
美 [ˈvaɪələnt]英 ['vaɪələnt]
  • adj.暴力的;强暴的;感情强烈的;激情的
  • 网络猛烈的;激烈的;狂暴的

violent crime,violent temper,violent storm,violent death,violent reaction


1.暴力的;强暴的involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb

2.感情强烈的;激情的;由激情引起的showing or caused by very strong emotion

3.猛烈的;剧烈的;强烈的very strong and sudden

4.强烈的;鲜艳夺目的extremely bright


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... vinegar n. 醋 violent adj. 猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的 vitamin n. 维生素 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... violence n. 暴力行为 violent a. 暴力的 violin n. 小提琴 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... violence n. 强力,暴力 535. violent a. 强暴的 536. violet a. 紫色的 537. ...


v开头的单词_百度知道 ... virtually adv. 实际上;几乎;事实上 violent adj. 激烈的;凶猛的;暴力的 vice n. 缺点;弱点;罪恶 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(V)|英语四级词汇 ... violence n. 猛烈,激烈;暴力 violent a. 猛烈的;狂暴的 violet n. 紫罗兰 ...


扬子江-GRE填空词汇分类汇总_百度文库 ... passionate 充满热情的 violent 强烈的 promptness 敏捷,机敏 ...

She knew that saying such things made her mother angry and violent, even if the original intentions were not to anger. 她知道讲这些事会让妈妈生气发脾气,即使她的初衷并不是惹她生气。
JOSEPH and I had been getting everything ready for my departure for about an hour, when there was a violent ringing at my door. 约瑟夫和我为了我动身做准备,忙了约莫一小时了,这时候有人在门口使劲地拉铃。
This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earlier this year was one of many to turn violent. 许多游行最后都演变成暴乱,今年年初雅典举行的反移民游行即是其中一个案例。
You said some "asylum seekers" resorted to violent means when trying to intruding into the foreign embassy, could you raise examples? 问:你说有些“寻求避难者”在试图闯入外国使馆时采取了暴力手段,可否举例说明?
They were all perceived as being less than normal in all those characteristics -- more violent, etc. -- before the surgery. 在手术之前的病人们都被认为在这些品质上不够正常比如更暴力,等等。
We ask as we have done so before, that you do not play into the hands of the dark Ones by becoming violent. 我们询问,基于我们以前所做过的,你们根本就不再需要去被“黑暗势力”鼓动去玩弄“暴力”模式。
I am happy to see that until now, there was no seriously violent event happened after the election. 民主最终取得胜利。我很高兴看到选后至今为止没有发生任何严重暴力事件。
Its essential feature may summarize is: Nimble facile, takes along the ball quantity to be big, the firepower is violent. 它的基本特点可概括为:灵活轻便,携弹量大,火力猛烈。
There is a good deal of truth in the belief that laws should be set up to protect children from online violent and pornographic information. 应该立法保护儿童免遭网上暴力与色情内容的伤害这个想法非常正确。
Plucking these morsels from their habitat, however, is often a violent affair that destroys other denizens of the deep. 然而,从海底捞出这些佳肴通常却会对其他海底生物带来暴力的破坏。
It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head. 他仿佛觉得,近在咫尺的某个士兵好像抡起胳臂将一根坚硬的棍子朝他头部使劲地打去。
David still loved his wife, but they now began to have frequent and violent quarrels. 尽管大卫仍然爱他的妻子,但他们之间开始常常发生激烈的口角。
The trouble started in an area of north London, when a peaceful protest over the shooting by police of a black suspect turned violent. 暴乱由伦敦北部的一个区开始,一场反对警察射杀黑人嫌犯的和平示威游行突然转变成暴力事件。
The writ of the state does not run in nearly a quarter of its territory, with much of that area afflicted by violent insurrections. 国家政令在近四分之一的领土上无法施行——其中大部分地方饱受着叛乱的折磨。
she was now in an irritation as violent from delight , as she had ever been fidgety from alarm and vexation. 她现在真是无限欢喜,极度兴奋,正如前些时候是那样地忧烦惊恐,坐立不安。
If you want there to be renewal and recovery, like we all do, you got to crack down on violent crime. 如果您想要那里是更新和补救,如我们全部,您得到制裁暴力犯罪。
Less than a week after the violent demonstrations, Haiti's prime minister was ousted in a vote of no confidence. 在暴动后不到一周,海地的总理因不信任案而下台。
Greed and fear no longer seem to be playing such a violent game of tug-of-war with markets. 婪和恐惧似乎不再参与和市场进行拔河比赛这样的激烈竞逐。
As for the argument that video games enable participation in the violent action, that seems to us more a matter of degree than of kind. 至于电子游戏让玩家动手参与,我们认为这只是一个程度的问题。
Instead, he went forward through two years of worrying and ignominious office to a violent death, a dishonoured grave. 但是他却不这样做,他担任了两年忧愁烦恼、卑鄙可耻的职务后,落得一个横死、不光彩的下。
With the help of the legal system, Kazim was able to extricate herself and her two sons from her tumultuous and sometimes violent home life. 借助法律的帮助下,Kazim使她自己和两个孩子从骚乱且时发暴力的家庭生活中解脱出来。。
Royalists therefore laugh at the present state as if because of its violent and terrible entry it could not always last. 保皇党人嘲笑目前的状况,认为它始于暴力、恐怖,便不能持久。
The astronomical observatories of all over the world recently observed violent solar storm at the surface of the sun. 最近,全球天文观测站观测到在太阳表面发生了一次剧烈的太阳风暴。
More useful would be to use the next seven years to coax the violent young men of the favelas to take up sport, or to get construction jobs. 更好的作法将是利用今后七年劝导贫民窟的暴力年轻人从事运动,或者找到建设工作。
But the cosmic leftovers of these violent outbursts have been a mystery ? until now. 但这些猛烈爆炸所留下的宇宙残留物到现在为止仍然是个谜。
Other cartels kidnap as a sort of violent conscription: to round up foot soldiers, argued Antonio Mazzitelli, head of the U. 联合国毒品和犯罪部门在墨西哥的办公室负责人安东尼·玛兹泰利认为:其他卡特尔的绑架是为了暴力征兵——聚集步兵。
One day, Wilson was walking quietly along the road when somebody gave him a violent blow on the back of the neck. 一天,威尔逊正沿着马路静静地散步,突然背后有人朝他脖子猛击了一下。
Unsurprisingly, women in violent relationships are significantly more likely to suffer miscarriages, or to undergo abortion. 遭受暴力的妇女更容易流产或进行人工流产,这不足为怪。
He was a man of violent temper Goethe, the great German poet, called him an "utterly untamed personality. " 他脾气暴躁。德国伟大诗人歌德称他是个“完全不驯服的个性人物。”
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like the rushing of a violent wind, and all the house where they were was full of it. 忽然从天上有响声下来、好像一阵大风吹过、充满了他们所坐的屋子。更详细。