
美 [klaɪm]英 [klaɪm]
  • v.爬上;攀登;(太阳等)徐徐上升;(飞机)爬高
  • n.攀登;【航】爬高;山坡
  • 网络爬升;什么意思及同义词

第三人称单数:climbs 现在分词:climbing 过去式:climbed

climb mountain,climb tree,climb hill,climb ladder
steep climb,difficult climb,hard climb,easy climb



课件 - 飞行训练标准课件系统 -... ... 06 Straight-and -Level Flight 直线平飞 07 Climbs 爬升 08 Descents 下降 ...


《Friends》... ... inside n. 里面, 内部, 内脏, 内情 climbs v. 攀登, 爬n.攀登, 爬 meeting n. 会议, 集会, 会见, 会战, 汇合点 ...


Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction... ... considerations 注意事项, 考虑 climbs 爬上 argue 争论 ...


clinkers是什么意思_clinkers的中文意思... ... clinched 怎么翻译及发音 climbs 什么意思及同义词 climbed 的中文释义 ...

And The Suicide slides out of his skin and he climbs inside of the bed you're in and touches your face. 并且自杀滑在他的皮肤外面并且他上升在您是和接触您的面孔的床里面。
Jin yells, as she climbs the unlit stairs to her second-floor room. Neighbors' heads pop out of their rooms to greet her. “我回来了”,她边喊边登上楼梯,她在二楼的房间没有亮灯,邻居们从他们自己的屋子里探出头来和她打招呼。
Climbers should not place fixed protection on climbs that could reasonably be deemed short enough to be described as bouldering problems. 6攀岩者不得在理应视为抱石路线的短路线上装设固定支点。
If it is possible to spot excessive lending as the market climbs, how can it be so impossible to identify bubbles? 要是有可能发现市场上升时过度贷款,又怎么可能没有鉴别出泡沫呢?
any tree he climbs he gets down on his own and, strangely, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. 现在每次爬树他都是自己上,自己下,而且奇怪的是,他希望长大以后当一名消防员。
Twenty minutes later, he climbs out and heads back to his office, alert and ready to battle whatever the rest of the day has in store. 二十分钟后,他走了出来返回办公室。此时他十分警觉、做好了应对这一天里出现任何战役的准备。
Phillip climbs up, only to see that he is now trapped on a cliff. At another blaze of fire he loses his shield. 菲利普向上爬,只看见他现在被困在悬崖上。在又一个火焰中他失去了他的盾牌。
Unaware of the dangers, he climbs, gets inside the narrowest passages , grabs everything that he finds handy and puts it in his mouth. 他爬行时,不会意职到任何危险,在狭窄的通道里,他捉取任何他发现在手边的东西并且把它放进到他的嘴巴里。
It is visible as a child laboriously climbs a flight of stairs or tries to sit at a classroom desk, much less rise out of it. 它是能看到的比如一个孩子很辛苦的爬上楼梯或疲惫的坐在教室的课桌上,基本都是如此。
Jack and his mother are poor. Jack sells their cow. He buys some beans. The beans grow and grow. Jack climbs up the beanstalk. 杰克和他的母亲很贫穷。杰克卖了他们的母牛。他买了些豆角。这些豆子不断增长,杰克爬上了豆茎。
Father Christmas is a very kind hearted man. He lands on top of each house all over the world and climbs down the chimney. 圣诞老人是一个热心肠的人。他降临在世界上每家的房顶上,从烟囱里下来。
He climbs up a shelf and looks through a corroded hole above him to see Sara washing her hands. Michael爬上一个架子,从被腐蚀穿透的洞里望上看,楼上的Sara正在洗手。
It was an old man, rowing a small boat. Love is ecstatic and quickly climbs into the old man's boat. 这是一位老人,划着一只小船,靠近了爱。爱喜出望外,连忙登上了老人的小船。
With its dangerous river crossings and climbs, river tracing is typically not a sport suited for dogs, so all of her gear is custom-made. 以渡河和攀登为主的溯溪并不是一种适合狗儿的运动,所以Lively的装备都是特别订制的。
Grace, looking tired and rumpled, climbs out of her seat nearby. She looks down at her doughy body. 格蕾丝从旁边的链接单元里爬出来她看上去即郁闷又疲惫她垂头丧气地看着自己软弱无力的的身体。
Flooring is too hard although be swept easily, but the feeling is frozen, the child that climbs everywhere especially will be very sick. 地板材料过于坚硬虽然易于清扫,但感觉冰冷,非凡是到处爬的孩子会很不舒适。
As federal debt climbs, an ever-greater fraction of the budget goes just to pay interest, much of it to overseas creditors. 随着联邦债务的攀升,更大比例的预算将用于支付利息,其中很大一部分都将流向海外债权人。
Whoever first climbs up to the top of the Mount Tai will get a valuable present. 不管是谁第一个爬上泰山顶,都将得到一份贵重的礼物。
The drunk is briefly surprised, then softly scoffs, grumbles, climbs down from the bar stool and staggers out the front door. 这个醉汉有点惊讶,然后轻声地嘲笑着,抱怨着,爬下了酒吧的登子,摇摇晃晃地从前门走了出去。
The dangerous climbs in and out of the canyon were like nothing she had known before. 那些危险的攀爬进出峡谷对她来说没有什么正如之前已经知道的那样。
Include migrant laborers living in Shanghai, perhaps a fairer comparison, and the rate climbs to a bit higher than in New York. 如果要做一个更公平地比较,把上海的外来务工人员囊括进去的话,这个比率也只比纽约高出一点儿。
The temperature climbs as the air is repeatedly warmed up by the ground and is not replaced with fresh supplies of cool air. 地表持续供热给空气,同时又没有新的冷空气来取代受热空气,因此气温不断攀升。
A gold miner smiles as he climbs down into a mine shaft in Manica Province, Mozambique. 马尼卡省,一名淘金工人在他爬下进入到矿井时微笑着,莫桑比克。
But he hears some voices up in the stairwell, so he climbs up the stairwell. 但他听到楼上有响动,所以他走上楼梯。
Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand. 每天早晨他爬上弯道,手里拿着一个巨大的圆板。
But retailers caution that if the euro climbs sharply, some of that retail strength could diminish. 但奢侈品零售商提醒说,如果欧元急剧攀升,零售业的火爆程度可能会受到一定程度的削弱。
When the median age of workers climbs in the United States, so does the cost of insurance their employers must buy for them. 在美国当工人的平均年龄攀升的时候,他们的雇主也必须为他们购买相应的保险。
He climbs stiffly from his chair, pushing himself across to his wheelchair. 他僵硬地爬出链接单元把自己拽进轮椅里。
Without oxygen they are less efficient and may even run out of gas as the alcohol level climbs at the end of the fermentation. 他们带氧气效率较低,甚至可能失控的酒精浓度瓦斯喷在结束发酵。
The upper body also has two small, steel, hook-like claws to sink into a carpeted wall as the robot climbs. 它的上身由2个很小的铁制钩状爪子组成用于扎入毯覆盖的墙面使机器人爬行。