
美 [delv]英 [delv]
  • v.钻研;掘
  • n.坑;凹地;井;沟槽
  • 网络探究;深入探究;穴

现在分词:delving 过去式:delved 第三人称单数:delves




1.[i]+ adv./prep.(在手提包、容器等中)翻找to search for sth inside a bag, container, etc.


英语专业八级核心词汇_普特英语听力 ... delude vt 迷惑 蛊惑 delve v 钻研 demeanor n 行为 风度 ...


学校里受欢迎的小孩长大后收入更高 ... totem pole: 图腾柱;等级 delve: 探究 dork: 呆子 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... valve 活门,阀门 delve 深入探究,钻研,挖掘 helve 斧柄 ...

石油英语词汇(D2)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... deluxe 上等的、高级的 delve DEMA 柴油发动机制造商协会 ...

delve的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... delve n.井,掘 delve n.凹地,穴, delve n.穴坑 ...


delve的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... delve n.穴坑 delve n.挖掘,钻研,深入研究 v. 钻研 ...

delve的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... n. 英汉地质大词典 delve n.井, delve n.凹地,穴,坑 ...

莎士比亚十四行诗赏析_fang_新浪博客 ... 9 transfix 刺穿。 10 delve 。 image (脑海中的)形象。 ...

My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. 我的挚爱,你从未想过自己必须做这么多的研究工作,深入挖掘过去未被揭示的真相。
In this article, I discuss how code generation works in Ruby, and I delve into a more radical component-based approach in Seaside. 在本文中,我讨论了Ruby中代码生成是如何工作的,并且深入讲解了Seaside中一种更加根本的基于组件的方法。
Some only look at the surface presentation of the site and rarely delve deep within a site's depths to see all the pages and posts. 有的人只看看站点的表面布局,很少深入地看看网点所有的文章和网页。
The audit did not delve into how the money had been used to "facilitate" permits. 那次审计并没有深入探究贿赂金被使用于获取许可的具体过程。
Since this isn't exactly a new version of the software, we're only going to delve into a few points that we think are notable. 正因为它不算是个全新版本的系统,所以我们打算针对几个值得注意的地方探讨。
But two years ago, when I began to delve more deeply into the field, I had a more personal motivation: I was newly pregnant. 但在两年前,当我开始深入研究此领域时,我有了另一个更私人的理由:我怀孕了。
With a forward by Martin Scorsese, anyone who picks up this book can delve into the mind of a legendary director at work. 随着由马丁史柯西斯,谁拿起这本书的思想深入到工作中的一个传奇导演前进。
Although these articles build on each other as a series, each stands on its own if you want to delve into a particular area of interest. 尽管这些文章之间是相辅相成的,但当深入研究到重要的某一特定部分时,会发现其实每篇文章自成一体。
In the next installment, I'll delve further into the functional features of a couple of dynamic languages on the JVM: Groovy and JRuby. 在下一期,我将深入研究JVM中几种动态语言的函数特性:Groovy和JRuby。
Brainstorming together as a group will be very helpful in exploring and generating many ideas that you can delve into more deeply. 群体脑力激荡可以很有效地产生许多可供进一步深入探讨的想法。
The exact nature of the link between a wandering white elephant and Hillary Clinton is a Burmese mystery too deep to delve here. 在缅甸人那种根深蒂固的神秘思想观念看来,将一头漫游的白象与希拉里·克林顿访问联系起来确实是再自然不过的事了。
The easiest way to dissolve your preconceptions about JSF is to delve right into the technology, and we'll do that in just a few minutes. 消除您对JSF的偏见的最好方法是,适当地钻研这种技术,我们马上就来做这件事。
Though we cover some of the Sametime bot API, we do not delve too deeply into the intricacies of bot programming. 尽管涉及到一些SametimebotAPI的内容,但我们不会过深地探讨复杂的bot编程。
But near the end the debate did delve into foreign policy and in particular how the United States should deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions. 但是在辩论结尾时,议题转向外交政策,其中特别是有关美国应该如何处理伊朗核野心的问题。
Microsoft and its partners will provide many opportunities to get you up to speed and delve deep into Visual Studio 2005 Team System. Microsoft及其合作伙伴将提供大量机会,帮助您快速、深入地掌握VisualStudio2005TeamSystem。
From here, we re ready to delve into the TCF architecture. 从这里开始,我们准备研究TCF体系结构。
Let's delve into the math a little bit, so you can understand the process and also see some of the limitations of this technique. 让我们先来探究一下最近邻背后的数学理论,以便能更好地理解这个过程并了解此技术的某些限制。
We need to delve into this mass of anatomy that we've been compiling to understand where the changes are occurring and what this means. 我们需要研究这些我们一直在复原的解剖结构来理解什么时候发生了变化,这些变化又意味着什么。
I can tell you the gist like this. . . and I will delve into details once we've signed to cooperate with other on the project. 我可以这么跟你概括…且我会在我们正式就这企划案合作具体签订合同之后再来跟你详细剖析这其中的细节。
In this article we'll delve further into the nitty-gritty of jealousy, when it begins and how it can quickly get out of control. 我们将在这篇文章中深入探索嫉妒的真相-什么时候开始嫉妒?怎么样它就会变得失去控制?
The ninth house is where we feel a sense of adventure and delve into new areas in an enthusiastic way. 第九宫这里我们感受到热情进入新的领域和钻研。
Yes, it is well and good to accept matters on a peripheral degree, yet we ask you to delve deeper inside of your KNOWING. 是的,在一个次要角度接受它很好很不错,我们也要求你们更深的挖掘自我的【觉知】。
This allows you to delve deeply into your own subconscious to discover where your thinking may have gone awry. 这让你能够深入研究你的潜意识,发现你的想法哪里出了问题。
So, before we delve into the specifics of coding SQL for performance, let's take a few moments to review SQL basics. 因此,在我们深入研究编码SQL以获得最佳性能的细节之前,先花一些时间来回顾SQL基础知识。
As I stated at the start of a novel, "We will never delve into the history of the place where we live. " 我曾经在一篇小说的开头,写过这样一句话:“我们从来不会追究我们所生活的地方的历史。”
I'll delve into each of these more in future articles; for now focus on becoming familiar with these components and technologies. 以后的文章中我将深入讨论这些技术,目前只要熟悉这些组件和技术就可以了。
By a team of scientists and intrepid explorers delve into mountain Nyiragongo deep pit along the boiling lava Lake trips and expeditions. 由科学家和勇敢的探险者组成的团队深入到尼拉贡戈火山坑深处,沿着沸腾的熔岩湖边进行考察和探险。
Given the limited space available , much of this material will be high level and will not delve into the details . 由于篇幅有限,本资料的很多内容是概括性的,没有进行详细分析。
Instead, use some of the energy you would normally put into work to delve into a new hobby. 相反,把你通常花在工作上的一些力气放到一种新的业余爱好上。
More articles in this series will delve into the details of each of the sections presented in this article. 本系列的后续文章将深入介绍本文提到的每一部分内容。