
美 [klɪp]英 [klips]
  • v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;剪短;剪取;轧(车票等);〈美〉剪辑(报纸等)
  • n.夹;夹子;速度;钳;钳子;纸夹;曲别针;可别在衣服上的装饰物
  • 网络回形针;c语言集成生产系统(C language integrated production system);鳄鱼夹

复数:clips 过去分词:clipped 现在分词:clipping

video clip,metal clip


n. v.

1.[c](金属或塑料的)夹子,回形针a small metal or plastic object used for holding things together or in place

2.[c]首饰别针a piece of jewellery that fastens to your clothes

3.[sing]剪短;修剪the act of cutting sth to make it shorter

4.[c]电影片段a short part of a film/movie that is shown separately

5.[c](informal)(用手)猛击,抽打a quick hit with your hand


at a fast, good, steady, etc. clip



汽车技术德语词汇小结_科技德语翻译_新浪博客 ... Zunder 电弧氧化层(火绒) Clips 夹子 Geweberonde 纤维圆贴纸 ...


托福听力8类型词汇大汇总_天道留学 ... book bag 书包 clips 夹子; 回形针 glue 胶水 ...


13 - 文件源 (Sources)、剪辑 (Clips) 与 图片纹理 (Images)14 - 为一个宫廷式茶杯贴图 第1部分15 - 为一个宫廷式茶杯贴图 第2 …

c语言集成生产系统(C language integrated production system)

CLIPSC Language Integrated Production System)正是为解决这些问题而出现的。它于1984年由美国航空航天局约翰逊空 …


Fluke 724 温度校准器 ... 80PK-EXT 延长线套件 Clips 鳄鱼夹 Test Probes 测试探头组 ...


有关MAYA - 火魔网 ... Select All by Type 根据类型选择所有 Clips 片段 Lattices 晶格 ...


假发 外贸 词汇__企业博客 ... 美发剪: hair scissors 卡子clips 胶棒: glue stick ...

