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中国银监会(China Banking Regulatory Commission)

中国银监会(CBRC)主席刘明康的主持下,中国大型国有银行进行了划时代的改革,但他表示:“它们的进步还处在非常初级的 …


中国银行业监督管理委员会CBRC)根据中国政府授权,统一监督管理银行… 更多>> 汇率换算 资讯 收藏 升值 贬值 央行 全 …

China Banking Regulatory Committee

... the Regulators Such as, China Banking Regulatory Committee (CBRC), States Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) …

Also, commercial banks must submit their formal applications for adopting the Accord to CBRC at least half a year in advance. 商业银行至少提前半年向银监会提出实施新资本协议的正式申请。
In August, the CBRC told banks that loans moved off their balance sheets up to that point must be returned by the end of next year. 8月,银监会通知银行,以这种方式从资产负债表移走的贷款必须在明你年底之前挪回资产负债表。
Banks can apply for a deadline extension of up to three years, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the bank watchdog. 中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC,简称:银监会)的通知规定,银行可以申请暂缓实施新资本协议,但不得迟于2013年。
Standard Chartered said on Thursday it had applied to establish a local subsidiary and for a CBRC licence to do renminbi retail business. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)上周四表示,该行已申请在华建立一家子银行,并向银监会申请了人民币零售业务许可。
For the CBRC, the truly delicate decision is going to be whether to see to it that this slowdown continues through the new year. 对中国银监会而言,真正微妙的决定将是是否会允许这种下降势头在明年继续延续。
The CBRC said in a statement that this would "reduce the implementation pressure on banks" . 中国银监会在一份声明中表示,这将“减缓商业银行实施《资本办法》的压力”。
Other documents and materials required by the CBRC and its dispatched offices to be provided in accordance with the due diligence principle. 中国银监会及其派出机构按照审慎性原则要求提供的其他文件和资料。
On top of that, the China Banking Regulatory Commission has steadily ratcheted up capital requirements. 此外,中国银监会(CBRC)还逐步提高了资本金要求。
The CBRC soon denied it, saying it hadn't sent such a notice and no size limits on lending would be imposed. 银监会很快对此予以否认,声称并未发过这样的通知,也不会对放贷规模实施限制。
The revocation or written-off of a financial license shall also be announced on the newspaper designated by CBRC or the agency thereof . 金融许可证被吊销或注销时,也应在银监会或其派出机构指定的报纸上进行公告。
The specific conditions for establishment of a branch shall be formulated by the CBRC separately. 设立分支机构的具体条件由银监会另行制定。
The CBRC executes the qualification approval system for the directors and senior managers of a consumer financial company. 第十条银监会对消费金融公司董事和高级管理人员实行任职资格核准制度。
An official at the bank says the CBRC's admonition was oral, not written. 该行一名高管说,银监会发的是口头通知,不是书面通知。
An executive at a major trust company said his firm got a call from the CBRC explaining the new rules at the end of June. 一家主要信托公司的一位高管说,6月底该公司接到了银监会的电话,银监会在电话中对新的规定做了解释。
Banks must bring loans channeled through these products on to their balance sheets by the end of this month, the CBRC said. 中国银监会称,银行在这个月底前必须将这些产品的贷款渠道记录在资产负债表上。
Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said there would be no limit on investments by individuals. 中国银监会(CBRC)主席刘明康表示,个人投资港股将不做限制。
China's banking regulator, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), disapproves of the trust companies' dalliance with the banks. 中国银行业的监管机构——中国银行业监督管理委员会并不认同信托公司与银行的这种密切的合作。
"The implementation of CBRC policies at the local level has tended to be looser, " a corporate banker said. “在地方层面上,银监会政策的实施有趋于宽松的倾向。”一位从事企业业务的银行家表示。
' 'The CBRC will deal with this matter seriously and welcomes public supervision and any sharing of evidence, ' the statement said. 声明说,银监会将严肃处理此类事件,欢迎社会各界监督并提供任何相关证据。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission--China's bank regulator, known as CBRC--couldn't immediately be reached for comment. 记者暂未联系到作为银行监管机构的中国银行业监督管理委员会置评。
In fact, with a view to improving capital regulation, the CBRC has significantly revised the current capital rules. 为提高资本监管水平,银监会已对现行的资本规定进行了修改。
Some banks had lobbied Liu Mingkang, head of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, to ease the operating capital requirement. 一些银行曾游说中国银监会(CBRC)主席刘明康,要求放宽营运资金要求。
Prior to this, the CBRC has promulgated to encourage banks on the credit funds to support the merger and reorganization of enterprises. 此前,银监会已出台关于鼓励银行信贷资金支持企业兼并重组的政策。
The CBRC has also yet to disclose how the new rule will be monitored, which bankers say makes business planning difficult. 银监会尚未公布如何监控银行对新规定的执行情况,银行人士称,这让制订业务计划变得困难。
Aware of these frailties, but not wanting to be too strict, the CBRC has recently wavered. 中国银监会已经意识到了这种脆弱性,但又不想过于严格,因此最近一直在摇摆不定。
The China Banking Regulatory Commission, China's bank regulator known as CBRC, couldn't be reached to comment. 中国的银行监督机构银监会(CBRC)没有对此进行评论。
The CBRC is advocating new international laws to require governments to provide timely , accurate information in times of crises . 中国银监会正提议制定国际新法规,要求各国政府在发生危机之时提供及时、准确的信息。
The CBRC said it plans to visit banks throughout the country in coming months to ensure such loans are properly represented on banks' books. 银监会说,计划未来几个月对全国各地的银行进行考察,以便确保这类贷款在银行资产负债表上得到了正确的体现。
CBRC shall, on the same day as issuing the approval certificate, submit to the Ministry of Commerce the approval certificate stub. 银监会在代发当日将批准证书存根送商务部。
In November, 2006, per CBRC approval , PAG held 89. 36% of SZCB shares and became the biggest shareholder of the bank. 年11月,经中国银监会正式批准,中国平安集团持有深圳市商业银行89.36%的股份,成为该行最大股东。