
美 [ˈhɑrdli]英 [ˈhɑː(r)dli]
  • adv.几乎没有;几乎不;尤用于 can 或 could 之后;刚刚
  • 网络简直不;才;仅仅

hardly understand,hardly recognize,hardly remember,hardly follow,hardly recognise


1.几乎不;几乎没有almost no; almost not; almost none

2.(尤用于 can 或 could 之后,主要动词之前,强调做某事很难)used especially after ‘can’ or ‘could’ and before the main verb, to emphasize that it is difficult to do sth

3.刚刚;才used to say that sth has just begun, happened, etc.

4.(表示不大可能、不合理或愚蠢)used to suggest that sth is unlikely or unreasonable or that sb is silly for saying or doing sth


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... skateboard v. 踩滑板 hardly adv. 几乎不 ever adv. 曾,曾经 ...


新课标普通高中英语单词_百度知道 ... share vt 分享;共同使用 hardly adv 几乎不;简直不 club n 俱乐部 ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... skateboard 滑板 hardly 几乎没有 ever 曾今 ...


英汉字典_爱问知识人 ... hard 努力地 坚固地 hardly 几乎不 刚刚 艰辛的 harm 损害 ...


高中英语... ... hardworking adj. 努力工作的 hardly ad. 几乎不,简直不;刚刚,仅仅 hard a. 坚硬的;结实的;困难的;难忍的…

新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... thresh vt. 打(谷);彻底讨论 hardly ad. 几乎不,不十分; ticket n. 传票,票,券,标签 ...


大学英语精读单词表(预备一) - 豆丁网 ... hat n. 帽子 hardly ad. 几乎不,简直不,仅仅 possible a. 可能的,做得到的 ...


新概念英语第二册单词总汇_英语网 ... thresh vt. 打(谷);彻底讨论 hardly ad. 几乎不,不十分;才 ticket n. 传票,票,券,标签 ...

The two of them, Krista with a patch of gauze taped over her eye and Smudge with hardly any sight at all, sat by the garden pond. 他们两个,克丽斯塔一只眼蒙着一块纱布,斯玛奇几乎看不见,一起坐在花园池塘边。
Hardly had my parents' car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. 可是等到父母的车消失在公路的转角,我就立刻抛掉了德语,奔向古典文学的道路。
There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe. 在火车上有如此的压碎以致我几乎不能呼吸。
But HGTV is hardly the only network trying to figure out how the recession and a political shift have changed America. 但是,HGTV并不是唯一的电视网表明经济衰退和政策的转变如何改变美国的。
L: To be frank with you, if it weren't for our good relations, we'd hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 坦白地说,如果它不是对我们的好关系,我们有刚刚对以这价格使你成为坚定的提议是乐意的。
It was an important investment for GM, but within the company it was hardly noticed. 对于通用汽车来说,这是一笔很重要的投资,但通用内部很少有人注意到。
she whispered, hardly audibly , peeping up at him from under her eyelids, smiling and almost crying with excitement. 她低声细语,几乎听不清楚,皱着眉头向他瞧着,脸上露出微笑,激动得几乎要哭出声来。
If it were, then the personal appearance industries would have been as hardly hit by the trade depression as any other business. 因为如果是这样,那么美容用品业就会和其他企业一样受到贸易萧条的沉重打击。
That is, no doubt, a very remarkable fact, but you would hardly call it a law of nature. 毫无疑问,这是非常显著的事实,但你却不大会称之为自然法则。
He'd hardly looked at it; the car had been waiting to take him to the airport. 他几乎看也不看,因为车子等着接他去机场。
And the Londoner's post-match comments hardly screamed out 'class' or 'dignity'. "It was a triumph for Stoke's way of playing, " he said. 就连伦敦的赛后评论都少有的惊呼“等级”或者“尊严”。“这是斯托克城式的伟大胜利”他说。
He said, "The room is too small and can hardly accommodate all of our things. So we could only hang them on the walls. " 他不得不启齿了:“房间太小了,东西多了放不下,只能挂在墙上。”
Enjoying my winter holiday in a tropical area, I could hardly imagine it had been constantly snowing in my hometown. 在热带地区度寒假的时候,我很难想象我的家乡一直在下雪。
For example, if you hardly spend any time with one another, you might write, "I would like to spend one evening a week alone with you. " 譬如,假如你没有花时间陪对方,可以写:“我想每星期花一个晚上与你单独在一起。”
The old man, it is said, was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life. 听说,这位老人曾是个艺术家,但是人们对他这方面的生存简直一窍不通。
Joseph Conrad said the seaman with an undue sense of security "becomes at once worth hardly half his salt" . 约瑟夫•康拉德(JosephConrad)表示,安全意识不当的海员,“其称职程度立刻就打了至少一半的折扣”。
Dark tones will make you just a part of a crowd hardly distinguishable from others, and the fresh color may be not good for you. 深色调会让你很难从人群中区分出来,鲜艳的颜色也不可能改观。
Indeed, its very messiness might provide some reassurance that the sovereign wealth funds hardly seem to have nefarious agendas. 实际上,这种混乱可能会让人安心:主权财富基金似乎没有不可告人的计划。
All this seems to start with the behavior of the fetus, which is hardly a model of quiet diplomacy when entering strange territory. 所有这些看起来都是从胎儿的行为开始的,而当它进人陌生之地时根本说不上是个静悄悄的外交家。
I hardly spoke with Wong Sheng when we were in ZMC. My memory of him was blurred. 当我们还在中医学院读书时,我几乎没和王胜说过话,对他的记忆已经变得很模糊。
When you are the auditor, however, you can hardly complain that you were deceived, and this will have no real effect on the case. 但是既然你是审计师,你就不应当抱怨自己受骗,这自然也不会对本案有什么影响。
Weak and lethargic still, hardly able to talk, he appeared to take the luxurious treatment quite for granted. 他还衰弱,渴睡,几乎不能说话。他对这种优待似乎受之无愧。
The SEC, which seems to have been taken aback by the scale of the malfeasance, can hardly hold its head up high either. 美国证券交易委员会似乎也为此次弊案的规模所震惊,他们也无法抬起头。
Even if they aren't trying to sock it to ordinary investors, they are hardly in business to leave a lot of value the table. 即使他们不想给予普通投资迎头痛击,他们如果留下很多肉给别人吃,那他们的生意也很难维持下去。
Sometimes you could hardly hear her saying a word. She is so quite like a little cat that you may lose the awareness of her existence. 你有时半天都听不到她讲一句话,静默得像一只小猫,让你感觉不到她的存在。
He made the calls from behind his closed bedroom door, but the apartment was not large and the door was hardly soundproof. 他打电话时总把自己关在卧室里,房门紧闭。但公寓并不大,房门也基本上毫不隔音。
d love to help you out, but I can hardly manage to deal with my own business now. 我很想帮你,但我现在连自己的事情都处理不过来。
And, God be thanked, there hardly happens a duel in a year, which may not be imputed to one of those three motives. 不过感谢上帝,这一年来发生的决斗几乎没有一个不归咎于这三个原因中的一个。
This is not just a Japanese problem: elderly American managers hardly queue up to support foreigners taking over their employers. 这并不是日本才有的问题:早期的美国经理人也很少对收购他们的企业外国人列队欢迎的。
Of course we have no lack of educators highly actuated by ideals, but they hardly have the urge to break through the various restrictions. 本地当然有充满理想的教育工作者,在种种限制中却不见得有打破体制的冲动。