time of day

  • na.时刻;事态
  • 网络时间;当日时间;日期时间

time of daytime of day

time of day


漫游配置文件累积过多的 .tmp 文件 ... 日期: date 时间: time of day 计算机: Computername ...


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... Avg speed( 平均速度) Time of day( 日期时间) Countd. timer( 倒数计时器) ...


JASS函数中英对照表_._百度空间 ... Damage Taken 伤害量捕获 Time Of Day 一天的时间 Time Of Day Speed 一天时间运行的 …


3B商务英语... ... Pressed for Time( 时间紧迫) Time of Day时刻) Other Expressions Indicatina Time( 其他有关时间的 …


Garmin Edge 305 基本设定中文教学篇 -... ... Time - Paused( 停留时间) Time of Day( 目前时间) Total Ascent( 总爬升多高) ...


新加坡常用电话... ... Weather in Singapore( 新加坡天气查询):(65) 6542 7788 Time of day( 时间查询):1711 (toll-free/ 免 …

A great number of the body's events are scheduled to occur at a certain time of day. 我们身体的大量活动都按时在一天中的某个时间发生的。
So what about trying to get the most from allergy medications by taking them at the best time of day? 因此,何不在每天的最佳时刻服用过敏药,以得到最佳效益呢?
When he tried quoting the reference, he said, "I didn't think I needed to memorize the numbers, since that's just the time of day. " 他说:「我想我不需要背下那些数字,因为它们只不过是时间而已。」
Physically there are no negatives connected with this time of day, meaning the only drawbacks are likely to be psychological. 事实上,一天中没有糟糕的时间,意味着唯一的缺点可能是心理上的。
Even simple rate plans where the price of electricity depends on the time of day have had to be abandoned after customer protests. 甚至简单的电费收取计划(即按照用电时间来收取电费)也在消费者的抗议之后不得不放弃。
weather or the time of day or night. There was a special bell he could ring, and he knew that if. 他有一个特制的门铃可以按,他也知道只要他按铃,他就能够被重新获得允许进入到家里来。
All of his colleagues gave him the time of day as he came back to work. 他回来上班时所有的同事都来向他问候。
Maybe it was the time of day, late afternoon with its pretty, angled sunlight. 也许就是那个时候,是因为黄昏的日光折射着它的瑰丽。
Imagine being able to tell a car to charge at the time of day when energy demand is low and therefore, the least expensive. 想像一下,能够让汽车在一天当中能源需求较低,电费因此也相对便宜时充电。
If you ran into him in London with his posh friends he wouldn't give any of you the time of day. 如果你们在伦敦正好碰见他与上流社会的朋友在一起,他是不会理睬你们任何一个人的。
This takes the most common standard date formats: ISO dates (including year), just a time of day, or an offset in minutes. 这里采用了最常用的标准日期格式:ISO日期(包括年),仅仅是一天的某个时间或以分钟计算的时间偏移。
Either move the subject, move yourself or, if the subject is not going to disappear, wait a while or return at the appropriate time of day. 移动主题物,或者你自己移动一下,如果主题不会消失的话,那就等到合适的时间再回来拍。
Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day. 墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。
Enjoy the stars at night, drunk and not deep, propose a toast to the stars, enjoy the virtual time of day, laugh, bitter lover when to ask? 赏星之夜,醉而不深,举杯邀星辰,安享虚年华,对天笑,苦问良人何时归?
You'll notice that you can set the sun to be at particular positions based on the time of day. Play around with it. 你可能会看到你可以基于一天中的时间来设置太阳属性。
This was one piece of evidence that got us thinking -- eating at the wrong time of day might be contributing to weight gain. 这是一条让我们认为在一天不适当的时间里饮食可能会使体重增加的证据。
Specify a time of day to clear the device, or let the task complete the next time that the device connects to the server. 指定一天中可清除设备的时间,或设备下一次连接到服务器时完成该任务。
At any time of day and night, he was always ready to go and help sick people. 在一天的任何时候甚至晚上,他总是乐于去帮助生病的人。
but he was a hard man , Mrs. Peters . Just to pass the time of day with him ----( shivers . ) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone . 可他是个冷酷的人,彼得斯夫人。想想每天跟他一起过日子,——(一阵战栗)就像一阵阴冷的风侵袭入骨。
But it may be a problem if you're pregnant, or if you're eating much more at the wrong time of day, or if you're getting the flu. 但如果你怀孕了、在错误时间吃下过多食物、或患上流感,就可能出问题。
"The time of day was the most lethal aspect of the tornadoes , " the National Weather Service said in a written statement. “时间是导致龙卷风造成致命伤害的重要原因。”国家气象部门在一份报告中表示。
You can turn settings on and off for certain applications, by location, time of day, and pretty much any other condition you can think of. 你可以根据地点,一天中的特定时间,以及你所能想象到的任何条件来启用或禁用在特定程序上的设置。
If you often work on your own, try to organize work involving others at the time of day when your concentration might otherwise be waning. 如果你经常一个人事情,试着在一天中你的注意力可能在其他方面会逐渐减弱的时间里组织安排包括他人的工作。
All this means the same level of exertion is likely to feel much harder at this time of day than later on. 所有的这些都意味着同样水平的发挥在凌晨要比以后的其它时间辛苦。
They have picked a direction that would be correct for the position of the sun and the time of day according to their shifted clocks. 它们选择了根据太阳的位置本来应该是正确的方向,同时根据变化了的生物钟选择了时间。
Productivity. Mornings, for me at least, are the most productive time of day. 高效至少对于我来说,上午是一天中效率最高的时候。
We did not feel uncomfortable or threatened at any time of day or night walking around this area. 无论白天或是晚上步行穿过这片区域我们都不感到任何不适或害怕。
How much light does the room get and at what time of day? 房间的光线如何,一天中的什么时间?
An error occurred while trying to get Time of day constraint. 试图获取时间限制时出错。
Barnaby: Well the only place you can get food around here at this time of day is the "Dog and Duck" across the road. 巴纳比:嗯,现在这个时间,要找东西吃,只有去马路对面那家“狗与鸭”酒店。