
美 [dɪˈsaɪd]英 [dɪ'saɪd]
  • v.决定;选定;裁决;判决
  • 网络下决心;解决;判断

第三人称单数:decides 现在分词:deciding 过去式:decided

decide fate,decide question,decide case,decide matter,decide issue
finally decide,ultimately decide



1.[i][t]对…作出抉择;决定;选定to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and choose one of them

2.[t][i]裁决;判决to make an official or legal judgement

3.[t][i]影响(或决定)…的结果to affect the result of sth

4.[t]成为(某人)做某事的原因to be the reason why sb does sth


七年级英语单词表 ... back 回原处;往回去 decide 决定;下决心 wall 墙壁;围墙;城墙 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... back 回原处;往回去 decide 决定;下决心 wall 墙壁;围墙;城墙 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... decent a. 正派的;体面的 decide vt. 决定,决心;解决 decision n. 决定,决心;果 …


执_百度百科 ... 15. 取得[ achieve;acquire;gain;get] 16. 判断[ ascertain;judge;decide] 18. 堵塞[ block] ...


高中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... decision n. 决定,决心;坚定,果断 .. decide vt. 决定,裁决,解决 debt n. 债(务),借款,欠款 .. ...


新目标七年级下英语单词表_百度知道 ... 349 feel v. 感觉,觉得,触摸 352 decide v. 决定,判决 353 wall n. 墙壁,垣 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... decent a. 正派的;体面的 decide vt. 决定,决心;解决 decision n. 决定,决心;果 …

Since Mr. Perez failed to spell out his preferences in writing, it's now up to a Florida judge to decide, in a trial scheduled for August. 由于佩雷斯没有以书面的形式将他的意愿正式写下来,现在一切要由佛罗里达州的一位法官决定,审判将在8月份举行。
I got the ielts score is *, achievement, not very good, but I think language cannot decide, my major is all my strength of important proof. 我考了雅思,分数是*,成绩不太理想,但是我认为语言并不能决定一切,我的专业才是我证明实力的重要凭证。
And then, the next time you decide that you're going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier. 然后,下一次你决定你要采取关于它的什么行动,那个行动将会相当地容易了。
If it is not too deep and you decide to drive through, drive as slowly as you can but keep the engine speed up to avoid stalling. 如水不太深,你决定继续向前驶时,应尽量慢驶,但引擎的转速不可过慢,以防车辆死火。
One popular choice could be "Life is a cup, it's up to you to decide whether it's a drinking cup or a toothbrush cup. " 相信很多人都会提到“人生就是一个杯子,而它是“杯具”还是“洗具”,全由你自己选择。”
They were trying to decide if it looked more like a whale or a shimmering serpent. 他们正在判断它是像一头鲸鱼,还是像粼光闪烁的一条长蛇。
For uncontroversial changes, the NPC is usually allowed to decide itself but more important decisions are made by the party. 对于非争议性的改变,全国人大通常获准自行决定,但更重要的决定要由党作出。
Note that it is up to the server to decide how much it will consider your title. 请注意,对标题的重视程度是完全由服务器决定的。
The "rightness" or "wrongness" of any choice is up to you to decide. 的“正当性”或“不正当”任何选择是由你来决定。
Now, if you get a Ph. D. , and you decide not to teach, you don't always end up in a place like this. 今天如果你获得了一个博士学位,又不想去教书,通常也不会来到这样的一个地方。
Scientists have identified the brain circuits that 'decide' how much we eat. 科学家发现了决定我们饮食量的大脑回路。
Whether the Law of Armed Conflict exert properly decide to be initiative position in the war, which affect directly development of the war. 武装冲突法运用得当与否,关系到在战争或武装冲突中能否处于主动地位,从而直接影响战争进程的顺利发展。
If Apple ever does decide to let all iPhone apps be free, it would be a radical departure from its typical way of doing business. 如果Apple曾经决定使所有的iPhone应用免费的话,这将大大背离了典型的商业操作。
The President must now decide how much horse-trading he's willing to engage in on his top domestic priority. 总统现在必须决定他愿意在自己最重要的国内优先目标上接受多大程度的讨价还价。
As I rest my face in my hands, trying to decide whether to laugh or cry, a small hand pokes me in the back. 当我双手托着脸正想决定是哭还是笑。一只小手在我背后捅了我一下。是美美,还是一脸的严肃表情。
Local commercial livestock farmers will have to decide how much of their N$2-billion industry they want to divert to China, Mutorwa said. 穆托尔瓦说当地饲养商业家畜的农民将必须决定他们20亿美元的产业中会将有多少转向中国。
The Kyd great ambition is not old, ", if you decide the goal on the total champion, that this will help you even more to have the power. " 基德雄心不老,“如果你把目标定在总冠军上,那这将帮助你更加有动力。”
Do you really need an application to help you decide where to eat, how much to tip, where you parked, and what to wear? 你真的需要一个程序来帮你决定去哪儿吃饭,付多少小费,到哪儿停车以及穿什么衣服吗?
Bring your results. Consult your TA about the general appearance of your results. Decide whether any experiments should be repeated. 把你的结果带来。找助教看一下你所得结果的总体外观。决定是否要重做实验。
As it executes, it gathers profiling data, used to decide which code sections are being executed frequently enough to merit compilation. 当HotSpot执行时,会搜集性能分析数据,用来决定哪个代码段执行得足够频繁,值得编译。
As of right now, you know. You can be positive. You can be negative. It's your choice. You decide. From now on you know, you decide. 到现在你清楚了。你能积极起来;你能消极起来。这是你的选择。由你决定。从现在开始,你来决定。
During modeling time, you can however, decide that the activity data is always persisted even if it is not required for navigation. 不过,在建模过程中,即使在导航中不需要活动数据,您仍可以决定始终保持活动数据。
Should the company decide to sell more shares than are authorized, the charter must be amended through a stockholder vote. 公司决定销售超过授权数量的份额,执照就要通过股东投票来修改。
s when I close my eyes and decide if I'; m the person I meant to be when I got up. 在那一刻,我闭上眼睛并且判断当我起床的时候我是否是我想要自己成为的那个人。
drum up customers in the economic downturn: letting customers decide how much they want to pay for their meal. 伦敦餐馆在经济萧条时期出绝招以招揽顾客:餐费随便顾客付。
Before you decide that's a waste of money, imagine how much more it would have cost before the collapse of ad revenues. 在你觉得那是在烧钱之前,想想这个广告还没产生效果之前浪费了多少钱。
He said it is up to Iran to decide whether the time for dialogue has come to an end. 他说,应当由伊朗决定对话的时间是否结束了。
I cannot choose whether the wind is strong or weak, but I can decide how far to sail in a day, or whether to continue sailing at all. 我无法选择风的大小,但我可以决定今天是否继续航行或是航行多远。
The Delegation said that in all cases, it should be up to the General Assembly to adopt such a recommendation or to decide otherwise. 该代表团说,在所有的情况下,都是应该由大会来通过这样一项建议,或作出例外的决定。
No one claims that summer vacation is incomplete without travel. It's up to you to decide how you spend your time. 没有人会认为,暑假不出去旅行就不完整。如何安排时间,这取决于你自己。