
美 [dɪˈsaɪsɪv]英 [dɪ'saɪsɪv]
  • adj.决定性的;关键的;坚决的;果断的
  • 网络明确的;断然的;坚定的

decisive action,decisive factor,decisive battle,decisive role,decisive point


1.决定性的;关键的very important for the final result of a particular situation

2.坚决的;果断的;决断的able to decide sth quickly and with confidence


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... decent a. 过得去的,得体的 decisive a. 决定性的,果断的 dedicate vt. 把...献给,题献 ...


——B型血的天蝎座 - 水月亮的日志 - 网易博客 ... 沉思(凝视) contempate 果断的 decisive 空寂 empty ...


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... decision 决定,决议 decisive 决定性,明确的 deck 甲板 ...


职称考试 - 职称考试相关 - 建工之家网 ... ... decision n. 决定,决心 decisive a. 果断的,断然的,决定性的 deck n. 甲板,层面 ...


英语的衍生词_百度知道 ... decision n.① 决定,决心②果断 decisive a.① 决定性的②果断的,断然的 decide vi. 裁决,解决 ...


最让男人感动的电影 ... decimal a 十进位的 decisive a 决定性的;坚定的,果断的 declaration n 宣布,宣告;宣言,声明 ...

China has flirted with trying to tighten up its monetary policy to tamp down inflation, but it has not really taken decisive action. 中国一直在试图紧缩货币政策以打压通胀,但没有真正采取决定性措施。
When his team had the ball his movement was always clever and he had decisive penetration in attacking areas. 当球队控球时,他的跑动总是聪明的,在进攻区域,懂得见缝插针。
But it is hard to think of a recent ballot in a developed country that has led to a stockmarket taking a decisive new course. 但是我们很难想到最近有哪一个发达国家的选举使该地区股市峰回路转。
If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action. 如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。
Once the company attracted people who do not fit to be decisive in the first year of their dismissal. 公司一旦发现招来的人才不适合,就应果断地在第一年将其解聘。
The president later told us that the "surge" in Afghanistan would bring decisive results within a year. 总统先生后来说阿富汗增兵一年内就会有决定性的结果。
You could see on TV that Kuyt blocked Kalou with his hands and he could not track the other player (Agger), who scored. This was decisive. 从电视上看,库依特拉住了卡劳,让他无法防守另外那个进球的球员(阿格尔)。这个动作很关键。
Some analysts said the decisive factor in the defeat of the party that backs Musharraf, the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), was the president. 某些分析家说,支持穆沙拉夫的政党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(PML)失败的决定性的因素,是总统。
The decisive element, however, was that authors could make their articles available free of charge to any reader via the Internet. 作者选择透过网际网路,将其论文免费提供给所有的读者。
The clarity of his position in the end is what helped him win such a decisive victory. He did not try to be all things to all men. 这一清晰的定位到头来帮助他赢得了决定性的胜利,他并没有面面俱到取悦于所有人。
The point is that a year is an astronomical, not an economic, phenomenon (as it once was, when harvests were decisive). 其要点在于,1年是天文学现象,而不是经济现象(这与农业收成起到决定性作用的时候不同)。
Indeed, your way of life passes by a decisive stage which will enable you to continue by and for what you are with deepest you. 事实上,你的生活方式进入到了一个决定性的阶段,将会让你继续和通过最深的交流来增进彼此间的感情。
Justice Kagan was an active questioner but did not indicate which way she was planning to cast her presumably decisive vote. 卡根法官提问很积极,但没有表示她将把自己想必具有决定性的一票投给哪一方。
The firefight in and around the two helicopters was said to be decisive, and few knew with any accuracy what had happened. 据说,在直升机内及其周围进行的交战是关键性的一战,很少有人确切地知道究竟发生了什么事。
If this had been a decisive game in the group and we needed a positive result to get us through he would have played. 如果这是小组中一场决定性的比赛而且我们需要个积极地结果的话,那他会上的。
For all the global approbation for his decisive action a year ago, domestically there has so far been little dividend. 全世界都赞同他一年前的果断措施,然而英国国内到目前为止却没看到什么经济上的回报。
Its economic, technological and military superiority will give it a decisive edge for decades to come. 美国在经济、技术和军事上的优势,让它能在未来几十年内占据决定性的领先地位。
This war will not BE like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with its decisive liBEration of territory and its swift conclusion. 这场战争将不会类似于十年前对伊拉克的战争,那场战争的结论很简单,就是被占领地区的解放。
The surge, then, may be too small to make a decisive impact and yet too large for the American armed forces to bear. 然而,大肆派兵的影响太小,难以产生决定性的影响力,而对美国的武装部队而言,则要承受过大压力。
CLIP: "It's nice to see that, you know, something is being done about it and something decisive for a change. " 让人欣慰的是,政府对此正采取一些具有决定性的措施。
And what I mean by decisive is the same sort of medical control that we have over most infectious diseases today. 我所指的‘决定性’医疗控制和我们对现在大多数传染性疾病采用的医疗控制是同一性质的。
The preparations at this point have to be quick and decisive because Earth is in the throes of letting go and beginning her rearrangements. 此时此刻准备必须迅速果断,因为地球处在新旧交替的剧痛中。
David Li, chairman and chief executive, said the disposal of its entire collateralised debt obligation holdings was "decisive" . 公司主席兼首席执行官李国宝(DavidLi)表示,东亚银行对全部债务抵押债券的处置是“果断的”。
defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush. 布希元帅在那关键战役中遭到奇耻大败,旗下绝大多数士兵在一次敌军伏击中被杀。
Those factors have convinced Obama that if he is going to have any sort of presidency worth its name, he must take decisive action now. 这些因素都使奥巴马相信,如果他想使自己的总统任期名至实归的话,他必须采取决定性的行动了。
Australian Webber, whose teammate Sebastian Vettel qualified third, said the block ruined two of his decisive flying laps in the Q1 session. 澳大利亚人,他的队友维泰尔合格第三,说两个区块毁他果断的飞行圈中的一季度会议。
But in his opening remarks, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said the world may not be able to wait much longer for decisive action. 但是在会议开幕发言中,墨西哥总统卡尔德龙表示,全世界可能已经等不了很长时间,必须立即采取决定性的行动。
This is one where Hillary Clinton needed a much more decisive victory than I think she was able to gain. 希拉里.克林顿在这场辩论中需要取得更具决定性的胜利,但是我认为她没能做到这一点。
During the civil proceedings, evidence plays a decisive role from the beginning to the end. 在整个民事诉讼活动中,证据自始至终起着举足轻重的作用。
It was a strong, decisive, bold statement, and you don't need a history degree to see where this is going. 这是一份强硬的、决定性的、鲁莽的声明,你不必以历史的高度来看待这事的进展情况。