
美 [kənˈsɪst]英 [kənˈsists]
  • v.(与…)一致;并存;共存;由…组成
  • 网络由..组成;包含;设备组成

第三人称单数:consists 现在分词:consisting 过去式:consisted

note consist,part consist


consists是什么意思|consists的中文意思... ... consists Consists Of : 包含 ...


精选计算机英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Filtered 过滤 Consists 由..组成 Occur 发生 ...


3道英语单词填空 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... saying 谚语 consists 包含,有......组成 mind 心意,主意 ...


其他行业专用设备-方型空滤折纸机生产线... ... 一、概述 General Description 二、设备组成 consists 三、技术参数 Specification ...

The system consists of an upper-computer display, a lower-computer execution control as well as an upper-lower computer communication. 该系统由上位机显示控制、下位机执行控制、上下位机通信三部分组成。
The knife is carried in the cutter bar and consists of a knife back to which triangular shaped sections are riveted. 刀是刀具在酒吧,包括一把刀回到这三角形部分铆接。
File: In the hierarchy data system, a file (also referred to as a data set) consists of a collection of records. 文件:在层次结构的数据系统,档案(也称为数据集)组成的集合记录。
It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, towers and halls all over the area. 颐和园由万寿山和昆明湖(人工湖)构成主体框架,里面亭台楼阁、殿堂厅室、塔航桥关,应有尽有。
In many cases, the guilt is unfounded as it is possible to maintain a healthy diet that consists of both raw and processed foods. 在许多情况下是没有理由有罪恶感的,因为在健康日常饮食中同时包括了生食及料理过的食物是有可能的。
The Summer Palace consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area. 颐和园主要由一山与一人造湖组成,园内小桥、宝塔、走廊零落其间。
A data pipeline consists of a series of stages, where each stage performs work and then passes the result of that work to the next stage. 数据管道由一系列阶段组成,其中每个阶段执行工作,然后将该工作的结果传递到下一阶段。
Each of these business processes consists of a number of tasks that need to be completed to finish a particular business process. 这其中的每个业务流程都包含数个任务,需要完成这些任务才能完成特定的业务流程。
The side of the safety door is provided with the magnetic self-locking device which consists of a lock box and a small magnet. 安全门侧边装有磁力自锁器,自锁器由锁盒和小磁铁组成。
At the top of every code editor window is the navigation bar, which consists of two list boxes. 在每个代码编辑器窗口的顶部是导航栏,它由两个列表框组成。
The Bezier curve consists of at least 2 anchor points, as well as one or more additional points between them known as handles. Bezier曲线由至少两个锚点(anchorpoint)组成,在锚点之间还有一个或多个点,这些点称为控制点(handle)。
Their whole work consists of taking care of the children and the kitchen and the house, as if that's their whole life. 她们的全部工作,就是照看小孩、厨房和房间,好像是她们的整个一生。
The cover of this book consists of a pair of women's legs, upside down, superimposed with hearts and bubbles. 这本书的封面上印着心形和气泡图案,后面有一对倒置的女性的双腿。
It consists of a property, on which correlation is based, and aliases for that property. 它由相关性所基于的属性和该属性的别名组成。
but all I possess consists of a fine gentleman, a boot-jack, and a comb. 我全部的财产是一位漂亮绅士,一个脱靴器和一把梳子。
As this restoration type consists of double crowns, overcontouring is often inevitable, leading to an esthetically unpleasant appearance. 因为这种修复形式是由双重冠所组成,外形过突经常是难以避免的,因而美观效果并不十分令人满意。
Narcissism is, in a sense, the converse of an habitual sense of sin; it consists in the habit of admiring oneself and wishing to be admired. “自恋”在某种程度上是习惯性罪孽感的反面,由赏识自己并希望被赏识的习惯而构成。
It consists of a web and ftp server, a middle layer which coordinates getting things into and out of the database, and an object database. 它包含web和ftp服务器,一个中间层来协调把东西从数据库中取出和存入,以及一个对象数据库。
A popcorn kernel consists of an impervious hard outer hull and a dense starch-and-protein interior surrounding a bit of water and oil. 玉米花仁包括一个不渗透的坚硬外面的船身和内部密集的淀粉和蛋白质围拢一点儿水和油。
It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area. 它主要是由一座小山,一个人工湖构成的。到处布满了桥,宝塔和走廊。
This feature consists of a set of tools for traffic generation, samples, and snippets to help speed IMS application development. 这个特性由一套流量产生工具,样本,以及帮助加速IMS应用软件开发的程序片段构成。
Ore bodies consists of Au-bearing quartz veins and the alteration rocks between them and ore grade depends on number of the quartz vein. 矿床(体)由含金石英脉与其间蚀变岩组成,品位高低决定于含金石英脉的数量。
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. 好的教养意味着它能隐藏起我们对自己想的有多多和对别人想的有多少。
The building consists of a library holding documents from the Carter presidency and a museum chronicling Carter's career in the White House. 这座建筑包括收藏卡特担任总统期间文件的图书馆,以及记录着卡特白宫生涯的博物馆。
A figure of speech that consists in using the name of one for that of something else with it is associated. 一种修辞格,即用一个事物的名称去代替与它相关的另一个事物的名称。
The visible body of these fungi consists of a mass of intricately branched filaments, collectively referred to as a mycelium. 这些真菌的有形身体由一个大规模复杂的分枝的丝状体,统称为一个菌丝。
One view of a list is that it consists of two parts: the item at the front of the list (the head), and all the other items. 列表的一个特点是它由两部分组成:列表前端(头部)的项和所有其他项。
The Sun 6800 used for performance testing consists of an 8 CPU domain carved out of a 12 CPU system. 用于性能测试的Sun6800包括8个CPU,整个系统中一共有12个CPU。
A color scheme consists of a background color, a color for lines and text, and six other colors selected to make slides easy to read. 配色方案包含背景色、线条和文本颜色以及选择的其他六种使幻灯片更加鲜明易读的颜色。
The mole's fovea consists of the bottom pair of short appendages , located above the mouth, each designated as the 11th appendage. 鼹鼠的中央窝位于嘴巴上方,是编号第11号的最下面一对短附器。