the touch

  • 网络天脉传奇;抚摸;接触

the touchthe touch

the touch


早就听说了杨紫琼主演的《天脉传奇》(The touch)斥资2000万美元历时两年筹划,在西藏、青岛、敦煌、北京、马来西亚等 …


深呼吸(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 14 雨 Cleansing Rain 15 抚摸 The Touch 16 祝福 Benediction ...


推荐阅读... ... 《安娜的激情》( The Passion of Anna, 1959) 《接触》( The Touch, 1971) 《呼喊与细语》( Cries and W…


touch是什么意思... ... The Touch : 天脉传奇 The Touch触摸 1.The blind have a keen touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。 ...


VIVA FOREVER - 人人听力网( ... Forever friends《 烟花》 The Touch触动》变形金 straw hat 草帽歌 - 被 …


...给阿尔吉侬的花束》大获成功之后,凯斯又陆续推出了《抚触》(The Touch)、《第五个莎莉》、《24个比利》、《比利战 …


触觉the touch)注4与驱使者之意念一以贯之,便形成一种延伸的新触觉, 至此手不但不能屏除工具, 而且两者已经必然 …

She didn't seem to mind touching her mother's cold flesh-- she was too young to have learned to shudder at the touch of death. 清照似乎并不在意触碰母亲冰冷的肉躯——她太小,还不会在死亡面前感到战栗。
Having said that, Nicklas Bendtner had the tie at his feet and he took the touch like my grandma. 不过,本特纳的脚下掌握着比赛的命运,他的停球就像我奶奶。
The old hermit shook his head in despair. "The touch of a snake-woman is even worse, " he said, "but try these leaves. They should help" 老人绝望的摇摇头,“假如是蛇女那就更糟糕了,但是也先试试这些叶子吧,会有帮忙的。”
a complete set of stainless-steel taBleware, smooth to the touch and easy to clean, is indeed a cook's good mate. 全套不锈钢餐具,手感好,易清洗,厨师的好伙伴。
The old man still did not understand, but he seemed to like the sound of Lucie's voice and the touch of her warm young hand on his. 老人仍旧不明白,但却似乎很喜欢路茜的声音以及她年轻温暖的手触摸他的手。
In fact, the user changing the capacitance of the system in such a way that the touchscreen controller can measure the touch. 事实上,用户用改变了系统电容,在这种情况下触摸屏控制器可以衡量到触摸。
Thoughts of Antonia with her candid eyes, the touch of freckling on her pink-white skin, the fair hair gathered back, sprang up in Shelton. 谢尔顿忽然想起了安东妮亚,她的率直的眼睛,白里透红的面孔上的雀斑,拢在后面的金色的秀发。
Let me get out of here before Jack has a chance to put the touch on me for another10 bucks. 趁杰克来不及开口向我再借10元钱之前,我快点离开这儿吧。
He felt its fur like a caress on the side of his neck, and then the touch of its whiskers and fevered nose. 他感到它的皮毛在他脖子的一侧抚摸着,紧接着是它的尾巴和热乎乎的鼻子。
University of California revealed that, at least for women, the touch or sight of a partner seems to anaesthetise them. 加州大学揭示,至少对于女人,触摸或者同伴的目光就能够使得她们缓解情绪。
Researchers revealed that, at least for women, the touch or sight of a partner seems to anaesthetise them. 研究人员发现,至少对女性来说,伴侣的抚摸或眼光可起到麻醉作用。
at which, having not been used to the touch of that odious animal for so many years, I fell into a swoon for almost an hour. 多少年不习惯碰这种可厌的动物了,所以她这么一来,我立即就昏了过去,差不多一个小时后才醒过来。
The only revelation was that for just $71 you can buy a desk toy in his image that says at the touch of a button: "You're fired. " 唯一的收获是我发现,只要花71美元,就能买到以艾伦爵士形象制成的桌上玩偶,按一下按钮,它就能说:“你被解雇了。”
Gerald's kisses still burned on her lips and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms. 杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂上传流。
Touch your face with your hands to see how the Light of your Third Eye is amplified by the touch of your hands. . . 透过你们的双手去感受、用你们的双手抚摸你们的脸庞并看着你们第三眼的光芒被放大。
"No, " she said sharply, and shuddered because she could not stand the touch of his hand on her door. “不,”她严厉地说,她战栗起来,因为她无法忍受他的手碰她的车门。
Such a defender is considered to be on the touch line or goal line closest to his or her off-field position. 这样的防守球员会被视为,处在距离他或她的场外位置最近的边线或底线上;
It is possible that the reflection fringes of the touch screen are partially covered. Please use a piece of dry cloth to clean it. 有可能是触摸屏反射条纹局部被覆盖,请用一块干的软布进行擦拭。
It is possible that the setup program is of too low an edition, please install the latest setup program for the touch screen. 有可能是触摸屏驱动程序版本过低,请安装最新的驱动程序。
So -- has the President lit the touch paper for the start of an almighty battle for the heart and soul of American culture? 所以,美国总统已经点燃了关于一场美国文化的心脏和灵魂的大战的导火索吗?
at least one Chinese word is displayed on the touch screen to be selected for a touch point. 以及触控屏幕显示至少一个中文字以供触控点选。
The trees come up to my window; and the touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree. 绿树长到了我的窗前;而无名的感触,攀缘在我的心上,正象那绿色的苔藓,攀缘在老树的周身。
The moment I began the touch of English, I had made up my mind that I would be a translator. 瞬间我开始英语的接触,我已经下决心我将是一个译者。
First there was the button, then came the touch screen - and now we have no phone at all. 先是有按键,后来有了触摸屏——现在我们连电话都不需要了。
Conclusion The touch might have improvement on the physique and mind development and should be widely used in soci. . . 结论婴儿抚触对婴儿的神经精神和体格发育均有明显的促进作用,适于在社区医院广泛开展。
She was in such pain that she could barely stand to get dressed. Even the touch of her cotton clothes seemed like the scraping of a knife. 她疼得连穿衣服都不能忍受,棉布衣服的碰触对她来说就像是刀割一样。
This would be effective if you could adequately activate everything on the Treo screen by the touch of a finger. 当你需要运行屏幕上的内容时,只需要用手指触碰就可以了。
The ball is not out of play until the entire ball has crossed over the touch line or goal line. 足球整个都出了边线、底线或球门线时,才造成死球。
A. No, really. It's so easy to use and it does everything for you. It's all at the touch of a button. 你会的,真的。它操作起来很容易,而且可以为你干任何事。只需按键就行了。
Nor did Han Fei-tzu mind the touch of his wife's flesh as he tucked his own three papers into her other sleeve. 韩非子把他的三张信纸插入她另只袖中的时候,也没有在意触碰妻子的身体。