
美 [ˌdeməˈkrætɪk]英 [.demə'krætɪk]
  • adj.民主的;民主政体的;民主制度的;民主权利的
  • 网络民主党;民主主义的;民主式

democratic party,democratic senator,democratic President,democratic left,democratic side


1.民主的;民主政体的;民主制度的controlled by representatives who are elected by the people of a country; connected with this system

2.民主权利的based on the principle that all members have an equal right to be involved in running an organization, etc.

3.有民主精神的;平等的based on the principle that all members of society are equal rather than divided by money or social class

4.(美国)民主党的connected with the Democratic Party in the US


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... pneumatic a. 风动的 democratic a. 民主的 apologetic a. 道歉的 ...


四级单词逆序词表_百度文库 ... automatic a. 自动的;机械的 democratic a. 民主的, 民主政体的 static a. 静的;静态的 ...


报告称,如果民主党(Democratic)领导的政府与共和党(Republican)控制的众议院(House of Representatives)之间不能达成协议…


大学英语自学教程(下册)词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... degrade 降级,贬低;堕落;退化 democratic 民主的,民主主义的 demographer 人 …


民主式Democratic).这种方式充分发挥团队的知识和技能,共同形成目标,并树立一种实现目标的共同意志。当组织的前进 …


民主型(democratic) 团队的权力定位于全体成员,领导者只起到一个指导者或委员会主持人的作用,其主要任务就是在成员之间 …


美国学校的命名 ... New Orleans n. 新奥尔良 democratic a. 民主的 , 有民主精神的 Arizona n. 亚利桑那州 ...

This seems naive: a new party of the left, if it ever came into being, might split the Democratic vote and thus elect more Republicans. 在笔者看来,这种看法太过天真,如果真有一个新的左派政党,只会抢了民主党的选票,最终让共和党得益。
He said the U. S. would "seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture. " 他说美国将“寻求和支持发展民主运动以及每个国家的习俗和文化。”
The Democratic Party used its new power to frustrate Mr. Fukuda's government, with the aim of forcing him to call a general election. 民主党已经在用它新近获得的参议院控制权来打击福田康夫政府,目的是迫使他宣布举行大选。
Georgia's Interior Ministry said the action was not anti-democratic, but Russian broadcasts could not be allowed to "scare our population" . 格鲁吉亚内政部表示,此举并非是反民主行为,仅仅是不允许俄罗斯电视台再“恐吓我们的人民”。
British monarchy form of the monarchy is still Australia, but Australia is an independent democratic country. 英国的君主形式上仍是澳大利亚的君主,但澳大利亚是一个独立的民主国家。
He said the US remained concerned about human rights abuses, the lack of democratic freedoms and the repression of ethnic minorities. 他说,美国将持续关注践踏人权,缺乏民主自由和对少数民族的压迫。
The plan would appeal to Obama's Democratic base ahead of the 2012 election, but it's unclear how much revenue his plan would raise. 计划将在2012年选举之前向奥巴马的民主党阵营呼吁,但是他的计划会提高多少财政收入还不清楚。
He began the tour in the southern state of North Carolina, a state that has not voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in 30 years. 他首先来到南方州北卡罗来纳,这是一个30年来没有投票给民主党的州。
To be allowed to speak out is one of the democratic principles to be observed. 允许别人讲话,这是一个应该遵循的民主原则。
But if his wife or one of her Democratic rivals captures the White House next year, they promise a more skeptical look at trade deals. 但是如果他的妻子或她的某一位民主党对手明年入主白宫的话,他们承诺将以更加质疑的眼光审视这些贸易协定。
Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu told VOA she did not think it was a partisan political speech at all. 民主党参议员兰德鲁对美国之音说,她不认为奥巴马的讲话带有任何党派色彩。
It might seem to be a Republican dream: a wish list of goodies that make the Democratic governor (backed by public-sector unions) squirm. 这似乎是个共和党梦想:一列美好的愿望名单,使这位民主党州长(受公共事业联盟支持)坐立不安。
The last section will conclude by exploring the concept of regional governance and its capacity to improve democratic European governance. 最后一部分探究了区域治理的概念以及它在改良民主欧洲治理方面的效能,并总结全文。
There would appear to be, at a minimum, an association between a productive free market and a democratic form of government. 这样看来,在自由市场和民主政府之间至少有某种联系。
One of the great virtues of the Democratic plan is that it would finally put an end to this unacceptable case of American exceptionalism. 民主党计划的最大优点之一,是它对这种不可接受美国例外论画上了句号。
One reason is mechanical: it would have been a Republican president and a Democratic Congress. 固有的一个原因就是:那将是共和党的总统和民主党的国会。
"Hamas belongs within this democratic pluralistic system, not as a substitute for it, or a replacement or an alternative, " she said. “哈马斯是属于在这个民主多元化制度,不作为替代品,或更换或替代,”她说。
If you did not think politics to date, either democratic or not, is for ruling rather for benefiting people, you do not need to read this. 假使您不认为自古以来,不论政治的民主或不民主,统治者都旨在治民、而非爱民、您不必看我这篇文稿。
The figures revealed the failed candidate for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, is still burdened with $9m from her campaign. 同时有数据显示失败的民主党候选人希拉里•克林顿,在选战之后身上还背着九百万美金的债务。
However, he made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention to support Barack Obama's candidacy for president. 然而,他却意外地出现在民主党国民大会上,并且支持巴拉克·奥巴马获得提名竞选美国总统。
He did not help design democratic institutions, and he did not lay the foundations for an orderly economic reform. 他没有帮助构想民主制度,也没有为有序的经济改革创造条件。
The princess rightly points out that a sport so imbued with privilege has no place in a democratic festival such as the Olympics. 安妮公主正确指出,赛马运动充满特权色彩,不适合像奥运会这样的民主盛会。
Once this was the great democratic hope of Central Asia; the only one of the "Stans" that was not a pernicious dictatorship. 吉尔吉斯斯坦曾经是中亚民主的希望,是唯一没有专制制度的“斯坦”国家。
The court seems to think the EU has a "democratic deficit" that is best filled at the national level, not through the European Parliament. 宪法法院似乎认为欧盟存在“民主缺陷”,而这一缺陷更适合在国家层级上修补,而不是欧盟国会。
It did not need to. Its clear message was that the democratic demands of 1911 could not be repressed forever. 其实也不必解释,它所传达的明显信息就是辛亥革命的民主诉求不能永远遭到压制。
The third brother, Bobby, was murdered just when it looked as if he might win the Democratic presidential nomination in 1968. 1968年排行老三的鲍比在看起来正有可能要赢得民主党总统提名时被谋杀。
Mr von Beust is the sixth state premier from Mrs Merkel's Christian Democratic Union to step down in less than a year. Beust(汉堡市市长)辞职。冯Beust先生是默克尔夫人的基督教民主联盟在不到一年的时间里下台的第六个总理。
Contrary to the Democratic version of history, America did not enjoy untrammelled influence abroad before he arrived. 与民主党版的历史相反,布什上任前,美国在海外从未拥有不受约束的影响力。
But Samaras said the new Democratic Party will not accept any form of fiscal austerity. 但萨马拉斯表示,新民主党不会接受任何形式的财政紧缩。
He appealed for unity in the fight against drug cartels which he said were threatening to destroy Mexico's democratic institutions. 他呼吁大家在打击毒品卡特尔的战争中团结起来。他说,毒品卡特尔威胁称要毁坏墨西哥的民主机构。