
美 [koʊst]英 [kəʊst]
  • n.海岸;海滨;下坡;【航】滑翔
  • v.(由坡上)滑(行)下(去);沿岸航行[旅行];(人)一帆风顺
  • 网络多变海岸线;柯仕

复数:coasts 现在分词:coasting 过去式:coasted

eastern coast,pacific coast,western coast,south coast,northern coast
hit coast,pound coast,batter coast



EBook - NSE ... 电子书刊 E-books Coasts 海岸 Deserts 沙漠 ...


高清纪录片蓝色星球 The Blue... ... 第七集:潮汐之间 Tidal Seas 第八集:多变海岸线 Coasts 第九集:隐忧 Deep Trouble ...


长沙哪里有汗蒸馆?_八戒知道 ... “STEAMIST” 史密斯, “COASTS柯仕, “PENTAIR” 滨特尔, ...

Love each other, but don't make it a tie. Let it be a moving ocean between the coasts of your souls. 相互爱,但不要让爱变成锁链,让爱变成你们灵魂之岛间流动的海洋。
And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought [him] that he would depart out of their coasts. 合城的人,都出来迎见耶稣。既见了,就央求他礼开他们的境界。
It could take up to two years before leases are awarded for areas off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. 但不要指望即刻钻探,多则可能需要两年以后大西洋和太平洋海岸才能对外租赁。
When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 耶稣到了凯撒利亚腓力比的境内,就问门徒说,人说我人子是谁。
In addition to moving to California coasts, Robison said, the squid appear to be moving southward into the waters off Chile. 乌贼除了向加利福尼亚海岸移动外,似乎还向南边的智利沿海移动。
The powerful US 7th Fleet policed the region's waters, ready to intervene along the coasts of China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. 强大的美国第七舰队守备这片水域,随时准备逼近中国、台湾、韩国、日本的海岸。
The balance-sheets of emerging-market and rich-world banks are like the coasts of America and Africa: they look like a good fit. 新兴市场银行和富裕世界银行的资产负债表就像美洲和非洲的海岸线一样:它们看似相当吻合。
Pirates will no longer spawn outside coasts of countries that do not have technology high enough to blockade. 海军科技不足以封锁港口的国家,其水域将不会出现海盗。
Around the other coasts the shallow waters of the Continental Shelf are rather narrow and depths increase rapidly into the Atlantic Ocean . 环绕爱尔兰岛屿其他海岸线的是水位很浅大陆架,但是浅水位的宽度非常狭窄,深度在大西洋海域迅速增加。
And coasts, said Yohe, face increased risks from storms, combined with rising seas that could up to a foot or more by mid century. 尤伊说,到本世纪中期海平面可能上升1英尺或更多,受到海水上升及暴风雨等的影响,海岸面临风险越来越大。
With about a gigawatt of installed capacity, Britain already has more turbines around its coasts than any other country. 英国拥有比世界上任何一个国家都多的涡轮机围绕其海岸线,可以发电十亿瓦。
That, experts said, would provide a deterrent and at least impose some sense of rule of law off Somalia's coasts. 专家称这至少会给索马里海域一些法律上的威慑力。
Behold, a people shall come from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. 看哪,有一种民从北方而来,并有一大国和许多君王被激动,从地极来到。
Chinese ships operate in and near their coasts not the other side of the world like USN. They have plenty of aircraft available. 中国船舶经营并不像美国海军那样。他们有大量的飞机可用。
Today its quick access to both coasts of the United States enables it to export car parts, home appliances and aerospace components. 如今它借助到美国两个海岸都很便利而使它能够出口汽车零件、家用器具和航天部件。
when the wind drops , however , mist rises and freezes into frost which thickly coasts the pines. 不过,当风停之后,突起的雾霭和白霜就会弥漫,覆盖在松林之上。
The next China may instead lie closer to home: within China's borders, but away from its coasts. 中国的下一代人希望离家更近:在中国的境内,但是远离沿海地区。
Every year the fish migrate northwards to summer feeding grounds around the northern coasts of Britain and Ireland and off southern Norway. 每年鱼群都会向北迁徙至英国和爱尔兰北部海岸线的夏季喂养区,然后离开前往挪威南部。
Although many tried to return to their property, they were mostly relegated to less fertile territory along the coasts. 尽管许多人试图夺回他们的财产,但是他们大多被遣送到贫瘠的沿海地区。
Since rigs are an expensive investment for companies, a number of rigs have already left to operate off the coasts of other countries. 对于石油公司来说,钻井台是很贵的设备。目前大量的钻井台已经拆除移至其它国家。
The security and stability of these "gold coasts" are closely related to the basic benefits of each coast state. 这些“黄金海岸”的安全和稳定,直接关系到各沿海国家的根本利益。
San Antonio lies at the crossroads of major interstate highways and railroads serving both coasts, as well as the NAFTA corridor. 圣安东尼奥坐落于几条经过双边海岸及北美自由贸易协定区贸易通道的主要州际公路和铁路干线的交汇处。
The only new air unit is the Airship, a sub-spotting, navy-busting zeppelin that should definitely help keep your coasts clear. 唯一的新空军是空艇,像齐柏林飞艇那样可以控制海岸,侦查潜艇。
Derrick: Will, if you're listening, we're going to take you to the tropical coasts of Brazil! 德瑞克:威尔,如果你有在听的话,我们要带你去巴西的热带海岸!
In Europe, the blossoms vary in color from pale-green or yellow-olive and along both the east and west coasts in the United States. 在欧洲和美国东西海岸,这种菌菇的颜色从淡绿到橄榄黄不定;
poison, pollute, soil, mud, dirty, spot eg. All over the world, oil spill regularly contaminate coasts. 在世界各地,油溢出物经常污染着海岸。
But it needs to be kept away from the coasts, particularly the fragile, fertile Louisiana marshes. 但它需要远离海岸,特别是路易斯安娜生态脆弱却又富饶多产的湿地。
Laminaria, abundant along the Pacific coasts and the British Isles, is a source of commercial iodine. 太平洋沿岸和英国许多小岛上丰富的海带属藻类是商用碘的来源。
Sea level may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts, and some areas may become too dry for farming. 海平面的上涨也会使得居住在沿海的居民向内陆迁移,同时,一些地区也会由于太过干旱而不适于耕作。
NOAA issued a precautionary closure of the federal waters off the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and part of Florida for 10 days. 美国国家海洋与大气层管理局发布了在路易斯安那州、密西西比州、亚拉巴马州和部分佛罗里达州海岸附近的联邦水域实行预防性关闭措施。