turn up

  • v.朝上翻;出现
  • 网络开大;找到;露面

第三人称单数:turns up 现在分词:turning up 过去式:turned up

turn upturn up

turn up


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... Valentine's Day 圣瓦伦廷节;情人节 turn up 出现;到场 keep one's word 守信用;履行诺言 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... turn over 翻动,犁翻(土地) turn up 到达,来到;开大(声音) up and down 上下,来回 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... turn to 变成;求助于;着手 turn up 出现;找到;证明是 be up against 面临(困难等) ...


专业四级语法词汇练习 - 翻译硕士 考研论坛 ... to the way 不是固定搭配。 turn up 意为“出现,露面”; turn in 意为“归还,递交…


求动词和介词搭配的短语集合_百度知道 ... 10. turn up 卷起,翻起, 11. turn up 发生,出现 1. take away 带走 ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... Valentine's Day 圣瓦伦廷节;情人节 turn up 出现;到场 keep one's word 守信用;履行诺言 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... turn to 变成;求助于,借助于 turn up 出现,来到;开大,调大 under control 处于控制之下 ...


中考备必:初中英语重点短语_英语网 ... 121. turn on 打开 122. turn up (把……音量)调高 123. turn off 关掉 ...

He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work. 他受到警告,如果继续上班迟到,就被辞退。
He became restless when his wife failed to turn up in the late evening. 当他的妻子深夜还没回来的时候,他开始坐立不安。
The next day you turn up to work and see them looking as unattractive as ever, only now you can't quite meet their eye. 第二天,你回到工作中,看到他们还是和以前一样没有吸引力,只不过现在你有些不敢直视他们的眼睛。
So within the next few years, we'll be able to turn up the soundtrack a little bit, render the universe in audio. 因此在未来的几年里,我们将能把这些配乐的音量调大一点点,让宇宙以音频的形式呈现给我们。
He did not turn up. No more did his wife. 他没有来,他妻子也没有来。
As such, his wish for the New Year is for industry to turn up to its first conference in Los Angeles next June. 因此,他的新年愿望企业能够在明年六月参加于洛杉矶举行的首次会议。
Those few who turn up to work spend hours idly gazing out of the window at the snow wondering how they are going to get home. 少数几个到单位上班的员工则会花上好几个小时,懒散地盯着窗外的雪,想着该怎么回家。
While you may not be able to do anything to persuade your company to turn up the heat, you can try a few tricks to stay as warm as possible. 虽然你可能无法做任何事情来劝说你的老板提高温度,但是你可以尝试一些小技巧来使自己温暖一些。
He said, "We continue to expect economic activity to bottom out, then to turn up later this year. " 他说“我们预期经济活动将触底,并且在今年晚些时候反弹。”
didn't turn up to help as he promised, but that's par for the course with him when there's work to be done. 奈杰尔没有按照他答应的来帮助我们,但那是意料之中的事,有活要干的时候他总是这样的。
We all know how buses take ages to turn up, but if more stops were like this one, the wait would at least be comfortable. 我们都知道公交车可以让你等上几个世纪,但是如果有越来越多的车站可以像图片中的一样,那么我们等车的时候至少会感觉舒服些。
"Nice of you to turn up, " she said acidly. “你总算来了,”她尖刻地说道。
He said he tried to show the light to the American people so that they could turn up the heat on Congress. 他说他尝试向美国人显示光明以便他们能督促国会。
And Ben-Ami said he expects more small, luxury items to turn up in future excavations. 然而本-阿米说,他盼望在今后的发掘中遇到更多的小件奢侈品。
If he had to wait for a Chinese or Turkish or an English interpreter to turn up he might be dead before being understood. 如果他要等待中国或土耳其或英语翻译露面,他可能会被理解前已死亡。
He also failed to turn up for a political debate, blaming Hurricane Irene. Mr Turner, who had been evacuated from his home, was ready. 他也没出席政治辩论,并怪罪于飓风艾琳,而特纳却早已从家中撤离,并开始准备。
Ask her to speak slowly, and to turn up the volume. 叫她讲慢一点,并且把音量放大一点。
Years of research have failed to turn up a clue as to his name or his actual age. 多年来也没有找到关于他名字或年龄的任何线索。
I drive across to take a math teacher first at the destination, then turn up to a destination other classmates. 到了对岸,我开车搭数学老师先到了目的地,然后再回头接别的同学到目的地。
But the woman failed to turn up to court and the magistrate struck out the case. 但是这位女子最终没有在法庭出现,而法官则删除了这个案子。
We have to do a lot more than simply turn up , even the last doubter must be convinced of that by now. 我们必须大量的去做,而不是只是发现问题,甚至彻底的怀疑论者现在也一定会深信这一点。
You could turn up a something special, like the elusive Bigfoot Ant, North America's rarest ant species. 你有可能会遇到一些比较特别的种类,比如极难捉到的大脚蚁,它可是北美最为罕见的蚂蚁品种。
It's the election season, U. S. jobs are a top political concern, and that means it's time to turn up the heat on China. 恰逢选举时节,就业成为美国政治首要关心议题,这意味着又到对中国施加压力的时候了。
Sure, the president will turn up in London next month for a two-day photo-call with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. 诚然,奥巴马下月将前往伦敦,在白金汉宫与英国女王一起进行为期两天的国事会晤。
As one banker says, "I don't want to be the only idiot who has to turn up to work if the office number wins. " 一个银行家说:“如果我的办公室号码恰好是中奖号码的话,我不想成为唯一还在为工作奔忙的傻瓜。”
I might have been the first Vietnamese refugee to turn up in his classroom, but I was not the last. 我可能是第一个走进他课堂的越南难民,但不是最后一个。
Almost all the leaders who will turn up in London know protectionism is a bad idea. 几乎所有将出席伦敦会议的领导人都明白,保护主义不是好事。
They turn up rocks and disturb sediment to see what flows into a collection net downstream. 他们翻动岩石,搅动沉淀,期待着下游的网中能够有所收获。
Entrust the business managing money matters to be one kind of financial products , its turn up , in fact do not happen to. 委托理财业务作为一种金融产品,它的出现,其实并非偶然。
If precise comparisons of the two were to turn up differences, that would signal a fundamental flaw in understanding of the universe. 如果将两者进行精密的比较而出现了差异,这就说明我们人类对宇宙的理解存在根本性的缺陷。