I bet you won't find video clips from a few years back in which he says the opposite of what he's saying now. 我敢打赌,拿出几年前的录像看,找不出他会说出与现在所说相反的东西来。
Officials said the U. S. decided to release the five video clips to show the world that it had killed bin Laden. 有多位官员说,美国决定公布这五段视频录像,目的是向全世界表明,它已击毙了本•拉登。
From there, it was just a matter of time before you could watch YouTube clips of cats falling off doors on your mobile phone. 从那时起,你能用手机上YouTube看猫从门上摔下来的视频只是时间问题了。
For the casual browser, forwarding hilarious or shocking stories or clips about crazy stunts maybe just a bit of fun. 对于普通网友来说,转发搞笑帖或者骇人听闻的故事,抑或是记录疯狂行为的视频,这都只是为了找点乐子。
The media plays clips of the most interesting part of the action, but the events leading up to and following it are not always shown. 媒体会播放最有趣的那一部分录像,但之前和之后的情况并不总是被展现出来。
They were trying to identify short film clips that could reliably elicit a strong emotional response in laboratory settings. 他们试图找出能够在试验环境中可靠地引起强烈情感反应的电影短片段。
Within hours, clips of her mangling "I Will Always Love You" were all over the Internet, derailing her latest comeback attempt. 几个小时内,那首被搞砸的经典名曲“我将一直爱你”就在网上广为传播,她的最新一次复出尝试就此脱离轨道。
It has a wide variety of templates, and allows you to attach documents, presentations, video and audio clips to your portfolio. 它有大量的模板,允许在宣传册中附加文档、演示、视频和音频剪辑。
Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle, along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition clips. 士兵在车内发现了名身穿防弹夹克的男子,以及一支AK-47步枪和三个弹夹。
One of her last real pleasures was to watch the clips of that day. 她最后的一个真正的快乐是观看婚礼那天拍下的录像。
If you attempt to insert multiple clips in one of these applications, it will insert only the last selected clip. 如果在一个这种应用程序中插入多个剪辑,则只会插入最后选定的剪辑。
"Our clips are about a minute, which we think is sufficient to get someone's interest, " he said. 他认为:“我们的视频大概是一分钟,而这已经足够引起别人的兴趣。”
Unfortunately, no shoot stills. Back to the design of the martial arts action clips I copy over to share with you. 可惜没有拍些剧照。回头把我设计的武打动作片段拷过来与大家分享。
The company said its count of unauthorized clips represents only a fraction of the content on YouTube that violates its copyrights. 该公司称,上述对未经授权剪辑的统计仅是YouTube上违反版权内容的一小部分。
As you see in the pictures, the coil has several clips hanging off of it. 当您看见这在照片中,线圈有几个片断上吊过的。
LM: Most of my professors were all for it, and they said, "Bring pictures and show me the clips online, " and "I'm happy for you. " 路克:我的大部分教授都赞同,他们说:“照照片回来,给我网上的录像看。”或者是:“真替你高兴。”
Viewers can create highlight clips which can be linked to, shared, and embedded anywhere on the Internet for all their friends to see. 观看者可以裁剪出精彩的视频块,它们可以被链接、共享和内嵌到互联网的任何地方,让他们的朋友可以看到。
She was shown clips from famous horror films like "The Silence of Lambs" and "Halloween, " and she showed no flickers of fright. 给她看著名的恐怖片像《沉默的羔羊》和《万圣节》的电影剪辑时,她都没有表现出丝毫的恐惧感。
Another outstanding gadget is the YouTube gadget, which allows you to easily share interesting video clips with your friends. 另一个出色的插件是YouTube插件,允许你和好友分享视频。
And of the 16 movies clips they identified, The Champ may be the one that has been used the most by researchers. 而在他们评定的16部电影片段里《天涯赤子心》可能是使用次数最多的。
It began to prosper in the early 1970s when it encouraged car dealers to cluster near the motorway that clips its western edge. 它发迹于上个世纪70年代。那时,高速公路从城市西面擦边而过,喜瑞都鼓励汽车交易商临路而集。
Researchers have showed off brightly coloured images and short movie clips of the sun from the Solar Dynamics Observatory in a webcast. 太阳动力学观测台的科学家们在网上展示了一组鲜艳的太阳风暴图片和视频短片。
U guys need to ask R2K if he's capturing the TV51 feed. . . and if he is, ask him to edit that part into the highlight clips. 你们得快去问问R2K(一个人吧)他是不是捕捉倒了TV51的这个镜头…如果是的,让他把这段编辑成精彩集锦。
She told me that over the years, people had sent her clips of interviews in which I had mentioned her name and she'd always remembered me. 她跟我说,这些年来,人们给她寄了很多那些我提及她的名字的采访的剪辑,她一直都还记得我。
We wonder why she continues down the path of producing albums and film clips if it is depressing her so much. 我们很想知道为什么她仍继续坚持拍照和拍摄电影片段,是否能够将她装扮的很美。
Current theme is cutting clips to say. . . only at. . . and then fade up the logo of the show and then the show schedule for next year. 当前的主题是削减剪辑说…只是在…然后消失了该节目的标志,然后明年的节目时间表。
Asquith said the sound clips are free to the public and encourages their use in artistic projects. 阿斯奎斯说,这些剪辑的声音片段对大众是开发的,我们鼓励人们将其用于艺术作品中。
At two inches high and a half-inch wide, Fitbit reminded me of the rectangular iPod Shuffle that clips onto clothing. Fitbit高两英寸,宽一英寸半,让我想起了可以挂在衣服上、长方形的iPodShuffle。
This online broadcast channel shares with you our video clips featuring the activities and information of the bureau. 此网上广播站希望与公众分享有关本局的活动及资讯的影片。
Do not uncoil the wire as you will be sliding other paper clips into the coil to magnetize them. 不要展开电线,因为这样会使其它回形针滑入线圈而被磁化。