
美 [ˈɪnˌvaɪt]英 [ˈɪnvaɪt]
  • v.邀请;要求;招致(尤指坏事)
  • n.邀请;请柬
  • 网络招待;吸引;请求

第三人称单数:invites 现在分词:inviting 过去式:invited

invite attention,company invite,invite trouble,invite challenge


v. n.

1.邀请to ask sb to come to a social event

2.(正式)邀请,请求,要求to ask sb formally to go somewhere or do sth

3.~ sth.~ sb/sth to do sth招致(尤指坏事)to make sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant, likely to happen


字典中 召 字的解释 ... (4) 招致[ incur] (6) 邀请[ invite] (8) 感化和召唤[ move and inspire] ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1192 birthday n 生日 1193 invite v 邀请,招待 1194 film n 影片,电影 ...


英语doing与to do的区别_爱问知识人 ... report 报告 invite 吸引,邀请, summon 传唤 ...


《老友记》4000个高频单词 - 豆丁网 ... ahead adj.adv. 在前, 向前, 提前, 在前面 invite v. 邀请,招致,引起 vbl. 邀请,招致,引起 ...




约字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 约契〖 oathofalliance〗 约请invite;ask〗 约束〖 bind;commit〗 ...


八年级上册英语短语_百度知道 ... 12. send… to… 送……到…… 7. invite… t0… 邀请……到…… 2.a sore back/throat 背(咽喉) …

It is daring of Mr Kelly to invite such a direct comparison of his theories to the ramblings of a madman. 凯利竟胆敢将自己的理论直接比作一个疯子的乱七八糟的布局。
Monitoring our comments behind the wall of an invite-only, password-protected site might seem like a bit of a reach. 监视我们在受邀才能加入、有密码保护的网站上发表的评论看似有点过分。
Invite friends over for the first cookout of the season. Make it a potluck! 在这个季节邀请朋友去郊外野炊。要经常这样哦!
They responded by telling her to invite me to stay with them in their family home in the event there were no hotel rooms available to me. 她的父母表示,假如我实在找不到酒店,可以到她家里去住。
and he suggested that she invite Gladys and her friend to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. 他建议她在他计划离开的前一天晚上,同时也是Larry要回来的前一天晚上邀请Gladys和她的朋友到她家里来。
Invite her to another bar near your house for a special martini or whatever. Make sure she is close enough to walk. 邀请她去一间离你家近的酒吧去喝一杯马提尼或无论什么。确定她要在“走不直路”的边缘徘徊。
How do you tell one of your classmates if you want to invite him to see a movie? How do you communicate with your friend if he is abroad? 如果你想邀请一个同学去看电影,你会怎样告诉他?如果朋友在国外,你会怎样和他联系?
he said , "Since that is the case, let us invite 'Wealth' and let him come and fill our home with wealth! " His wife disagreed. “既然这样的话,我们就邀请财富让他进来,让我们家充满财富吧”。
Once the female secretary listen to hurriedly invite her to come up, say that the vice-president can meet with her after holding a meeting. 女秘书一听连忙请她上来,说副总开完会后就可以跟她见面。
With your permission, Madame President, I would like to invite her to do that now. 主席女士,如您允许,我愿请她现在发言。
We are delighted to invite you to take a look at our website and our brand new school in the heart of Beijing's San Yuan Qiao area. 我们很高兴能邀请您来看看我们的网站以及位于北京心脏地带在三元桥的我们崭新的新校园。
Invite your old friends to come with you and you'll know who has potential and who to stop being around entirely. 邀请你的朋友们和你一起,之后你就会发现谁富有潜质,而谁又会完全不想参与其内的了。
Promise me that the next time you invite me to talk to you I will not have to repeat my speech of today. 答应我,下一次你们邀请我来演讲的时,我不需要再重复我今天说过的话。
Thank you for your help and I must invite you to dinner in someplace of Shandong province one day. 总有一天我要在山东的某个地方请姐姐你吃大餐。
Ironically, by doing so, they actually invite the scrutiny and ill will they were trying to avoid. 具有讽刺意义的是,苹果这么做实际上正在引来审查和病垢,这正是苹果所竭力避免的。
Invite them to ask other experts, celebrities or perfect contributors to join the community. You want the best people they know to join. . 使得他们去邀请名人,学者,专家来加入你的网站。
My roommate threw me a curve when he told me he would invite me to the party. He didn't do that. 我的室友欺骗了我,他告诉我他要邀请我参加派对,可结果他根本没有邀请我。
I'd invite her to have dinner at my house. 我邀请她去我家吃饭。
I'm sorry! Well! I'd like to invite you to dine with me before our party. It's free and I'm not just inviting you to be polite. 哦!抱歉!好了,我邀请你在我们上次约定的酒吧聚会之前吃饭,这是免费的,也不是出于礼貌。
I am glad to see you, I would like to invite you to dinner together and discuss the case of business cooperation. 我很高兴能够见到你,我希望可以邀请您一同吃晚餐,并且讨论生意上的合作案。
"But there's one thing that I won't forgive you for, that you didn't invite me to your wedding, " said Claudia, this time with a hurt voice. “但是有一件事情是我无法原谅你的,就是你居然不邀请我参加你的婚礼。”克劳迪娅说道,这次她的声音中充满了痛苦。
I thought too ill of him to invite him to Pemberley, or admit his society in town. 我非常看不起他,不再请他到彭伯里来玩,在城里也不和他来往。
Some said Han is so stupid as to have said things like this, at the interval of his car racing, to "invite insult" . 有人说韩很“二”,赛车的空档期居然说出这样的话来“自取其辱”。
I must get her to talking about Rhett so I can casually suggest to her to invite him to call tomorrow. 我得让她自己谈起瑞德,然后我再乘机提出叫她邀请他明天到这里来。
To remove the misunderstanding between us, I would like to invite you to see a new movie this Sunday evening. 为了消除我们之间的误会,我打算邀请你这个星期天晚上去看一部新出品的电影。
It's like you are trying to decide whom you want to invite into your living room and be on your television set for the next four years. 这好比要你决定邀请谁进入你家客厅,今后四年里在你家电视机上露面。
The 2006 Shenyang International Horticultural Exposition is about to start in a few days, I invite you to come to visit our EXPO in summer! 2006沈阳世园会就要开幕了,诚挚邀请您在暑假走进我们的世博园!
He took my phone number and promised to invite me to dinner sometime. 他问了我的电话号码,说以后会请我吃饭。
She also said that she would invite my parents-in-law when my young brothers take her to travel other places next time. 她还告诉我,下次我的弟弟们带她出去旅游的时候,她一定邀请我的公公婆婆一起去。
Jody has no one to play with. Why don't you invite her over to play with you and Sally. 总是没人跟乔迪一起玩,你和萨莉难道不能邀请她过来和你们一起玩吗?