
美 [dek]英 [dek]
  • n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为 52 张)
  • v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒
  • 网络桥面;平台;牌组

复数:decks 现在分词:decking 过去式:decked

upper deck,top deck
stack deck


n. v.

1.甲板;舱面the top outside floor of a ship or boat

2.(船或公共汽车的)一层,层面one of the floors of a ship or a bus

5.(唱机的)转盘装置;(音响系统的)走带机构,录音座a part of a sound system that records and/or plays sounds on a disc or tape


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... decision n. 决定,决心;果断 deck n. 甲板;舱面;层面 declare vt. 断言;声明; …


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... decision n. 决定,决心;果断 deck n. 甲板;舱面;层面 declare vt. 断言;声明; …


高二英语词汇表 ... ton n. 吨;吨位 deck n. 甲板;舱面;桥面 as though 好像;仿佛 ...


Benjamin Chen - BenjaminC ... decantation 迁移;调迁 deck 面板;桥面;平台 decked nullah 铺面渠 ...


所谓的牌组Deck)指的是用来组牌的三个组牌区。等级、经验值、Cost上限等资讯与牌组本身绑定,不因牌组内容变化而改 …


卡片组Deck) ,但 WML 浏览器一次只会显示一张卡片的内容。换言之,一份 WML 文件包含一个卡片组,而在卡片组中 …

纸业专业英语词汇翻译(D1) ... deciduous wood 阔叶木,硬木 deck 装甲板;装饰; deck wood 木垛 ...


《Friends》词... ... wraps n. 外套, 围巾, 包裹, 秘密, 约束, 限制 deck n. 甲板, 舰板, 覆盖物, 一副(纸牌) swimmers n. 游泳者 ...

"The best way, sir, " said the deck hand, "is to say nothing about it. If the other fellows knew I'd pulled you out, they'd chuck me in. " “最好的办法,长官,”这名水手说,“是别声张这事。如果其他人知道我救了您,他们会把我扔下去的。”
On deck, mother shouts orders and steers, while father poles to keep the boat off the bank. 甲板上,母亲呼喊着号子并掌着舵,与此同时父亲撑篙防止船靠岸。
Tyrion got down on his hands and knees and began to crawl about the deck, gathering up pieces. 提利昂跪下来四肢触地开始在甲板上爬行,收集那些棋子。
The whole story was a pretext. He wanted me to leave the deck - so much was plain; but with what purpose I could in no way imagine. 这一切无非是借口,他想让我离开甲板——这是再明显不过的,但我怎么也想象不出他的意图所在。
If it's part of an executive summary or deck, this is harder but at least a few screenshots of the key experience flow are helpful. 如果这是执行概要或者幻灯片的一部分,会更难以如此处理,但至少一些关于关键客户使用体验的截屏是非常有帮助的。
In such a "frozen" state composite deck boards are often placed into a warehouse and eventually sold to an end user, a customer. 在这样一个“冻结”状态下复合甲板板材放入仓库,并最终销售给最终用户,也就是客户。
The front deck might seem a frightening place for the rest of the town, but it was a front row seat for me. 上门前平台去可能会吓坏镇上其他人,但对我来说,那儿就像前排座位一样。
Then there was a crash behind him, and the deck tilted so suddenly that he almost lost his feet and went pitching over the side. 接着他身后就发生了碰撞,甲板突然倾斜导致他几乎没站稳于是被扔到了另一边。
We spend a beautiful afternoon on deck with the sun beating down as the wind fills the sails and blows us onward. 我们在甲板上度过了一个美好的下午,太阳正在西沉,海风鼓起船帆带着我们向前航行。
David grew up to be a physician, an aviator who could land on the deck of a carrier in the middle of the night, and a shuttle astronaut. 戴维长大成了一名内科医生,后来又成了飞行员,能在半夜里驾机在航空母舰的甲板上安全降落,最后成了航天飞机飞行员。
the system is usually installed in separate , ventilated compartments on the main deck. 该系统通常分开布置在甲板上通风的独立房间内。
He needed carrying to the bath, to the toilet, to bed; his long legs were good for nothing, collapsing under him like a deck of cards. 必须有人抱着他洗浴,扶着他如厕,搀着他上床。修长的双腿是一无是处的,若勉强起立就会像一副纸牌在他眼前整个塌陷下去。
After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。
There was a rattle through the deck below him as the ship automatically maneuvered for the transfer to sub-light speed. 飞船自动调整到亚光速时,他下面的甲板发出了格格的响声。
He tilts the case and the deck slides out with one of the spectators' cards on the face! 他掀动盒,并且甲板在面孔滑与其中一张观众的卡片!
Ship, sails waving uselessly in the wind. A look through the captain's telescope showed no one on deck. 徒劳地飘动着。船长通过望远镜看见甲板上没有人。
A deck of cards, the bottom part is most easily control card in those positions, no matter take a card or other shuffle method. 一副牌,最底的部份是最容易控制需要的牌在那些位置,不论用拿牌法或其它洗牌法。
We have what appears to be a novel virus and it has spread from human to human . . . It's all hands on deck at the moment. 我们似乎是一种新的病毒和它由人类传染给人类…这双手在甲板上所有的时刻。
Once they were on, she had to go out on deck, and a minute later she opened the door at the top of the companionway and stepped out. 一旦把皮衣穿到身上,她就不得不到外面的甲板上去了。于是,一分钟后,她打开扶梯顶上的门,走了出去。
"I even had a [PowerPoint] deck that was super supportive of it, " he said. 他说:“我甚至用一个ppt来显示我支持的态度。”
A woman poses in London's Hyde Park amid deck chairs featuring original artwork by various artists and celebrities. 一名女子摆Pose在伦敦的海德公园中的折叠椅——各种艺术家和知名人士论为有原始作品特色。
I'd start with an easy to care for houseplant like an umbrella tree or amaryllis or a potted tomato plant out on the deck. 我会从易于照顾的盆栽如伞树或桂顶红或盆栽番茄开始。
A few years ago while visiting New York City, I made a trip up to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. 数年前游览纽约巿时,我曾登上帝国大厦的观景台。
As most of you know, I am an old Navy pilot and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck. 众所周知,我是一个老海军飞行员,我知道当危机来临的时候,所有的人务必同舟共济。
So he had a handful of shrimp, maybe seven or eight shrimp, and all those other animals on the deck of the boat are bycatch. 那么,他收获几只虾,也许七只或者八只虾,而甲板上所有其他的动物都是误捕的。
The dwarf flinched. The knife landed between his feet and stood quivering in the deck. He plucked it out. "What's this? " 侏儒畏缩了一下。那把刀插在了他双脚之间在甲板上嗡嗡直晃。他拔出了它。“这是干嘛?”
I had been sitting out on the deck for more than a quarter of an hour when heavy clouds rose in the west. 西天的浓云升起时我在外面甲板上已经坐了一刻多钟了。
Flooring outside is light colored teak wood that reminded me of the deck of a fine yacht. 外地板是浅色柚木,这让我想起了豪华游艇的甲板。
He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for sledge which had before appear. 他显得迫不及待地想上甲板去,守候在那架曾露过面的雪橇。
"When I looked off the deck of the ship, I saw hundreds and hundreds of little tiny pieces, " he said. “当我从船上的甲板往外看时,我看见成百上千的小碎片”他说。