纳。
After a bit of tweaking, I improved it so that I could keep track of different credit and debit categories, just like Quicken can. 略微调整之后,我将其改进,以便可以象Quicken那样跟踪不同的贷款和借款类别。
Refund for Tickets paid with credit cards or debit cards can only be credited to the card account originally used for the Ticket purchase. 如果您购票时使用信用卡或借记卡支付票款,则票款只能被退还到原卡帐户上。
It takes just a few seconds for this machine to identify your unique fingerprint and debit your account. 这台机器只需要花费几秒钟就可以识别出你的指纹,并从记入你的帐户。
Assume that the allowance account had a debit balance of $ 1280 at the beginning of this month. Made an entry about allowance for bad debt. 假定备抵账户在本月初有1280美元的借方余额,将坏账计入备抵账户。
Scotland Yard also warns not to let your credit or debit card out of your sight. 伦敦警察厅还告诫说,不要让你的信用卡或借记卡离开自己的视线。
The new rules would put the right to use the leased item in the assets column. The obligation to pay for it would go in the debit column. 新规定会将租借物的使用权归入资产栏,把支付租金的义务归入借方栏。
Migrate to a debit card or to plastic that must be paid each month. 改用每个月必须还款的借记卡或其他银行卡。
The bank debit form you will find in the Users zone, section "Other contractual documents" , duly filled in and signed. 两份《内部(国内)程序规定》的副本,你可以在用户区里的“其他合同文件”中找到,准确填写所有页的内容并签字。
Users were delighted to hear from us, because it reminded them that we're more than a set of pages and a monthly debit. 用户因为我们的联系很高兴,因为这是他们想起我们不仅是一堆纸和每月的借方。
We ancestors see that humans have become accustomed to using credit or debit cards out of the fear of being robbed. 我们祖先看到,人类已经由于害怕被抢劫而变得习惯使用信用卡或借记卡。
The journal entry to record depreciation expense consists of a debit to Depreciation Expense and a credit to Accumulated Depreciation. 记录折旧的会计分录包括借记折旧费账户和贷记累计折旧账户。
The usual accounting entry for amortization consists of a debit to Amortization Expense and a credit to the intangible asset account. 摊销的一般会计分录由借记摊销费和贷记无形资产账户组成。
Get a current All-In-One passbook or a debit card of the Bank and deposit certain amount of foreign currencies. 办理银行活期一本通或借计卡,存入一定金额的外币。
If you want to pay cash and then set up a direct debit you must have your bank details with you to pay 25% . 如果你想现金支付而后设立直接借记付款账户的话,必须带上你的银行业务明细并支付25%现金。
If he admits and agrees to compensate, a miscellaneous debit voucher should be prepared for him to sign. 如果客人许可并同意赔偿,便准备一张借条让客人签名;
Newer before issued debit note to you, and newer sent back bigger quantity , just sample( the haulage or transport fees are so expensive). 较新的借记卡发行之前,向你说明,并传回新的更大的数量,只是样品(在运输或运输费用非常昂贵)。
Debit note: A note in a form similar to an invoice but used where an invoice would not be right for the purpose. 借项通知单,帐单。一种类似于发票形式的单据,但用于不宜使用发票的场合。
delayed debit card: card issued by banks indicating that the holder may charge his account up to an authorised limit. 延迟借记卡:由银行发行的卡,持卡人可在一定的授权限额内利用其帐户进行付款。
A few days ago, a provincial head office of the line and asked the leadership to our bank debit credit card environment benefiting farmers. 前些天,有省行以及总行领导来我行扣问惠农信用卡的发卡环境。
But this time we need a special effort of the imagination, which few people seem able to make, to look at the debit side of the ledger. 不过在这里,我们必须看一看这本账目的支出部分,这需要加倍努力去运用想象力,因此似乎很少人能够做得到。
A customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. 当第一个客户第一次开户时,他通知银行仅凭他签发的支票记入他存款的借方。
Migrate toa debit card or to plastic that must be paid each month. 改用每个月还款的借记卡或银行卡。
It uses one web service to validate the credit card and a second web service to debit the money. 使用一个Web服务来验证信用卡,使用第二个Web服务来扣减费用。
For cancellation less than 48h00, the hotel reserves the right to debit the amount of the first night of stay. 若在48小时之内才得以取消预订,旅店将保留收取您第一晚的住宿费的权利。