drive away

  • v.赶走
  • 网络开走;把车开走;离开

第三人称单数:drives away 现在分词:driving away 过去式:drove away 过去分词:driven away

drive awaydrive away

drive away


与drive搭配的介词短语有什么规律_百度知道 ... drive out 赶出去 drive away 赶走 drive into 赶进来 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... drive from 从…赶走…;从…开车来 drive away 赶走;(把车)开走;离去 drive mechanism 驱动机 …


高二英语知识点_百度知道 ... 11. put something in order( 把某物摆放整齐) 11. drive away( 把车)开走 2. set off/out( 出发) ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 45.thank sb. again and again 反复感谢某人 away (汽车)离开 47.right away 立刻 ...


这些英语词组什么意思,,高手来,,_百度知道 ... in common 共同的,有...的共同点 drive away 驱赶,开车离开 in a word 总 …


常用英语动词短语 固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... develop into 发展成为 drive away 把……赶走,乘车走 drive off 驱散 ...


动词词组及短语 - 豆丁网 ... That will do. 行了;够了 19.以 drive away vi. 开车走掉 drive off 驱散 ...


大学英语四级词汇短语总归纳-自考-搜狐博客 ... drive at 意指,意欲 drive away 驱走 drive down 压低,使…下降 ...

Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such like. 随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。
Then get into the car and drive away. Don't try to trick me, you know who I am, it doesn't work. Next, you can stop pointing that gun at me. 进到车里开走,别指望能骗得过我,你们知道我是谁,没用的.下一步,可以不要拿枪指着我了
This comfortable, friendly home-from-home lies near the beautiful quiet countryside, but just a drive away from the sea. 这是一个舒适,亲和,宾至如归的旅馆,位于美丽宁静的乡村附近。开车即可到海边。
To the point of giving you cash to entice you to drive away with a brand new car? 给你点现金吸引你驱走与一辆新车吗?。
The smile that bubbles from her loves its fellow men, drive away the clouds of gloom and wax the sun. 微笑的气泡从她热爱自己的同胞男子,赶走云彩的阴影和蜡的太阳。
Most of its main markets are just a few hours' drive away from the head office in Vienna. 它绝大多数主要市场距离维也纳总部也就是几个小时的车程。
It should have been hard for me to decide to drive away from the party hardly able to see straight. 对我来说,开车从一场看不透的聚会逃离本来是很难的事情。
The safe house turns out to be only a short drive away, in a valley not far from an army garrison. 这个安全地点并不很远,开车一会就到,而且位于一个山谷中,距一个政府军营地很近。
The older man got to the light just as it was changing. You're free! Drive away quick, I thought. I looked over to my dad. 那个老人正好赶在了换灯的时候。你现在自由了!赶紧开走,我心里想。我看了看我爸爸。
He took the monkey to the police car, opened the door, put it in, and was about to drive away. 他把猴子带到警察车打开门,把它放进去,准备开车离开。
The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. 由衷地热爱伙伴的微笑,会驱走心头阴郁的乌云,心底收获一抹阳光。
Then came the big moment: my daughter would stride to the driver's side of the car, pull the door open, slide in, and drive away. 接着重大的时刻来临了:我的女儿会迈着大步走向司机座位那边,拉开车门,溜到座位上把车开走。
They were almost ready to drive away when suddenly two black cars pulled up right behind them. 他们几乎准备把车开走时,忽然有两个黑车拉他们后面的权利。
Now, I have to leave now. I walk to the corner, then turn. Promise me, don't see me, drive away and leave me as I leave you. 现在,我必须离开了。我走到街角,然后转弯。答应我,别看着我,把车开走,离开我,就像我离开你。
Nice, those Germans, they are always fooling you, but they do it politely and with a smile. I decide to give up and drive away. 好啊,这些德国人,他们总是愚弄你,但总是做得彬彬有礼。我放弃了,开车离开。
"See here, Heinz, " she shouted in her fervor, seizing the stick that she intended to use to drive away the mice. 她面红耳赤地大叫着,顺手操起那根赶老鼠的根子,“瞧,就这么收拾他!”
Just as we were about to drive away, Stan pointed out the car had a flat tire. 就在我们要开车离去时,斯坦指出车子有个轮胎爆了。
This ran from the point of charcoal, boil the boiler to the engine, drive away the need to weigh anchor for an hour can. 这样从点然木炭,烧开锅炉到发动机器,起锚开走需要个把钟头才能做到。
Kaka then got a low drive away which the 'keeper saved and Rui Costa arrived at the back post only to put a downward header wide. 卡卡随即低射攻门,门将奋力化解。鲁伊。科斯塔又在后门柱头球,可他顶出的弹地球偏了出去。
The hotel is easily accessible by car and public transport and Eindhoven Airport is just a 15 minute drive away. 酒店容易开车和乘坐公共交通到达,从Eindhoven机场大约只有15分钟车程。
The police are trying to drive away the crowd in the street. 警察正试图驱散街上的人群。
I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there, and turn. You stay in car and drive away. 我现在必须要离开你了。我将要走到那拐角,然后转弯。你待在车里把车开走。
Tips on how to drive away in the dark knowing that you are going to make it. 这些建议是关于在知道了自己将要达到这一离开黑暗目标的。
Insert key in lock, open door. Drive away, secrets open to the wind, everything blown to hell and gone. 插入钥匙,开门。一路驶离,所有的秘密向狂风敞开大门,一切都吹入地狱,消失不见。
WuShu took the matter that love for GuFeiFei oath to drive away. 吴淑为当年夺爱之事誓要赶走顾菲菲。
I'm just afraid to waste their beautiful, young small comfort to my heart, drive away my loneliness, others do not embarrass me. 我只是怕浪费自己的漂亮,让小青年安慰我的心,驱走我的孤独,别的不要为难我。
Romance is hard to gain, hard to keep and fairly easy to drive away. 浪漫很难获得,很难保持,但很容易赶走。
Also, Kamala Beach is a few minutes drive away, in case you want to get away from the amazing views at the hotel. 另外,如果您想走出酒店这梦一般的美景,可以选择驱车到卡马拉海滩,这也只需要您几分钟的车程。
Let us drive away worries for you and full of happy talking and laughing. 让我们用欢声笑语为你驱走烦忧
Munich's historic city centre is just a 30-minute drive away from the hotel. 慕尼黑旧城中心距离酒店只有30分钟的车程。