the ring

  • 网络午夜凶铃;戒指;七夜怪谈西洋篇

the ringthe ring

the ring


午夜凶铃(THE RING)午夜凶铃续集之贞子缠身(THE RING 2) 午夜凶铃2凶铃再现(THE SPIRAL) 恐怖片影迷不容错过的《午夜 …


艺术歌曲_肖邦吧_百度贴吧 ... 9. 立陶宛歌谣 Lithuanian Song 11. 戒指 The Ring 12. 喜悦 My Joys ...


...作【七夜怪谈】(The Ring)改编成美国版的【七夜怪谈西洋篇】(The Ring),当年此片单是在北美地区就卖出了破亿的 …


阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克_百度百科 ... 下坡路 Downhill 指环 The Ring 水性杨花 Easy Virtue ...


4. 《拳击场》(The Ring),1927年上映,本次片长109分钟——千万不要以为是那个爬出电视机的鬼玩意儿,这是一代悬念大师 …

He took out the ring to show his love for her. 他拿出了戒指,表达对她的爱。
She didn't return my call and gave back the ring, but moving to Alaska was the nail in the coffin and I knew that it was over. 她不回我的电话,而且把戒指退还给我了。但她搬到阿拉斯加去才是钉棺材的钉子。我因此知道我们的关系已经完了。
Even if you win the fight, it's not going to feel as good when you get out of the ring as when you went in. ' 即使你赢得了比赛,当铃声结束时你的感觉可能也不像当初进场时那么好。
The energy with which the magnetic force is trying to push the ring away is converted into heat. 能源与该磁力试图推动环,这点是转换成热能。
Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the ba g. 他们俩订婚原本想保密的,可是她手指上的戒指却泄露了秘密。
Taiwan is but one of many places situated along the "Ring of Fire" encircling nearly half the globe around the Pacific Ocean. 台湾是诸多太平洋边缘环绕近半个地球的“火环”地区之一。
At times like this, seeing the eyes on my back, it felt as if the ring were pulsing like a neon sign: Look at me, look at me. 在像这样的时间,我感到了有人在我后面看我,他是我觉得就像有一个霓虹灯的牌子,上面写着:看着我,看着我!
Confess to me all that lies between us, all that lies between you and me. We are the boxers in the ring. We are the bells that never sing. 向我忏悔我们之间的一切,你和我之间的一切。我们是听到铃声的拳击手。我们是永不会歌唱的铃铛。
Alas, it was not to be, for the mighty king was killed and the ring sank to the bottom of a river. 唉,可惜一切都成了空想,那位伟大的国王被敌人杀掉,而小戒指也调入深深的河水之中。
They describe the ring as sort of a circular ripple in the light coming from the cluster. 天文学家们把该暗物质环描述成星系团光芒中的圆形波纹。
Rachel: Anyway, um, (Gets the ring out of her purse. ) I guess this belongs to you. And thank you for giving it to me. 无论如何,恩,(从包里拿出了戒指)我想这个应该还给你,而且谢谢你给我。
Powerful Thai kickboxing where the only way out of the ring is often on a stretcher. 强大的泰国踢拳道,这里出拳击场的唯一方式常常是躺在一个担架上。
the London Wildlife Trust said the ring-necked variety was "as British as curry" . 伦敦野生生物基金会表示环颈鹦鹉如咖喱之于英国一样“太不本土”了。
The chambermaid had a lover in the bakery, and he had baked the ring into a roll, where it lay unsuspected until the search was over. 那个女工有个相好的在面包房,他把钻戒做到一块面包里,藏在里面,无人怀疑,直至搜查结束。
He grimaced with his mouth and the hand with the ring was lifted to catch the twitching, trying to hold it. 他的嘴扭曲着露出一副怪相,戴着戒指的手举起来去抓住脸上抽搐的肌肉,想使它停止抽搐。
His hands were shaking with excitement as he widened the ring even more, making it big enough to allow his shoulders to pass through it. 当他把戒指在拓宽,让他大到能允许他的肩膀也能过去的时候,他的双手因为兴奋而颤抖。
The rich man bought a diamond ring. He gave the ring to his wife. 那个富有的男人买了一枚钻石戒指。他把那枚戒指送给了他的妻子。
Although the bank had never had a robbery before, just after the ring arrived, thieves robbed the bank twice. 虽然这个银行以前从未有过抢劫案,但是这个戒指刚到不久,抢劫犯们两次抢劫了这家银行。
I had to admit the fact that the ring was lost for good, and there was no use in crying over spilled milk. 我必须接受戒指遗失的事实,对这事表示哀伤是没有用的。
Then there was the ring with the lion's head, which Csar wore when he wanted to greet his friends with a clasp of the hand. 此外还有那只狮头戒指,凯撒每当要与人紧紧握手的时候就把它戴上。
Two days before your presentation is usually too late to go into the ring and come up with a winning idea. 两天前才开始准备你的讲话通常就太晚了,就无法参加竞赛并想出获胜方案。
When the ring turned up in the lost and found, she was delighted, to say the least. 毫不夸张的说,当她在失物招领处找到戒指时,真是高兴坏了。
Ever since I left Mona I had worn the ring on my pinkie. It was so much a part of me that it had never occurred to me to sell it. 同莫娜分别以后戒指一直戴在我的小指上,它已完全成为我身体的一部分,我从未想过要把它卖掉。
Keith took the ring and as he slipped it on my finger, he said: "With this ring I pledge to you my deepest love and devotion. " 基斯拿起戒指戴到我的手指上,他说:“我以这枚戒指起誓我向你保证我对你最真挚的爱和和无限忠诚。”
I did not think of them much at the time, but there came a day in my life when the ring was fished up out of the well, good as new. 我当时并没有多想,然而,在生命的某一天里,戒指被钓出水井,完好如初。
In the ring, he carries his head proudly and is able to keep much the same topline while in action as when standing for examination. 在比赛场中,他骄傲地昂起他的头,并且,在站立等待检查时和行走中,背线都能保持一致。
But a more apt parallel may now be Palestine, where the British gave up holding the ring between Arab and Jew and left them to it. 然而现在更恰当的类比可能是巴勒斯坦,英国在那里放弃作为阿拉伯人和犹太人之间的联系的角色,并且交给他们自己处理。
His account conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me the ring of truth. 他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。
five-star beautiful flowers like a small bell waves roll out of the ring sounds, I seemed to have entered a fairy-tale world. 风一吹,五星花像一个个美丽的小铃铛摇出一阵阵动听的铃声,我仿佛进入了一个童话世界。
They then divided the length of the index finger by that of the ring finger - to calculate the child's digit ratio. 然后他们用食指的长度除以无名指的长度,计算出孩子们的手指率。