
美 [dɪˈstres]英 [dɪ'stres]
  • n.窘迫;痛苦;遇险;悲伤
  • v.使忧虑;使悲伤;使苦恼
  • 网络不幸;悲痛;危难

第三人称单数:distresses 现在分词:distressing 过去式:distressed

great distress,acute distress,considerable distress,severe distress,deep distress
relieve distress,cause distress,alleviate distress,feel distress


n. v.

1.忧虑;悲伤;痛苦a feeling of great worry or unhappiness; great suffering

2.贫困;窘迫;困苦suffering and problems caused by not having enough money, food, etc.

3.(船、飞机等)遇难,遇险a situation in which a ship, plane, etc. is in danger or difficulty and needs help


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 309. transplant v./n. 移植 367. distress n. /v. 痛苦 445. endeavor v. /n. 努力 ...


我要成为自己喜欢的样子♥强大与独立,优雅与精... ... relief 安心; distress 苦恼; shame 羞愧; ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... distinguish vt. 区别,辨别,认别 distress n. 忧虑,悲伤;不幸 distribute vt. 分发,分送;分布 ...


TOEIC词汇汇总 ... detest 憎恶;痛恨;嫌恶 6. distress 悲痛;贫困;危难 8. enthusiastic 热心的;狂热的 9. ...


英文法律文件的翻译 ... dishonour 耻辱 拒付 distress 危难 扣押货物 equity 公平 衡平法,股份 ...


新东方英语四级词汇30天学习笔记(3) - 豆丁网 ... distinct 清楚的,明显的 distress 痛苦,悲伤,苦难,困苦 controversy 争 …


字典中 惕 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ be on the alert against] (4) 忧伤[ distress;sad] ◎ 惕 watchful ...


字根字尾构词法.doc - 豆丁网 ... distraught 心神分散,发狂的 distress 穷困,困难,痛苦 distribute 分送,分配 ...

The USAF radar reports all but ceased Jan. 11, then appeared to show "signs of orbital distress" when resumed temporarily a few days later. 美国空军在1月11日停止公布雷达报告,当几天后短暂恢复公布时,显示发生了“轨道灾难迹象”。
You normally don't see sharks like this running around on the surface, but this animal looks like it's in distress. 通常情况下,你不会看到鲨鱼在水面上游来游去。但是这条鲨鱼看上去好像遇险了。
Thus ended Frank Cowperwood's dreams of what Butler and his political associates might do for him in his hour of distress. 这样就结束了法兰克·柯帕乌要巴特勒和他的政治上的伙伴,能在他处境危难的时候帮助他的梦想。
And Heidi sat down on the ground looking as full of distress as if everything had really come to an end. 海蒂坐在地上看起来非常伤心,似乎所有东西真的到了尽头。
To this distressful emblem of a great distress that had long been growing worse, and was not at its worst, a woman was kneeling. 一个妇女跪在这象征巨大痛苦的凄惨的雕像面前--那痛苦一直在增加,可还没有达到极点。
The extent of your child's distress over any of these factors depends on your child's age and personality. 这些因素对孩子造成的负面影响取决于他的年龄和性格。
His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother. 他的放荡的行为使他的母亲极为苦恼。
For some time all that Elinor could do was to soothe her sister's distress, lessen her alarms, and combat her resentment. 在若干时间内,埃莉诺只能抚慰妹妹的悲痛,缓和她的震惊,抑止她的愤懑。
Others will say that it was a mistake all along to embark on expensive reform at a time of acute economic distress. 其他人会说,在经济不景气的时候开始代价昂贵的改革自始至终就是个错误。
He was generous, and the needy, laughing at him because he believed so naively their stories of distress, borrowed from him with effrontery. 他很大方,那些手头拮据的人一方面嘲笑他那么天真地轻信他编造的不幸故事,一方面厚颜无耻地伸手向他借钱。
At the next Friday sermon, the women who were sitting in the side room of the mosque began to share their distress at the state of affairs. 到下个星期五的布道,那些在清真寺侧房里的女人开始讨论她们对时势的担忧。
i could make nothing of these fits of distress which continues until morning . then marguerite lapsed into a sort of torpor. 这种持续的痛苦一直延续到第二天早上,我一点也不清楚是什么原因。
It was the pleading cry of a strong man in distress, but Bill's head did not turn. 这是一个坚强的人在患难中求援的喊声,但比尔并没有回头。
I suppose therefore that this is good for the present distress, I say, that it is good for a man so to be. 因现今的艰难,据我看来,人不如守素安常才好。
She was wriggling her body in distress. It was quite as if she were trying to remain on the nursery floor. 温迪苦恼地扭动着身子,就像她使劲要让自己呆在育儿室的地板上。
From the outset Roosevelt was more responsive to the needs of the millions in distress than Hoover had been. 可是从一开始,罗斯福对于千百万处于贫困之中的人们,就比胡佛表现出更强的责任心。
out of a maze of distress , she prayed to God to direct her , to show her what was her duty . 在一片茫然的苦脑中,她请求上帝指引她,告诉她她该怎么做。
Distress, as a negative emotion, displays as low mood, filled up with sorrow and sadness and easy to be negative and pessimistic. 作为一种负面情感,表现为情绪底下,好忧愁,多伤感,易消极悲观。
In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的上帝呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音;我的呼求入了他的耳中。
Now I was free from the spectacle of Mrs. Strickland's distress I could consider the matter more calmly. 现在我的眼睛已经看不到思特里克兰德太太一副痛苦不堪的样子,好象能够更冷静地考虑这件事了。
There was no distress signal of any kind from the pilot, Captain Louis Lambrechts. 驾驶飞机的路易斯·兰布莱奇机长,没有发出任何遇难信号。
Two people close to the case confirmed it's the body of James who placed a distress call to relatives more than a week ago. 两位对此案件非常熟悉的人士证实这就是詹姆士的尸体.詹姆士曾在一个多星期以前给他的亲戚打电话求救。
It is particularly in the matter of distress and intelligence that it is dangerous to have extremes meet. 正是由于苦难和聪明才智这两个极端碰在一起,情况尤为危殆。
Years of living in New York City had trained me: The distress you hear is nothing serious. It's only a drunk or a bum . 在纽约居住多年的经历训练了我,你所听到的根本没什么大不了的,那只是个醉汉或游民。
Preferring to stick to the status quo when faced with unexpected upheaval tends to lead to a sense of helplessness and distress. 当面临意想不到的剧变,你喜欢坚持现状,这往往会引起一种无助感、悲伤感。
The king of Babylon has heard the report about them , And his hands are feeble ; Distress has seized him , Pain like a woman in childbirth . 巴比伦王听见他们的风声,手就发软;痛苦将他抓住,疼痛仿佛正在生产的妇人。
There was something so commanding in the distress of the old man, that Heyward did not dare to venture a syllable of consolation. 在老人的伤感中,有一种威严的意味,使得海沃德不敢说一句话来安慰他。
Su remnants snow covers with to scatter hair and seems to be quite distress, in fact that because Su cripple snow is lazy and comb hair. 苏残雪披散着头发,好像很狼狈,其实那是因为苏残雪懒和梳头。但她却盘腿从在石床上用小钳子夹核桃吃。
Tim: Sure, you know me, always willing to help a damsel in distress. 蒂姆:当然,你知道我,总是愿意帮助处于困境的闺女。
She dried her eyes, reminded that her distress must not be betrayed to her husband. 她擦干眼泪,提醒自己,绝对不能让丈夫发现她的悲伤情绪。