hong kong

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hong kong


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血拼全球十大机场免税店(上) ... 新加坡樟宜国际机场 CHANGI Airport 中国香港国际机场 HONG KONG 德国慕尼黑机场 MU…

Prudential declined to specify how much it had paid the exchanges, bankers and lawyers to introduce its shares to Hong Kong and Singapore. 保诚拒绝详细透露为向香港和新加坡推荐其股票,向交易所、银行家和律师支付了多少费用。
Some men were lucky enough to have family in Hong Kong who could house them until their ship was ready to leave. 有亲属在香港的劳工比较幸运,他们可以在出发前在亲属处歇脚。
We're only going to Hong Kong for a week-I don't know how much stuff you've packed! 我们只在香港呆一周——真不知道你咋想的,带这么大堆杂七杂八的东西?
Police in Hong Kong are trying to trace members of a group on the social networking site Facebook which appeared to call for a mass suicide. 香港警方试图追踪社交站点Facebook上的一个团体,该团体似乎策划集体自杀事件。
"Under the Basic Law, it has never been intended that Hong Kong can, on its own, decide on changes to its political structure, " he said. 他说:「根据《基本法》,香港没有权单方面决定其政治体制的改变。」
But then Japan has always been a bit of separate case in Asia, compared to expat magnets like Hong Kong or Singapore. 但是另一方面,日本在亚洲一直都比较特殊,相比对海外人士有着巨大吸引力的香港或新加坡而言。
At least cheaper then Guangdong and Hong Kong, A Monday, I made appointment with her to have lunch together, we chose a local restaurant. 至少比较廉宜然后广东和香港,星期一,我一起和她作了约会吃午餐,我们选择一家地方性的餐厅。
IN AN old printing works on an obscure industrial estate in Hong Kong's New Territories a little bit of history is being made. 香港新界一个鲜为人知的工业园区内挂着一幅老式的图片,一项将改变历史的工作正在进行。
The bank is expected to set a final price for the IPO by July 7, with the shares listing in Hong Kong and Shanghai about a week later. 该行预期将在7月7日确定最终上市价格,其股票将在大约一周后在香港和上海挂牌上市。
With its own offices and a new offshore legal entity in Hong Kong, CIC is now positioning itself to make more of these investments itself. 在香港有了自己的办公室与新的离岸法人实体后,中投势将更多地亲自操作这些投资。
A few days in Hong Kong en route to a year's study in Beijing and Nanjing were my first taste of Asia, back in 1976. 早在七六年,要到北京,南京学习的途中,我在香港逗留了几天。
How much should each Hong Kong citizen pay for organizing activities like Hong Kong Harbour Fest would sound reasonable to you ? 你认为每个市民应该平均支付几多钱去筹办类似维港巨星汇既活动属于合理?。
Donnie Yen, son of the famous Bow Sim-Mark, went East to get out of the house and found a permanent home in Hong Kong cinema. 甄子丹的儿子,著名的弓星际标志,前往东走出屋子,发现一个永久的家在香港电影。
The bottom line: In Hong Kong, annual salaries start at $30, 000; someone with 20 years of experience can earn up to $225, 000 a year. 账本底线:在香港,景观建筑师的年薪最低为3万美元:拥有20年经验的建筑师每年可以赚到22.5万美元。
We expect a strong pick up in the number of companies to be listed in Hong Kong in the second half of this year. 我们预期,今年下半年,在香港上市的公司数目会显著增加。
"While the returns in London might not be so high, the risks might not be as great [as in Hong Kong], " he said. 他表示:“虽然伦敦市场的回报或许没有那么高,但风险可能也没有(香港)那么大。”
Hong Kong continued to expand its role as an entrepot with its neighbours and trade with China was no exception. 香港继续发展,成为邻近地区的转口港,与中国的贸易也不断增长。
I buy five tickets from Hong Kong to Singapore, how much is the total? 我买5张从香港去新加坡的票,总共多少钱?
PCCW officials said the Hong Kong company had no knowledge of any improper share transfers but will look into the matter. 电盈人士说,他们不了解有任何不当赠股的事,不过将就此进行调查。
Investors seem to approve of this strategy: Little Sheep's Hong Kong-listed stock has risen almost 45% since the beginning of the year. 投资者似乎很支持这个战略,小肥羊在香港证券交易所上市的股票今年以来已上浮45%左右。
When I flew out of Hong Kong, I reflected on what an extraordinary few days it had been, with some of the best food I'd had in a long time. 飞离香港时,我回味着这几天度过的美好时光,期间品尝到了一些很长时间以来最好的美味佳肴。
Mr. Li is now one of the richest men in town. Nobody could imagine that he was as poor as a church mouse when he first came to Hong Kong. 如今李先生是香港的巨富了。但没有人会想到,他初到香港时,只是个一文不名的穷小子。
ANZ has made it to the bidding shortlist for the Asian assets of Royal Bank of Scotland, which could deliver it a network in Hong Kong. 澳新银行已经对投标入围的亚洲资产,苏格兰皇家银行,它可以提供一个网络在香港。
Mr Bareno said TPV Technology, based in Hong Kong, was a logical partner as it was one of Philips' key outsourcing partners. 巴雷诺表示,总部位于香港的冠捷科技是一个合乎常理的合作伙伴,因为之前该公司就已经是飞利浦的主要外包伙伴之一。
Now Hong Kong's retail industry is trying to pump up the urge to spend by indulging Chinese curiosity about this very non-Chinese holiday. 此时此刻,香港的零售产业正在千方百计地满足大陆消费者对这个异国假日的好奇心,为的是刺激他们的消费欲望。
CLOSED yesterday's diary by noting how much more polite I found people here in Hong Kong, compared with 20 or 30 years ago. 在昨天日记结尾我提到香港人和二三十年前相比要礼貌多了。
On Friday, he said the company sold three cases of the same wine to a Hong Kong collector for $24, 395, a 618% increase in only 20 months. 他接着说,上周五,他的公司把三箱同样的酒卖给了一位香港藏家,价格是24,395美元一箱,比短短20个月之前涨了618%。
When the clouds lifted, Hong Kong was, on the surface at least, much what it had always been. 盛大的政权交接仪式由此也显得有点落寞寡欢了。雨霁天开之时,香港至少表面看来比从前更欢欣鼓舞许多。
But he said there was no reason to close all schools in Hong Kong, although they would monitor the situation closely. 他表示没有理由关闭香港的所有学校,但会进行紧密监控。
He said the white man very ruthless, I said Hong Kong people to love in it? 他说白人很无情,我说香港人就有情了吗?