
美 [hɪp]英 [hɪp]
  • n.髋;臀部;臀部…的;野蔷薇果
  • v.使(家畜)扭脱股关节;用屁股撞;【建】使做成四坡屋顶;使忧郁
  • adj.赶时髦的
  • int.(集体的)喝采[欢呼]声
  • 网络臀围(hipline);热等静压(hot isostatic pressing);坐围

复数:hips 比较级:hipper 最高级:hippest

hip fracture,left hip


1.臀部;髋the area at either side of the body between the top of the leg and the waist; the joint at the top of the leg

2.臀部…的having hips of the size or shape mentioned


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热等静压(hot isostatic pressing)

热等静压(HIP)技术能够由金属粉末制造出高致密度的金属零件,且力学性能与锻造零件相当。但单独采用HIP技术制造金属 …


服装英语_百度百科 ... GOH.=garment on hanger 走挂装 H.=hip 坐围 H/L=hand loom 手织样 ...


屁股的英文翻译_百度知道 ... hinny 驴骡 hip 屁股 hippology 养马学 ... ...


人体器官英语单词_百度文库 ... rib 肋骨 hip 髋部 thigh 大腿 ...

HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way. 嘻哈音乐的规则非常少。歌手仅仅做他们想的然后敲击出来,或者创造出来。
However, progressive hip displacement continued to occur in the treatment group, and our data do not support recommending this treatment. 但是,治疗组进行性髋关节脱位仍继续发展,我们的试验数据不推荐这种治疗。
Susan Gaden said, "I had a hip replacement 12 months ago and that sort of technology would have been very useful in my rehabilitation. " SusanGaden称:“12个月前我做了髋关节置换手术,这种技术对我的康复有很大的帮助。”
Although a fashionable person of the 21st century can still be described as hip, they would not be referred to as a hippie. 尽管21世纪的时尚人士仍旧可以被形容为“时髦的”,但他们不会被当作一个嬉皮。
Bone loss is often presented in the revision of total hip arthroplasty. 全髋关节翻修术经常面临骨缺损的问题。
Nash: I was trying to escape between him and the boards and he got me with a nice hip-check. 纳什:当时我尝试从他和边线之间穿过,他很漂亮地用髋部防住了我。
She says she was mainly frightened for her children and touches the gun at her hip. 她说她非常的担心她的孩子,她时常会用髋关节来触碰枪。
Finally my feet landed and I slid onto the ground. My hip fell onto the biggest piece of rock around, and I yelped out in pain. 最后,我双脚著地,再滑行坐在地上,我的臀部正正跌在最大的一块石头上,我痛得不禁大叫。
With a strong sense of rhythm, music hip-hop away from the beautiful waltz, XXX will provide us with this elegant dance. 随着街舞强烈节奏感的音乐远去而来的是优美的华尔兹,XXX会向我们介绍这优雅的舞蹈。
Her husband drove her through a snowstorm to a hospital, where doctors a few days later removed the prosthetic hip. 她丈夫冒着暴风雪开车送她去医院,几天以后医生移出了植入的髋关节。
I was trying to escape between him and the boards and he got me with a nice hip-check. What can I say. It was a pretty nice check. 当时我尝试从他和边线之间穿过,他很漂亮地用髋部防住了我。怎么说呢,那确实是个很好的防守。
A cool and trendy, free, Bible tool for teen who want a few hip buttons, stylish text and easy to use features. 酷和时尚,免费,自由,圣经的工具,青少年谁想要一个数髋关节按钮,时尚的文字和易于使用的特点。
Thinking the young man is dead, a curious fisherman with a scalpel finds two bullets in his back and a miniature laser device in his hip. 思维的年轻人已经死了,一个好奇的渔民发现手术刀在他的背部和两发子弹在他的臀部微型激光装置。
putting back his handkerchief he took out the soap and stowed it away , buttoned into the hip pocket of his trousers. 他放回手绢时取出肥皂,然后把它塞进裤后兜,扣上钮扣。
Every other man seemed to be clutching one with a quiver full of bolts hanging from his hip. 除了自己每个人看起来都抓了一个,跨上挂着一捆颤动的箭。
And he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter: and he went down and dwelt in the top of the rock Etam. 参孙就大大击杀他们,连腿带腰都砍断了。他便下去,住在以坦磐的穴内。
Also, it seems that after a hip replacement how much the price would really matter. 还有,髋关节置换术后价格多少才真正重要?
Pain in the side of your hip, usually at the joint of your hip and thigh but sometimes a bit higher toward the hip bone. 髋关节疼,通常在髋关节和大腿的连接处,但是有时候在髋关节上部也会疼。
I would be so hip that my children's friends would think I was one of them. 我将是如此的时尚,以至于孩子们都把我当作是他们中间的一员。
The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge listeners. 这位歌手将京剧和嘻哈音乐做了有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的新听觉以挑战听众的耳朵。
It is possible that every country has at least one or two socially conscious hip-hop singers or groups. 每个国家可能至少有一至两个此类音乐的歌手或组合。
In this pose the front-leg hip tends to lift up toward the shoulder and swing out to the side, which shortens the front-leg side. 在这个体式,前腿的髋部倾向于抬起向肩膀和方向并向这一侧摆动,从而缩短了前侧腿这边。
I met the surgeon, and he took some free X-rays, and I got a good look at them, and you know, even I could tell my hip was bad. 我见了外科医生,他给我拍了几张免费的X光片,我很仔細地看了这些X光片,然后你知道的,就连我这个外行也看得出髋骨有问题。
Im competitive because I am Hip Hop at heart, battling is part of it for me, and the desire to be one of the best. 我有竞争性是因为我打心里就在和别人battle,斗舞对于我来说就是竞争的一部分,并且我希望自己是最好的!
He took lessons, and had to wear a hip brace for a year. 他上了芭蕾课,还戴了一年的矫正器。
Santana has been dealing with a sore hip and back recently, but he said after the game that it wasn't a factor in any of his miscues . 山塔那的屁股及背在过去有点痛,但是他说那不是那场他任何失投球的关键因素。
When he was 5, he developed Legg-Perthes disease, a hip disorder, and a doctor thought ballet dancing might be a good idea. 5岁的时候得了儿童股骨头缺血性坏死,一种髋关节关节的疾病,一位医生认为跳芭蕾能对治疗有帮助。
See, I'm just trying to be a hip young mother and get along with your friends. 看到了吧。我只是想做个跟得上时代的潮妈,跟你朋友好好相处。
Stories of patients waiting up to two years for a hip replacement or ten months to see an orthopaedic surgeon have stirred public anxiety. 为了一个臀部手术,患者要等上两年;做一个整形手术要等上十个月,类似事件已引起了公众的忧虑。
Why has it taken so long for hip arthroscopy to catch up to its shoulder and knee counterparts? 为什么髋关节的关节镜手术需要花费更多的时间来赶上肩关节和膝关节的关节镜手术的发展呢?