i know

  • 网络我知道;我明白;我知道了

i knowi know

i know


you can trust in me_百度百科 ... I'm sure 我坚信 I know 我知道 It is hard to fall in love 很难坠入爱河 ...


查看所有文章 sotan ... Neat,as in no rocks. 纯的,不加冰. I know. 我明白. I have been in the bathroom. 嗨.我去洗手间了. ...


“我知道了”用英语怎么说?_爱问知识人 ... 我知道了. I knew. 我知道了I know. 我知道。 I knew it. ...


我是山东 山东专辑 我是山东mp3下载 在线试听 ... 自我介绍 Self Intro 我懂 I know 疑心病 Suspicious ...


有关姜俊英(转载)_娱乐八卦_天涯论坛 ... that's weired!!!! 看上去很奇怪 I KNOW 我了解 yah too emotional 嗯 太多愁善感了 ...


小学英语翻译_百度知道 ... I know,I see,I understand, 应该都可以 I know, 我明白了,差不多 I understand with you 我明白 …

About going to China, to be honest with you, China is not a prior choice of country on the wish list for most people I know here. 关于造访中国,诚实的讲,对于很多人的旅行计划,中国并不是首选的国家。
I know. It was a great mistake. He might have gone with us. Then we would have that for all of our lives. 我记得啊,那真是一个天大的错误,他或许会跟我们去的,如果是那样,我们一辈子都会记得这件事的。
It's one of my favorite books. I know if you just give it a try. 这是我最爱书籍之一我知道如果你尝试一下。
I know how much you cared. 我知道你多在意。
We loved what she brought to the band, but I know it was hard for her to infiltrate our years as a tightly knit nucleus. 她给乐队带来的新鲜血液让我们欣喜,但充分融入我们,融入这个已然形成的紧密核心对她来说也并非易事。
Begin with a simple: "I know you've noticed that Dad and I have been upset lately, so we wanted to let you know what's going on. " 很容易开始:“我知道你注意到你爸爸和我最近很忧虑,所以我们希望你能知道事情进行的怎么样。”
'It's something like robbery, ' he said. 'I know nothing of it and then I find out I've signed something they've forced me to sign. ' 他说,这就好像抢劫,我全不知情,后来才发现,她们强迫我签了些文件。
I actually might be able to help. Yeah, I know a guy at my office who deals exclusively with music clients. 或许我能帮到你,我有个朋友专门接受音乐方面的客户。
I know a mother-in-law who sleeps with her glasses on, the better to see her son-in-law suffer in her dreams. 我知道一个岳母睡觉时戴着眼镜,以便更清楚地看到她女婿在她梦中受苦。
I know you care about me so much, maybe more than I can imagine. And the thing I told you is not appropriate. 我知道你是如此的关心我,甚至超过了我的想象有时候,但是我告诉你的那件事情是不恰当的。
I know how shy I felt when I was overweight, and how much I hated exercising in public. 我知道我超重时我是多么的害羞,同时我也非常讨厌在公共场所锻炼。
I know it all; that the young man's marrying her was a patched-up business, at the expence of your father and uncles. 我完全晓得。那个年轻小伙子跟她结婚,完全是你爸爸和舅舅花了钱买来的。
"I know I'm not going to win the Oscar, so for the Baftas I may as well go for it, " she said. 她说,“我知道我没可能获得奥斯卡,所以对于Bafta,我要好好争取。”
Look I know my lid is starting to look a little lean, but I don't need a woman reminding me. . . even if it's in jest. 注意我知道那时我头发已经有点稀少了,但我却不需要一个女人提醒我…即便是在家里面。
"I'm just happy to be back here and the city is what brings me back and I know this city deserves a winner, " he said. 我很高兴能回到这里,是这座城市让我回来,我知道这里渴望一个冠军。
I know first hand how much the US needs a nationwide green "gold rush" of new jobs in solar domestically like this. 我知道政府需要多少像这样的国内地全国性的绿色“淘金热”的太阳能工作的第一手资料。
So far as I know ours is the only language in which it has been found necessary to give name to the piece of prose. 据我所知,只有我们的语言才让人感到有必要对这类散文起个名字。
We have thus come to a head , did not say breaking up. But I know, we really have no way the result can only have not even a good-bye. 我们就这样走到了头,没有说分手。可是我知道,我们真的没了结果只能这样连一句再见都没有。
As a dancer, I know lots of ways to set men at their ease and encourage them to open up to me. 作为一个舞女,我有很多让男人放松并鼓励他们对我敞开心扉的方法。
Frankly speaking, I know just a little about the topic today, so I think I do not have the right to talk much about this topic. 说实话,我对今天的话题知之甚少,所以我想我没有什么资格在这里大谈特谈今天的话题了。
But I know that you decided to say something even if I broke paying lip service to it is. 可我知道你决定的事我就算说破嘴皮也没用。
A: As far as I know, Governor Richardson stops over in Beijing on his way to the DPRK and has no meeting arrangements with the Chinese side. 答:据我了解,理查森州长是过境北京去朝鲜,目前没有与中方会见的安排。
Today, I'd like to talk with you about a subject that I know is on everyone's mind, and that's the state of our economy. 今天我想说的是一件大家都关心的话题,也就是我国当前的经济形势。
I know I won't be returning for a full year, so lately I've been reflecting on how much I've learned from growing up by the beach. 我知道,我将有整整一年不会回来。所以,最近,我开始回忆我在岸边长大而教会我的东西。
And I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years. 另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙,我们偶尔一起出去露营,这种事持续了大概两年。
"They look at me like I'm crazy, " he goes on to say. "And I know if they continue, they won't be able to take it. " “他们看我的样子好像我疯了一样,”他继续说道:“我知道如果他们继续做瑜伽,身体将无法承受。”
We say to ourselves, "I know, I was there; I saw it happened" and that seems to settle the matter. 我们对自己说:“我知道的,我就在那里,我看到事情的发生”,而这似乎就解决问题了。
I know we're only halfway through the first set of games in the group stage, but Germany looks like the best team in the tournament so far. 我知道我们还只是出于小组赛的第一阶段,但是德国看起来时目前比赛中最优秀的了。
Say of him what you please, but I know my child's failings. 你想说他什么就尽情地说吧,但我了解孩子的缺点。
and I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me will always be with you ! 我知道不管生命带我去哪里,我永远守护着你!