
英 [sen]
  • n.钱;仙
  • 网络索尼娱乐网络(Sony Entertainment Network);浸入式水口(submerged entry nozzle);特殊教育需要(Special Educational Needs)



世界各国货币名称-锦程物流网 ... 1JPY=100 sen( 钱) 1KHR=100 sen) 1THP=100 satang( 萨当) ...

世界各国货币名称-锦程物流网 ... 科摩罗法郎 Comoros Franc 1JPY=100 sen) 1KHR=100 sen( 仙) ...

索尼娱乐网络(Sony Entertainment Network)

Sony Entertainment Network (SEN)(即将推出))DLNA™ (数码媒体播放器) 支援(影片, 音乐, 相片)BD Remote 2.0及以上网上浏 …

浸入式水口(submerged entry nozzle)


特殊教育需要(Special Educational Needs)

配合融合教育,制定全校性关顾有特殊教育需要(SEN)学生策略,引入校外支 援计划,安排老师进修,策划课程及学与教策略…

Lem Sen, who's this guy: I would have made this money, too, but I've spent all this time looking for the American man who stole my recipe. 林森说:我本可以也赚这么多钱,但我吧所以时间都花在了寻找那个偷了我的食谱的美国人。
Sun Yat-sen was one of the first men to come into contact with, research and enthusiastically propagate socialism. 孙中山先生是近代中国最早接触、研究并热情宣传社会主义的人之一。
Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed. 伊利诺伊州民主党参议员杜尔宾(DickDurbin)希望加入这一条款,但诸多议员和白宫对此强烈反对。
Regrettably , Sen does not tackle the vital question of balancing freedoms against security and stability. 遗憾的是,森并未解决“自由与安全、稳定之间的权衡”这一重大难题。
The next morning, Haku takes Sen to see her pig-parents, who no longer remember they were once human. 第二天早晨,白以森看到她养猪父母,谁不记得他们曾经被人类。
Sen. McCain has said he is open to a stimulus plan, but hasn't committed to any specific proposal. 麦凯恩表示,他愿意考虑各种经济刺激计划,但他还没有明确选定哪种方案。
"The system is all from the Soviet Union but the CCP has taken it to an extreme, " says Yuan Weishi, of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong. “制度完全从苏联照搬过来,但中共将其发挥到了极致,”广州中山大学的袁伟时表示。
The Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum is like a huge green leaf that warms and comforts the heart of every people in Nanjing. 中山陵象一片巨大的绿叶,温润着每个南京人的心灵。
But it certainly goes to the heart of any attempt to construct what Sen correctly calls a more decent economic world. 但是这一切使得那些人伤心,他们努力地创造那个Sen正确地称为的合适的经济世界。
And Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. , the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said he would hold a hearing on the issue next month. 同时,森·克里斯托弗多德,参议院银行业务委员会的主席,说他将下个月举行有关此问题的一次听证会。
Song Chingling, Dr Sun Yat-sen's wife, was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. 宋庆龄,孙中山先生的妻子,是现代中国历史上的最高领导人之一。
However, Prof Sen declined to estimate how much it would cost to set up the university. 不过,森教授拒绝对重建那烂佗大学的成本进行估计。
I'd really like to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site. 我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。
Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig's explanation of why his foot touched that of an undercover policeman in a men's room. 涉嫌勾搭男同性恋者的爱达荷州共和党参议员拉里。克雷格,对他在公共卫生间为什么脚会碰到一名便衣警察脚的解释。
Nobody, however, can reasonably complain any longer that they do not see how the parts of Mr Sen's grand enterprise fit together. 无论如何没有谁能正当地去抱怨他们没有看到森先生是如何把他的宏伟事业的每一部分和谐地组合在一起。
Sun Yat-sen may have been a great man, but cultural forces are much stronger than any individual or group of politicians. 孙文是个伟大的人物,但是文化的力量比任何一个个人或政治团体要来的强大。
"In short, it look likes our economy is in need of additional help, " said the committee's chairman, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn. 参议院金融委员会主席、康涅狄格州参议员克里斯托德(ChrisDodd)称,“简而言之,目前看来我们的经济需要额外帮助。”
To highlight the unique status of SUN Yat- sen, Kuomintang gave him a "Party Funeral" rather than a State Funeral. 为了突出孙中山的独特地位,国民党采用了“党葬”而非“国葬”的名义。
Sun Yat-sen, head of the Canton government since 1917, was driven out of his own lair by a war lord. 自1917年起,一直就任广州政府首脑的孙中山被军阀赶了出来。
From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell. " 从空中往下看,中山陵像一座平卧在绿绒毯上的“自由钟”。
The heart of Sen. Obama's spending program is his plan to spend $15 billion a year for 10 years on energy technology. 总统后选人,参议员奥巴马的消费计划是他的计划花费150亿美元的1年10年能源技术。
Nanjing boasts the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum, the Xuanwu Lake, the Qixia Mountain. etc. . . , so Nanjing has rich feelings and a broad mind. 南京拥有中山陵、玄武湖、栖霞山……,所以南京有着丰富的情感和宽广的胸怀。
In the magazine interview, al-Maliki did not indicate that he was endorsing Obama over Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee. 在杂志的采访中,马利基并没有表明自己会支持奥巴马多于共和党候选人麦凯恩。
Obama. Still, this doesn't seem to be hurting Sen. McCain, reinforcing the notion that in politics, attacks work. 不过,这一点似乎无损于麦凯恩的支持率,从而加强了攻击对手在政治中会起到效果的观点。
also known as zij in mountain , consist of the ming xiao ling , the sun yat sen mausoleum and ling gu temple. 钟山即紫金山,三景位于南京市东郊,包括明孝陵中山陵和灵谷寺。
There is no doubt that Dr. Sun Yat-Sen is the greatest man that I ever known in my whole life. 无疑的,中山先生是我一生善良的英语知道的最大的人物。
Since, investment picked up in commodity index funds, particularly from institutional investors, Ms. Sen said. Sen说,此后大宗商品指数基金的投资趋势回升,来自机构投资者的势头尤为明显。
But it robbed the McCain campaign of at least some of the free prime-time exposure it planned to use to build up Sen. 但这也夺走了麦凯恩竞选团队的至少一部分免费黄金时段的节目,该团队本想借此宣扬麦凯恩,批评奥巴马。
The last Chinese emperor, Pu Yi, was the proud owner of two Buicks, as was the country's first provisional president, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. 中国最后一位皇帝溥仪很骄傲其拥有的两辆别克,这个国家第一位临时总统孙中山先生也是如此。
Republicans have controlled the White House for eight years, and Congress for most of that, but Sen. 共和党执掌白宫八年了,也一直掌控着议会。