
美 [ˈdezərt]英 [ˈdezət]
  • n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原
  • v.抛弃;放弃;开小差;废弃
  • adj.不毛的;沙漠的;无人的
  • 网络遗弃;舍弃;擅离

复数:deserts 现在分词:deserting 过去式:deserted



n. v.

1.[c][u]沙漠;荒漠;荒原a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it. Many deserts are covered by sand.


雅思听力场景词汇(剑桥4-8)_百度文库 ... wetland 湿地 desert 沙漠 grassland 草原 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... bucket n. 铲斗;桶 desert vt. 舍弃;遗弃 courtyard n. 庭院,院子 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... assertive a 断言的;确定的 desert v 离开;抛弃 exsert v 使突出;伸出 ...


考博英语词汇大全(完全免费版)_百度文库 ... denounce v. 指责,揭发 desert vt. 放弃,遗弃,逃跑 dessert n. 甜点心 ...


文明5百科全书整理 - 豆丁网 ... Coast 海滨 Desert 荒漠 Grassland 草原 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... bucket n. 铲斗;桶 desert vt. 舍弃;遗弃 courtyard n. 庭院,院子 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... description n. 描写;种类 desert n. 沙漠 v.离弃;擅离 develop v. 发展;开发 ...


开字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 开销〖 payexpenses〗 开小差〖 abscond;decamp;desert〗 开小会〖 chatduringameeting〗 ...

I began to glory in the thought of such a death, alone in the desert, with the wild eagles besieging my last moments. 我开始把这样的死――孤零零地死在荒野里,只有野鹰凭吊我最后的一刻――想象成光荣的牺牲。
As I was washing my feet, I let my mind wander. I felt as if I was on a vast desert. 我在洗脚,手脚依偎,恍惚间,我仿佛置身于广袤的大漠中。
Every year we plant trees to stop the desert. But the desert keeps advancing. We seem to be losing the fight. 每一年我们都种树来组织沙漠。但是沙漠仍然在扩大。我们看起来似乎是输了这场战斗
Back when it was written, though, it was sort of a voice in the desert. 不过当那本书刚出现的时候,却像是荒野中的一丝声音,应者寥寥。
I was directly behind our Tunisian guide when he began to adjust his turban for protection against the blazing Saharan desert sun. 当我们的突尼斯向导调整他的长头巾以遮挡撒哈拉沙漠的炽热阳光时,我正好躲在他的身后。
Sunset days, blue desert wind. One I think the name of the United States and the United States, but only with me with a despair. 落日天,风漠蓝。一个我认为美美的名字,却只能陪我一起绝望了。
What a glorious, all-satisfying country this Nevada desert would be, if one were only all eyes, and had no need of food, drink, and shelter! 如果这儿的人只用眼睛看而不需要吃喝和住宿,那内华达将会是个多么完美的地方啊。
All the people that came out had been circumcised, but all the people born in the desert during the journey from Egypt had not. 因为出来的众民都受过割礼,惟独出埃及以后,在旷野的路上所生的众民都没有受过割礼。
The son in the desert. Oh, that's a thing far away. He was a really stubborn child. He never came back when he went away. We all miss him. 住在沙漠里的儿子,那是很久以前的事了。他可真是个犟孩子,走了以后再没回来过,我们都很想念他。
We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. 我们有时想像荒岛是阳光终日普照的天堂。
"If you want cute, go for stuff on the roof, " he said. "If you're interested in the problem, go for the [grids] in the desert. " “如果你喜欢外形灵巧的东西,那就买个屋顶上用的太阳能装置,”他表示:“如果你喜欢麻烦,那就添置沙漠中用的那类网。”
The cheek is so dry, and the tear moves so slowly that you focus on it for a while, the tear traveling across the wide desert plain. 脸颊是那么的干,泪水流动是那么的慢,你盯着看了好久,眼泪在广阔的荒原上流淌。
The Great Wall run across the desert, over the mountains, through the valleys, just like a huge dragon. 长城就象一条巨龙穿过沙漠,穿过山脉,穿过山谷。
Your children will be shepherds here for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lies in the desert. 你们的儿女必在旷野漂流四十年,担当你们淫行的罪,直到你们的尸首在旷野消灭。
By 1934, it had turned the Great Plains into a desert that came to be known as the Dust Bowl. 到了1934年时,旱灾将大平原(GreatPlains)变成沙漠,这个沙漠就是有名的尘暴干旱区(DustBowl)。
Remember, it was just a farm boy from a desert planet who ultimately destroyed the Death Star. 记住,最终摧毁死星的人只是一名来自沙漠星球的农场男孩。
The expansion of desert like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification. 沙漠化是指沙漠式的环境扩张到先前没有该环境的地区。
When human friends desert us , good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy and encouragement. 当我们人类的朋友沙漠,好书总是愿意给我们的友谊,同情和鼓励。
Can not help the heart on the desert dry, wet it did not is no longer waiting for the results. 忍不住把心放在沙漠里烘干,不再湿润这没有结果的等候。
The layer of hot air above the sand then reflects the sky, and a traveler in the desert think he is looking at a cool oasis in the distance. 沙子上方的热空气层,于是照出天空的影像,而沙漠中的旅行者却认为他看到了远处的一片凉爽的绿洲。
The crowds that are cheering him now will be calling for his death in just a few days. The people who know him well will also desert him. 几天后,现今为祂欢呼的群众,将会判祂死刑,那些熟悉祂的人也将会抛弃祂。
Her intellect and heart had their home, as it were, in desert places, where she roamed as freely as the wild Indian in his woods. 她的聪明和心灵在这里适得其所,她在荒漠之处自由周游,正如野蛮的印第安人以林为家。
"It would probably be safe to say it's wetter than the Atacama Desert, " the driest place on Earth, he said. 他说:“要说比阿塔卡马沙漠更湿润很可能是有把握的。”
He had great confidence in his own sense of direction. He held up a flag and led the students out of the desert. 对自己的方向感很有信心,他举起旗帜,带领学生走出沙漠。
They spring up quickly after rains, when the surface is moist. Then, for a brief time, the desert can be literally carpeted with color. 当雨后地表还潮湿时它们就迅速发芽,然后在一个短时间里,给沙漠铺上绿色地毯。
If Sandy's music got to be too burdensome, some time, I would let a knight defeat me, on the chance that she would desert to him. 桑弟的音乐要是有一天太让人受不了的话,我就不妨叫一位骑士来把我给打败了;那么一来,她也许就会弃旧迎新了吧。
Ah! I found! Open space in the desert, the long with a jasmine Cong-Ju, however, as the land of the purple bloom Yejuhua ah! 啊!我发现了!在荒芜的空地上,长着一丛茉莉菊,多么像大地上盛开的紫色野菊花啊!
Not because she was dying - but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert. 不是因为她正在死去,而是因为她将没有机会给这个沙漠的角落带来一点美丽。
Visions of the future are shown as you see a glimpse of your journey through the desert. 通过沙漠后未来的一瞥出现在克瑞托斯的眼前。
In Tunisia , many places sell the Desert Rose gift shop, Desert Rose seems to have become the characteristics of cultural symbols Tunisia . 在突尼斯,很多地方都有卖沙漠玫瑰的礼品店,沙漠玫瑰俨然成了突尼斯的特色文化符号。